Bucky's finally home**

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You woke up sick to your stomach again the following morning, and you were second guessing that maybe you should be hiding this from everyone, besides Wanda and Doctor Joy. You barely heard the knock on your door when you got up to brush your teeth, and looked in the mirror. You were pale, and looked like death.
"Y/N?" Wanda was at your bathroom door and you opened it slowly. "Yikes, someone's having a rough morning"
"Just a..." you turned and ran back to the toilet. She came in and rubbed circles on your back when you started dry heaving.
"I wish I could take some of your pain" she sounded sincere.
"I wouldn't give it up for the world" you flushed the toilet and went to brush your teeth for the second time. "It's going to be worth it" you tried to look at the positive side of things.
"Doctor Joy is waiting to see you before breakfast" she grimaced at the sight of you. You tried putting a hairbrush through your hair but decided it was too much of a chore and put it in a ponytail. "I need to make some cookies I think" you gave her a smirk. "She's keeping this off the books for now"
"I'll help you" she smiled brightly and followed you to your closet where you put on a pair of overalls and one of Bucky's t-shirts and sweaters.
"Come on you two" you picked up Alpine and Frost putting them in the front of your overalls walking slowly out to the living room to exit your suite. Wanda threw her powers at the dryer, and it turned back on.
"You didn't get to it yesterday, just to fluff it up" she gave a smile.
"I'll never get used to having you in my head" you giggled a little while nausea took over again. "I think I'll tell Bucky after he gets home" you whispered to her. "He's going to notice I'm sick anyways"
"It is best to tell him in person" she nodded as you made your way to Doctor Joys office quietly. She waved you both in quickly and shut the door.
"I'm getting a lot of inquiries about your health young lady" Doctor Joy hooked you up to the monitors while taking your pulse. "Your running a high temperature, which I think has to do with those two little beans in there"
"Well, I will be the first enhanced to do this, that we know of" you acknowledged. "I just need to wait for Bucky to get home to tell him"
"Good, so once you tell him I can update your file. Do you know how hard it is not to want to record every second of this?" she rolled her eyes. "This is unchartered territory"
"As soon as Bucky knows, we will see how he takes the news and then we can tell the team" you nodded unsurely to yourself.
"You'll be benched until further notice, you know that right?" Doctor Joy asked you softly.
"I'm fine in the afternoon and evenings" you whined. "Don't let them bench me yet"
"Lets check on them again" she seemed excited at the prospect of all this. You laid back and Wanda came over to hold your hand while she put the jelly on your stomach again. She turned up the volume, and you heard the two little heartbeats again and couldn't help but smile.
"There's my little beans" you said proudly looking to Wanda who couldn't help but smile back at you.
"Come on, they are waiting at breakfast" Wanda said after a while. Doctor Joy cleaned you up and you put the cats back in your overalls to go to breakfast.

"There they are, we were about to send a search party" Tony called out as you put the two cats at their bowl where Lily was already eating.
"Doc says I'm fine, just running a little higher temperature. She said to rest a bit more" you didn't lie. "Ohh... is that bacon? I'm famished" you sat at your spot taking an extra portion of bacon and eggs while you were at it.
"Are you sure its nothing we should be worried about Sunshine?" Bruce asked softly from beside you.
"I'm fine" you smiled widely at him. "Just need some rest, but I will be making some cookies today"
"Oh good, we are almost out again. I did pull out two of your peach pies for supper" Pepper smiled at you. "Its time to fill the freezer again"
"I should make some Christmas cookies too" you chewed on your food thoughtfully.
"I'll help today" Wanda promised.
"We could use one of you on a recon mission today" Steve seemed worried about bringing it up.
"Oh, I'll go!" you volunteered right away.
"No, your benched for a few days. You got shot, twice" Steve shook his head.
"I'll go instead of Wanda; she's been on a lot of missions too" Pietro offered.
"Good, glad that's settled" Tony nodded approvingly.
"If you get tired, you need to lay down today" Pepper reminded you.
"Happy will make sure of it" you nodded looking to Happy with a grin.
"Its weirding me out that you're willing to lay down at all" Happy shook his head chuckling.
"Any word on Nat and Bucky? Christmas is almost here" Bruce asked softly.
"They volunteered to interrogate one last individual, and then they are coming home once they are satisfied that they scared the shit out of him" Tony looked over. "A scientist apparently" his eyes went to you. You flushed a bit, and nodded in understanding.
"He won't take much, he's a coward" you shrugged. "All big and strong until he's on the receiving end"
"Good" Bruce nodded more to himself.

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