More Wedding Prep

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When you got to the dining room Bucky pulled out your chair, and gave you a kiss on the cheek before sitting down himself. He seemed more at ease today, than he was yesterday.
"We have a full day ahead of us" Nat warned you with the biggest smile.
"I've already started planning the wedding party when you both get back from the honeymoon" Tony grinned to himself. "Only select people of course, but we are going to allow some photography. Don't ruin your wedding clothes" he warned.
"I've already been told" Bucky smirked. "I make no promises"
"You ready for today Buck?" Steve asked gently. "Its going to be another big day for you"
"I'm coming home to my soon to be wife, I'll be good" Bucky smiled looking at you adoringly.
"That newlywed bliss isn't going to go away too quick, just a warning" Clint looked up knowingly and gave a smile.
"We need to stop by the tux store again" Tony was typing on his phone, while Pepper was doing the exact same thing.
"How is your anxiety Kitten?" Loki looked at you expectantly.
"I shouldn't be in pregnancy clothes already. I feel like I'm gaining back all the weight that I lost from working out so much here" you pouted.
"I love you no matter your size, and I really love the way those jeans fit on you" Bucky leaned over giving you a loud kiss on the cheek.
"I went up a size already" you pouted even more.
"Just remember its for two babies" Bruce grinned at you. "You still look beautiful Sunshine"
"Did you finish the registry?" Nat demanded.
"Yes, we finished it. It was mainly stuff for a house, so we went with stuff for the cabin or what we could use here" you nodded. "We used the name Barnes for the registry, on the website you gave me" you flushed a little.
"Good, that gives us something to look at" Pepper smiled, and went back to her phone. You started digging into your cheese omelet and Steve passed down the pickles without a word to you. You quickly added them to your plate. Bucky put extra bacon on your plate while putting some on his own. You smiled gratefully at him, and went back to your food. It was delicious, and no one could tell you any different. You saw Happy had left you your tea and went to take a sip only to be surprised it was a caffeine free latte.
"Happy, how did you know?" you looked up with a large smile.
"Pepper" he grinned at you. "I didn't know it was an option" he admitted and started to chuckle as you did your happy dance in your chair.
"I'm going to miss that for the two weeks your gone" Scott chuckled. "You always dancing" he shook his head.
"Leia and Lily will be staying with me, in case your worried" Steve let you know softly.
"Thank you Stevie" you gave a grateful smile.
"You're more than welcome. Give's Harry back a little bit of his buddies for a while" he shrugged.
"He will have to get used to sharing again, you mean?" Bucky gave a grin.
"So there's today, tomorrow, and then it's the wedding?" you asked softly.
"Yes, the girls will all be staying here, and the boys will be leaving to the destination the night before to make sure everything is set up correctly. We will be taking the jet in the morning after we are done getting ready, so its off the jet and down the aisle" Pepper smiled happily. "The official party is Tony's baby, and the wedding planner is working on that as well"
"Its not two weddings, right?" you asked in surprise.
"No, more like a second reception" Tony smiled mischievously. "We will be having it here at the compound in the big event room, the next complex over. Bravo team already RSVP'd they wouldn't miss it. So did Fury, and Maria"
You quickly finished your plate and saw that everyone was basically done.
"I'm stealing your man for a bit" Clint came over and clapped Bucky on the shoulder. The boys all got up and followed Clint heading back out for another long day. Bucky paused long enough to give you a hungry kiss, and Steve had to physically pull him away making you giggle.
"That means its time for us to go too" Pepper stood up. "We have so much to do" she announced and you felt Wanda take your hand as you followed her towards where the car was parked outside the front door.

You ended up in a jewelry store first where the girls were fussing over a tiara to put on you. You flushed when they kept trying on different ones on you. You would look in the mirror and it didn't feel right to be going so far. When you looked up you saw one that was gold, and a combination of roses and butterflies and Wanda followed your gaze.
"We want that one" she pointed. The saleswoman, who had already gone through most of the tiara's with you already picked it up and put it in your hair and the girls all gasped.
"Its perfect" Nat smiled widely, while Pepper clapped her hands excitedly.
"It matches her jewelry" Wanda smirked, knowing that is partially what had caught your eye. That and it matched your butterflies that always came when your inhibitors were off.
"Okay, back to the dress store, we need to get the veil and the other dresses" Pepper announced after paying for the tiara. You wanted to argue, but she glared at you, as if daring you to even try.
"That was expensive" you finally got out as you walked out with her.
"Not too expensive" Pepper shrugged. "I've paid more for shoes, which is what you need after we get the veil"
"I thought I'd just wear my old red converse sneakers" you flushed a bit.
"No, your something old is the jewelry that you have been wearing. Your something new is going to be those shoes. You still need something blue and something borrowed" Nat listed off.
"I bought a blue garter" you admitted. "Its going to be delivered at the compound today"
"How many piercing holes do you have?" Wanda asked softly looking at you.
"Two in each ear" you looked at her curiously.
"I have something you can borrow" she smiled. "Small diamond earrings my Vision gave me a long time ago"
"That's settled" Nat took your hand as she led you back towards the car.

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