The truth to Morgan

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You woke up with the sun shining through the window, feeling more energized than you had in days. You turned in Bucky's arms and smiled at him shyly. This was the first time you had made love in your real bed. He was still asleep, so you just gazed at him for a few minutes. Slowly his eyes opened after a while, and he smiled at you, his eyes crinkling as he did so.
"Good morning" his voice was a little rough and gravelly. You clenched your thighs at the sound of it.
"Good morning" you smiled shyly at him. "I think we slept in" you admitted.
"I thought this was vacation" he grinned at you.
"Vacation from the compound. I promised Morgan to meet him at the diner this morning" you flushed a little.
"Do we have time for a shower together?" he smirked.
"You know my shower is too small for that" you giggled. "Come on, lets get a move on. We have three days to make more love"
"That's not long enough" he shook his head pulling you to him giving you a soft kiss on the lips. "I'm going to enjoy no interruptions" he added.
"So am I" you admitted pulling back and slipping out of bed. You walked naked into the dining room and grabbed your bag with your clothes in it and brought it back into the bedroom. Bucky still laid in bed watching you with interest. "What?" you blushed looking at him.
"Just enjoying the scenery" he finally sat up and grabbed his boxers. He ran outside to the swing where he had stashed his overnight bag and brought it back in getting dressed beside you. You pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans, and a low cut powder blue top with your red converse sneakers. You saw Bucky put on a pair of black jeans and a white Henley and you wanted to tear it off of him already. You sighed and gave him a smile while you brushed your hair out quickly and put your hair up in a bun. You both brushed your teeth at the same time in the bathroom giving each other a kiss once you were done. You weren't surprised to see your neck, collarbone and chest were littered with little kiss marks and flushed a bit.
"You're going to need a sweater" Bucky pointed out while you stopped to feed Leia.
"I forgot to grab one" you admitted shyly. "I think my old clothes are still here somewhere" you started to head to the back room before he stopped you handing you one of his black hoodies. You flushed a little and put it on. It was a bit big, but it was warm. "Thank you, Bucky,"
"You're welcome beautiful" he touched your cheek and leaned down to give you a quick kiss. "Can I drive us to town?" he quirked an eyebrow.
"Yes, of course" you handed him your keys and followed him out the door.

"Now when I heard there was a fight, I figured this is how it was gonna pan out. How are you two doin?" Morgan grinned as Bucky parked the truck and ran to your side to open the door.
"Better" you smiled shyly, as you watched his eyes light up with amusement.
"Much better" Bucky nodded with a grin, pulling you under his arm as you followed Morgan to the door of the diner.
"Now, I had to call in half a sick day for a little girl that just about lost it when she heard you were coming..." Morgan started as Bucky held open the door for you to walk into the diner and you heard the squeal before you saw Maria vaulting herself at you. You picked her up with ease and held her close to you feeling tears prick the back of your eyes.
"You came back!" Maria didn't bother holding back the happy tears. "Just like you promised" she pulled back to look at you happily.
"I had to come see my girl" you cooed to her while you saw Ma and Pops come over to give you a hug. There were several customers looking on curiously in the diner, but for once you didn't mind.
"I had the best date, he brought me flowers" she told you eagerly. "I think dad told him" she jumped down and threw herself at Bucky who caught her with ease and he lifted her up seeming to be a little surprised at the affection. Ma and Pops both gave you a hug and kiss before moving to Bucky and doing the same thing while Maria continued to hang off of him. Morgan threw his arm over your shoulders and led you to the back table.
"Penelope already warned me we are headed over tonight for supper, and she's bringing it. She couldn't get the time off work this morning" he seemed almost apologetic.
"No worries, we can have a bon fire" you smiled as you slipped into the seat and Bucky slipped in beside you.
"You don't look like you were hurt at all baby girl" Maria sat beside her dad looking at you worriedly.
"We heard you got hurt on a mission" Ma and Pops had followed you both to the booth.
"I did, but I had a lot of people taking care of me. They have some pretty great machinery that heals you up good as new" you gave a shy smile.
"You been taking care of my girl James?" Morgan looked at Bucky seriously.
"As much as she lets me. She's pretty stubborn" Bucky grinned, and flushed a little.
"I want details on that mission later" Morgan looked at you meaningfully.
"Its better that you don't know" you whispered, looking to Maria.
"I'd rather know" he spoke firmly. "So how is the first day of vacation?" he grinned.
"Good to see family" you smiled, and felt Ma give you a kiss on the cheek.
"I'll go get your usual drinks. Coffee, Bucky?" she asked.
"Yes please" Bucky nodded. Pops gave you another hug before heading back to the kitchen.
"So tell me about this date" you looked at Maria.
"It was fun, he bought me some flowers and dad drove us to the theater. We watched an action movie and he held my hand. He asked me on another date for next week, and dad already said he would take us again" she rolled her eyes.
"Gotta take care of my girl" Morgan smiled with pride.
"Dad, his parents can drive us too" she blushed a bit.
"Not as long as its my daughter going on the date" Morgan shook his head.
"Who drives on your dates Y/N?" Maria asked suddenly and you flushed.
"We both have, but Bucky prefers to drive" you gave a soft smile.
"I'm old fashioned" Bucky admitted easily.
"What do you two do on your dates?" she pushed and you saw Morgan giving a smirk while looking at your neck momentarily.
"Well, we've gone to dinner a few times, the carnival, and dancing, and ice cream. It's not always so much what we are doing, its just that we are enjoying our time together" you thought about it for a moment. "Us coming back up here could be considered a date too" you shrugged.
"It is a date" Bucky nodded. "Speaking of, I have to go get something after"
"Flowers?" Maria teased.
"You want to come help choose some out while your dad and Y/N catch up?" he cocked an eyebrow.
"Yes!" she jumped up and down eagerly in her seat and Morgan let her out. Bucky gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and told you to order for him while he was gone.
"Since little ears are not here, you wanna tell me what happened? And I'm not asking about the part where you two made up. I want to know what happened on that mission" Morgan's face was serious suddenly.
"There are things I never told you about, about me" you flushed a deep red. "Secrets I didn't want to burden anyone with"
"Start talkin" he smiled at Ma as she put the drinks on the table and hurried away again.
"I was sold as a child to Hydra, and held captive for ten years while I was experimented on. They tortured me almost every day to see how far they could push my limits. There were other children that were sold as well, that endured the experiments. The experiments had different effects for each of us. I always thought that we all wanted to escape, and be free. But the others that survived, embraced their new life where I didn't. When I came here, I wanted a quiet life and to hide away from Hydra. Then the Avengers found me and found out what I was hiding and showed me I didn't have to hide anymore. They gave me a reason to believe I could help people like me, and get justice for those kids. I had been on about four missions successfully getting intel and going back to the compound. On my fifth mission, there was another enhanced who I had never seen before. He was waiting for me. I tried to tell him that there's a life outside of Hydra, and he didn't have to be their pawn anymore. I tried to tell him that he could be free, but I guess he embraced his life as it is now too. He... had a werewolf form, so I know that it was the shifter serum they had used on someone I knew growing up. When he attacked, I was so busy worrying about saving him I forgot not everyone wants to be saved. He put his claws straight through my stomach into my back. He nicked a few arteries. I finally got him cuffed and had help getting him back to the jet to have him sent for processing. They will send him to the raft once they are done interrogating him" you felt your voice waiver a bit towards the end.
"You can't save everyone baby girl. Why didn't you tell me what you were hiding from?" he looked at you worriedly.
"I didn't want you to judge me, or look at me with pity" you admitted softly. "I liked that you guys treated me as an equal"
"You still are baby girl" he pushed your coffee towards you. "That isn't going to change, just because I know the secrets of your past"
"They are still trying to experiment on kids, Morgan" you looked at him with heartbreak in your eyes. "I found some of the lists, and we had someone get to them in time, but it seems like a never-ending cycle. They just care about their experiments and creating more" you took a sip of your coffee. "Then they put all the Avengers compound on lockdown after I got hurt, and they started babying me, and all I can think about is getting back out there on missions to save more lives and it pissed me off. They wanted me to take it easy and heal, but Hydra never gave me that luxury. It was kill or be killed. You either survived or you died, regardless of what kind of shape you were in"
"You need to let them take care of you. What hydra did is not the way you treat anyone. Taking things slow was the right idea. You should give them more credit. They have been on more missions than you" he sassed you a bit.
"Then of course I was going stir crazy, and ended up in an argument with the man I love" you rolled your eyes at the memory of it. "He just wants me safe, and I selfishly want to push forward and keep going"
"I can tell that man loves you by the way he looks at you, you should give him more credit. Not just anyone looks at you like you are their whole world. That's true love, and its hard to find" he took a sip of his coffee and smirked as he saw Bucky and Maria returning with the biggest bouquet of flowers they could find.
"I don't want anyone to know about my past Morgan. Its better its kept there. I just want to move forward" you looked at him sadly.
"You have my word" he nodded his head as you both watched Bucky open the door for Maria to walk through first. You heard her giggle from the doorway as she ran back to sitting beside her father and Bucky took long strides towards you with the flowers behind his back. You bit your bottom lip and gave a shy smile.
"For the most beautiful woman in the world" he held them out to you proudly and you flushed. He slid in the booth beside you and you gave him a kiss softly on the lips.
"That's up for debate James" you flushed a deep red.
"Not for me" he gave you another kiss on the cheek. You took a deep inhale of the flowers, and smiled shyly seeing Morgan and Maria beaming looking at you.
"Breakfast, we made the special's for you" Ma came over and put plates on the table. You saw it was pancakes, bacon, eggs, and fruit.
"Thanks Ma, you know us well" Morgan grinned up at his mother.
"I missed these" you admitted, taking the syrup and putting it on your pancakes before handing it to Bucky without a second thought.
"You're lucky, your father wanted to add more since we have Y/N home for a few days" she winked.
"Oh Ma, I can't eat that much" you shook your head.
"Sure you can, you always work hard" Bucky tapped your thigh with his hand. You flushed and gave him a smile.
"We are closing the diner tonight to come up for supper" Ma warned you ahead of time.
"But you never close the diner?" you were confused.
"We know you won't get home often, and we want some time with you too" she smiled and headed away.
"Are you going to show me more animals tonight? Please, pretty please" Maria already had some syrup around her lips and you smiled affectionately. You looked at Bucky who held the same smile.
"If you can keep it a secret, I'll show you what I can do" you promised. "I've got better control on it, just remember I get a little tired right now when I use a lot of it so it might not be long"
"Promise" Maria nodded quickly. "Dad!" she looked at Morgan.
"Double promise" he chuckled.

Once you were done eating, Morgan had to bring Maria to school but promised to be back in the evening with the family. You looped your arm through Bucky's after he was done arguing with Ma that he was paying for breakfast. You saw the look on his face and knew you couldn't argue with him. She laughed and finally let him. You both got back in the truck, and you slipped over the seat to give him a soft kiss on the lips. He grinned at you widely and then reached over for another kiss.
"We headed home doll?" he looked at you seriously.
"Where else did you want to go?" you looked at him curiously.
"Maybe grab some groceries for a few days, looks like the truck needs some gas" he smiled at you softly.
"That sounds like a much better idea, but I'm paying for the groceries and gas since you got breakfast" you grinned.
"Let me take care of you doll, its for both of us, and I'm driving" he had that stubborn look in his eyes again as he started reversing the truck out of its spot.
"Bucky..." you sighed.
"I'm old fashioned, let me take care of my dame" he smirked knowing that he was going to win.
"I'll make love to you with the inhibitor off tonight if you let me pay for one of them" you offered and he suddenly hit the breaks in the middle of traffic looking at you with a blush across his cheeks.
"You can pay for groceries" he flushed even more and started driving to the gas station.
"I'm glad we could have this conversation" you giggled.

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