Christmas part 2**

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When you woke up, Nat still had her arm around you protectively with Yelena having an in depth conversation about the newest vest she had bought that had lots of pockets and what each pocket was allocated for. Bucky, Steve, Thor and Loki were sipping from a flask while you saw Tony was drinking a beer with Clint and Sam. Bruce seemed content with his bottle of water, while Nat had a glass of wine with Yelena. You looked around the room a little confused for a moment and got up.
"Where are you headed? Its almost supper time" Nat held your hand for a moment.
"I need to pee" you blushed a little. "I also wanted to check to see if Frost is back out of hiding yet"
"I'll help you look for him tomorrow if he doesn't turn up" she promised and you bit your bottom lip before heading out of the room.

You grabbed your phone as you were trying to navigate around your living room. There were gifts just everywhere. You checked it to see that you had a few new emails, and a text message from Maria telling you about her new laptop from her parents. You smiled to yourself and responded quickly before bending down to pick up some of the new clothes to start putting things away. You weren't used to the suite seeming to be in such disarray. You continued to clean things up, not thinking about the time trying to keep an eye out for Frost who had just gone and disappeared yesterday with no warning. You checked the closet as you put both yours and Bucky's clothes away. You checked under the bed while cleaning up the discarded clothes from the night before. You looked on the balcony and saw tiny little pawprints however they looked to be more Lily's size rather than Frost. You tried to pick up the cribs but felt a slight pull in your back and decided to leave it for Bucky to put in the spare bedroom. You picked up the records and books, putting them on the shelves.
"Doll?" Bucky came in looking at you worriedly.
"Sorry, I just was looking for Frost and started cleaning up a bit" you admitted. "There's a lot of people here" you flushed a bit.
"We've been waiting for you at the supper table" he gave a knowing smile. "We could eat in here just the two of us"
"No, I'm good" you smiled at him, leaning up to kiss him gently on the cheek. "Lets go" you took his hand and led him back to the dining room.
"So much for just a pee" Nat giggled as you sat down.
"I still can't find my Frost. I'm sure he'd love the turkey supper" you pouted a little.
"I'm sure he will turn up" Steve smiled. "He might not like the crowds" he added for good measure.
The food started getting shared around the table, while Tony carved the turkey and handed it out. You suddenly found yourself famished, and tucked in gratefully. Easy conversation went around the table while everyone ate, Bucky smiled at you when Tony started giving a speech about everything the team had been through over the year, and how grateful he was for family. It hit you a little harder than usual, thinking that you not only received a family through adoption, but were making a family of your own. You still couldn't believe you were engaged after only knowing Bucky for less than a year, but you wouldn't change a thing. It felt right, in a world that never felt right to you in the first place.
"I'm grateful too, for a downed jet" Bucky suddenly said out loud, catching you off guard. He was adding onto Tony's speech and you couldn't help but blush a little bit.
"We all are" Bruce added.
"The feeling is mutual, its changed my life in a good way" you stammered out at first.
"I remember the first time seeing you, you looked like a frightened kitten swimming in clothes" Thor boomed. Loki looked to him with questions on his face, but then he smirked and looked away.
"Is it true you wouldn't let anyone touch you?" Aunt May leaned forward, sitting closely to Happy who seemed to be in Heaven.
"I didn't like it, no. Maria was the only exception, because she never gave me a choice. I was scared of hurting people. Now that I have the inhibitor, its much easier to relax" you flushed a little. "I still feel timid around new people, but I've grown to accept it is necessary"
"Good for you, you've obviously come a long way" Laura smiled kindly at you from beside Clint. Bucky grinned and put his arm around you and reached over giving you a kiss on the cheek. You beamed at him, feeling so full of love.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن