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By the time Bucky landed the jet, Alpine was asleep inside his jacket pocket again and Leia was passed out in the back of the jet. You had sat in the co-pilot chair for the flight home, a majority of the time holding Bucky's hand and you both just talked about anything and everything that you could. You felt stronger than you did a few days ago, and a lot better now that you had gone for a few runs. Your mental health was better after seeing Morgan and his family again too. You were a little sad things were cut short, but the advertisement of your relationship with Bucky in the newspaper was something that had caught you a bit off guard. You weren't expecting that to happen when you were back home. It basically was a beacon that you had left the compound, just daring Hydra to come to the little town to see if they could find you. You were worried that the family was going to be in danger, but they were in more danger with you there. Having shared your secret with Morgan was a weight off of your shoulders for sure, and now he knew more what to look for when it came to danger.
"Doll?" Bucky looked at you expectantly when you were just spaced out looking out the window.
"Hmm?" you glanced at him.
"Time to go, we're home" he pointed out that he had landed a few minutes ago. "Its safer here, then it was there"
"I know" you gave a smile, and undid your seat belt. You went to grab the bags, but Bucky beat you to it. He still had Alpine in his jacket pocket who was sleeping with a loud purr. He opened the back hatch and you saw the team waiting expectantly with Happy and Pepper looking on.
"Are you two done fighting?" was the first thing out of Steve's mouth, with a huge grin on his face. Bucky flushed a bit while Nat came over and pulled you into a hug.
"Yeah punk, we stopped fighting shortly after she arrived" Bucky nodded.
"Come here Sunshine" Bruce came over to give you a hug, while Tony was staring at Bucky with a look on his face like he wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh or scream.
"I see you brought something back with you" Tony gave you a hug, quickly followed by the rest of the team and lastly by Pepper. You didn't even squirm, but just enjoyed the affection.
"Yeah, this is Alpine. He's mine, I guess. Or I'm his" Bucky flushed taking the little kitten out of his pocket and showing it proudly to Steve and Tony who were standing in front of him.
"We will have to put pet doors on your room too now" Pepper grinned giving the kitten a small pat. Steve just grinned and shook his head with a chuckle.
"No need, I'm going to move into Y/N's room" Bucky announced suddenly and everyone looked a little shocked. "I'll just need the microchip I guess" he blushed even more while you leaned up on your tip toes to give him a kiss on the cheek.
"Didn't you two just have a big fight?" Sam was shocked.
"We did" you flushed a bit. "Sorry for telling you to fuck off Sam"
"And now your moving in together?" Happy finished for him.
"I asked her, she said yes" Bucky grinned to himself. "Just until the couple accommodations are ready, I guess" he shrugged.
"That will be another few weeks" Tony was trying to fight back a grin, while Nat and Pepper looked at each other knowingly.
"Its not like either of us have a lot of stuff right now anyways, there's lots of room in my room" you flushed, not having thought he meant right away but you were glad for it. Leia suddenly rushed past you to see Harry and Chewy who barked at her happily before coming to you and Bucky for some hugs. Both of you reached down to give him some pats before heading inside with the others.
"You have to go see Doctor Joy, I told her you went on a run and that you were fine. She wants to just evaluate you. I promise, no more babying. Happy made sure we understood you weren't appreciating it" Tony admitted. "But you need to follow the doctor's orders" he warned you.
"Morgan told me off for getting upset about that. You guys have been doing this a long time, and I shouldn't have been upset. I was so used to the way Hydra did it long ago, I guess I forgot that sometimes its really about making sure things are done correctly" you looked at him sheepishly. "I'm sorry I just left like that"
"We might have babied you too much" Bruce shrugged. "But that's what family does, they care"
"And you can't just leave me like that again. I had two dogs and a cat trying to take up most of our bed while you were gone" Nat gave you a playful smack on the butt and you yelped a bit as you walked in the door.
"I'll go see Doc, and I'll be right back" you gave a small smile.
"We will see you in the morning Sunshine" Bruce waved you off.
"With your coffee" Happy added and you smiled at him appreciatively.

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