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Tony and Bruce were working on some of the data they had pulled from the base they had just raided. It seems there was a lot of encryptions that they were working on trying to get past. Friday announced she was done decrypting some of the data they just brought home. He saw it was another list of sleeper agents within SHIELD.  Even worse he saw a few names that he recognized from higher up in the SHIELD organization. One of which was in charge of missions specifically. He printed out the list, and decided to deliver it personally to Fury. It was only an hour by jet, and most of the individuals would be in the SHEILD building. He tried calling to give a heads up he was on the way, but got voicemail instead.
"Weird" Tony hung up his phone and Bruce looked up from his computer.
"What?" Bruce asked curiously.
"I called Fury and it went right to voicemail. I need to get this list to him. It took too long to get this decrypted. Anyone going on missions will be in danger" he paused for a moment, thinking he remembered Happy telling him how you felt like the hydra agents were waiting for you the last time you went on a mission. "Friday, I want you to work on decrypting these files ASAP" he called out and put the list in his pocket before calling on his suit while heading for the door.
"Let me know how it goes!" Bruce called to his steadily retreating form.

When Tony landed he saw Maria Hill sitting outside with her head in her hands looking incredibly upset and blood all over her hands. He started to head towards her, wondering why she wasn't with Fury.
"Where's Fury?" he stopped in front of her, and she looked up at him with tears in her eyes.
"Surgery room with Doctor Cho. I'll bring you" she stood up trying to calm herself down.
"What happened? Did you get too much into a sparring session?" he joked as they started walking into the base.
"Wait, no one called you?" she turned to look at him fully.
"Why would anyone call me?" he started to feel something pull at his gut.
"It's Y/N, they were waiting for us..." she trailed off. "She went against an enhanced and some agents. She's in surgery"
"What kind of enhanced? What do mean she's in surgery?!" he demanded. Maria shook her head and started to lead him further into the complex. "She's a fast healer" he started running towards where he knew that Fury would be, Maria closely behind him.
He stopped in front of window and saw that Fury was standing over you while Doctor Cho was doing surgery on your side, your body was opened up and she looked like she was concentrating. Tony took out the list and hit it against the window, he was infuriated that he wasn't called. He was angry that he wasn't given the opportunity to approve this mission. Fury looked up and walked away from Doctor Cho taking a moment to look over the list. He nodded his head, and pointed to Maria and motioned for her to come in to stand watch. She left Tony's side and ran in taking point by the door guarding you.
"What happened?" Tony demanded as soon as Fury came to his side.
"The enhanced stabbed her through the stomach and nicked some arteries. She tried holding on as long as she could in her frost form, we think that it helped save her" Fury spoke plainly. "She's in the best hands possible, we are keeping her asleep until after we can get her in the machine to heal the damage to her skin"
"Why didn't you ask for approval?! She's a new avenger, she should have had backup" Tony yelled.
"She had back up, I had my best agent with her. She didn't call for help, she was trying to reason with the enhanced that they could be free from Hydra. We didn't get your approval because there are snakes in here, and they are targeting the Avengers team. Agent Y/N has been getting the data so that we can find out the source. We were trying to keep you safe. We didn't think they would target her" he responded, keeping his voice calm.
"She's got a bounty on her head, and you've been sending her on missions with one of those snakes sending her personally" Tony wanted to punch someone, something, anything.
"Tony, she's going to be fine. I need that list" he held out his hand.
"No more secret missions" Tony shook his head. "She's on our team"
"Tony, you need to calm down. I will run all missions past you and Steve going forward, but she is still an Avenger. She is highly successful, and she's going to be fine" Fury spoke firmly taking the list from Tony's hand. "I want you to go in that room, and shoot anyone who tries to come in that isn't me until I have this taken care of" he walked away at a quickened pace. Tony walked into the room and stood in the corner watching closely as he watched Doctor Cho work on you. He wasn't normally squeamish, but his stomach was turning at the amount of large wounds littered your body that was visible to him. He remembered you had a smile as you had walked out of the compound this morning, and thought about how you seemed to excel at everything you did. You had a firm determination in everything that you did, and a bright personality that was hard not to love. You had even wormed your way into Happy's heart in only a matter of days.
"She's going to pull through you two, stop worrying" Doctor Cho started stitching you up on your stomach. "She's a strong one" she went past Tony to replace the blood bag that was working on replacing the blood that you had lost. "She just needs one more, and then we can put her in the machine" she added walking back to start stictching the wounds on your face, arms, and legs.
"Maria, you should wash up" Tony saw that her hands were still full of blood, and she seemed to be shaking a little. She looked at him surprised, then looked at her hands realizing that she was still full of blood. She went to the sink and started scrubbing at the blood.
"I should have gone in sooner" Maria finally whispered. "She yelled out there was an enhanced, but I heard her trying to reason with him. She seemed so confident. She didn't want me going in, and I shouldn't have listened"
"We will start doing these missions in teams, stop blaming yourself. She believes in the best of people, and wouldn't want you to get hurt" Tony shook his head, still wanting to yell at someone, but seeing how shaken Maria was he couldn't help but try to ease her pain a little. He watched Doctor Cho go and close the curtains to the window to the hallway that normally only Fury would stand at, then she grabbed a wash basin headed towards you. Tony politely turned around while she pulled back the sheet and started washing the blood off of your skin. He couldn't get over how pale you looked and how dark the blood was in stark contrast to your skin. He was silently thankful that she was washing it away and that they were putting you in the machine to help speed up the healing process. He took out his phone and texted Pepper, not feeling safe if she was so far away and asked her to come back to the compound to work from home for a few days. He told her to make sure to bring Happy since he knew what was coming next you wouldn't like. He was going to put a stop to training for a few days, and Happy would know exactly how to handle you like that.

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