Mario Kart**

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You woke up when Nat came out saying supper was ready. You were still curled up on Bucky with your head on his shoulder, Steve sitting beside both of you quietly throwing the dog toys. You sat up a little, giving Bucky a kiss on the cheek and slid off his lap easily.
"Thank you both" you smiled shyly at them. "I guess I was tired still" you let out a little yawn.
"Don't worry about it doll" Steve smiled at you.
"Come on" Bucky pulled on your hand, pulling you back to him. "I heard you pushed it too far today with the testing"
"The equipment is ready for enhanced, that's all that matters" you put your free hand on his chest. "Steve told me I can't do any more tests on it, so I'll scrap the rest for now"
"What else were you making?" Steve's eyebrows furrowed.
"Widow bites for enhanced, and bullets that work against the advanced healing" you flushed.
"We could use those" Bucky looked at Steve seriously. "But not if they need to be tested"
"We can test them in the field" Steve seemed to think about it for a moment. "Is it the same as the other equipment?" You nodded, biting your bottom lip. "Make the widow bites, but no testing"
Bucky stood up and pulled you against his chest and gazed down at you, touching the side of your cheek. "Maybe we will call it an early night, you still look tired" he looked worried.
"I'll be fine" you smiled and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. "We can read for a bit or watch a movie after supper" you turned and led them back in through the door. Steve grabbed it before you got to it, and you flushed giving a quick thank you.

"There's our Kitten" Pepper announced as you came in and slipped into your chair beside Nat. "We heard the tests went good for the new gear. Good job!" she smiled happily.
"I just have the widow bites left to make, Steve said we would test them in the field" you nodded seeing that Sam made a seafood casserole and smiled at him appreciatively. "This looks amazing"
"Just for you sexy legs" Sam flirted and grinned when you flushed again. Bucky and Steve took their seats, while Bucky glared a bit.
"We finished decrypting the data" Bruce spoke up as you all started to dig in. "We will need Sunshine for a few days away from the gym. There's a lot to go through, and the extra set of eyes will be helpful"
"I can start on it tonight" you offered.
"No, it can wait till morning. You did enough for today" Tony shook his head.
"Are we almost out of lockdown then?" Happy seemed concerned.
"It might be another week, I spoke to Wanda, Vision and Pietro today. They are doing fine. Rhody texted me that he's on government work and wont be available for a bit anyway" Tony easily replied. "Its nice having you and Pepper close by" he added.
"Its not helping with my meetings, Tony. Stark industries do have a lot of meetings that you never went to. Being there virtually isn't getting my point across" Pepper rolled her eyes.
"Hire an assistant" Tony shrugged. "They can go in where you can't, and push the monitor closer for when your yelling"
There were a few chuckles around the room, but Pepper didn't look pleased.
"I would like to go outside again" you spoke up softly. Bucky looked at you in surprise, and Tony raised his eyebrows. "I wanted to go to the museum. I heard there's a big one, and I've never been" you flushed.
"I'll take you when its over" Bucky promised.
"You'll be right at home with the fossils" Sam quipped and you heard some chuckles again. You gave a small smile and shook your head.

Once supper was over, Nat and Bruce went to go finish their laundry and put it away while Pepper and Tony went to their own suite. Sam challenged Steve to Mario Kart while Happy sat in the living room with them and read his newspaper. Bucky curled up on the couch with you and Alpine and you both had your books. You rested under his flesh arm while you read a mystery novel you had gotten out of the mail. You barely registered that Bucky had dozed off until he pulled you closer to him and you saw his book was on his lap.
"You want to play?" Sam looked at you expectantly.
"I've never played" you admitted, feeling a little intrigued. "How does it work?"
"Get over here, we will show you" Steve invited you. You slipped out from under Bucky's arm and put your book down, going to sit between them. They handed you the controller and went over the basics and started the screen up again. At first you kept falling off the side and couldn't control it very well. By the fifth time through you were starting to get it, and hit both of them off of the rainbow road once each. You didn't win, but you saw the appeal. You giggled as you made Sam swear, and knew you wanted to make him do it again. You threw another turtle shell at him and he let out another loud "fuck" as Steve told him "Language!". You couldn't help but continue giggling every time you went to throw something at either one of them. By the tenth game you finally won the race and stood up to do a happy dance. Both of them laughed, while Happy chuckled from behind you.
"Want to play too Happy?" you asked innocently.
"Sure" he nodded. You handed him the controller while he took your seat, you just sat in front of Steve and watched the TV while he played against them. Happy won a few times, while Sam let out a few more curse words. You leaned back against Steve's legs and looked over at Bucky who was awake and just smiling watching the four of you.
"Now we have something else to do when there's downtime Happs" you grinned happily and got up going to Bucky. "Ready for bed handsome?" you picked up your book and his. He nodded to you silently and he followed you out of the living room with Alpine on his shoulder. You both called your goodnights over your shoulder.

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