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You went to work that afternoon, leaving Natasha and Bruce at the house. Natasha told you she reached out to Tony and gave the co-ordinates so that they could come help with clean up and help fix the jet so they could go home. You didn't really mind. The sooner the two jets were gone, the better and safer you would feel. You weren't used to the innocent touches that Nat kept doing to your shoulder, although it did feel nice you wouldn't admit it out loud. You also weren't used to being asked a million questions about your emotions and the link to your powers. Bruce seemed to have never ending questions for you, even when you were dragging dead bodies into the hydra jet he never stopped asking questions. You almost wanted to cry with relief when you went to work. You could finally listen to your music without seeming rude on the drive there. You made sure that the dogs and cat were fed before leaving, and tried to avoid Nats pat on the shoulder out the door.

When Tony landed the jet, it was close to 10pm at night locally, and he put it right beside the one from Hydra they intended to get rid of as soon as they were done inspecting it. Nat and Bruce came running out of a cabin with big smiles on their faces. Leia, Chewy and Harry seemed far more apprehensive and were growling. The back of the jet opened up, and the first ones out were Clint and Tony. Clint went and gave a small hug to Natasha, looking over her face then studying Bruce's to see what kind of damage they received. Leia herded Chewy and Harry back to the cabin, seeing that these were friends of the couple, and felt safer further away, just in case.
"I have a million questions" Tony started looking at Bruce.
"Her name is Y/N, and she's at work. She saved us, and trust me the other guy almost had to come out. She was calm as a cucumber, and she just took the entire hydra team out in seconds. I've never seen anything like it. She's enhanced by Hydra, but she wont talk about it much. She escaped years ago and has been hiding out here. It was a chance meeting" Bruce started going into details. "Her powers are fueled by..." he was really getting into the conversation when the rest of the team came over.
"Are you two okay, that's what we were worried about" Steve asked, putting a hand on Bruce's shoulder interrupting him.
"We are fine, thanks to Y/N" Nat gave a nod.
"So why are we all here?" Sam looked around, taking in the small piece of paradise in the woods.
"In case Hydra comes back, and fix a jet" Tony shrugged. "And it has nothing to do with finding out more about this enhanced they found" That part was a lie. When Nat started explaining the extent of the woman's capabilities, he had to see it for himself. He was intrigued by the thought of someone using ice and flame with such accuracy. He had only seen powers like that with Wanda, and was excited to see someone else put them in action.
"That cabin isn't going to fit all of us" Clint pointed. "I also doubt the dogs will let us in"
"Leia, Harry and Chewy will be fine. They are more protective of their owner, and from what we can tell its for a good reason.
"What time will she be back? Can I do some tests? Can I ask questions?" Tony looked at Bruce.
"Bruce asked plenty already, ask him first" Nat spoke up. "Tests, are a no. She doesn't want to be experimented on again"
"But I brought lab equipment" Tony pouted, and followed Nat and Bruce's lead into the little cabin.

You finished work at 3am, after cleaning up the diner. There was a midnight rush that was unavoidable. There was a fair that had gone to the next town over, and people were stopping in on their way home. You had never been to a fair, but they spoke highly of it. You made sure that all the cash was deposited in the safe for tomorrow morning, and balanced the morning's till for whoever would be opening. You knew you were avoiding going home, but it was mainly because you had a feeling that there would be more questions again. As loveable and well mannered as Dr Banner was, you were not up for more questions. You wanted to just go on your porch swing and have a rest since your feet were killing you. You sat at the counter for one more moment and counted out your tips seeing that you made far more than usual. Maybe you'd splurge and go buy the dogs a few new toys or get another few books to read.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now