Light duties

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By the following morning you had a game plan in place. You were cleared for light duties in the gym with Doctor Joy. You decided it would be best to spend mornings in the lab since the nausea wasn't going away. Bucky had spent his morning rubbing your back while you vomited again, and helping you get changed for the day. He didn't miss a beat to when you went to see Doctor Joy, and he started asking questions regarding pregnancy and things that you two should watch out for or be expecting. She smiled kindly at him, and told him only generic things but also reminded him this was going to likely be enhanced children with a possibility of having his super solider serum as well. She basically tried to tell him that she wasn't sure what to anticipate outside of a regular pregnancy.
He took you to the dining room and made sure to pull out your chair and give you plenty of food to eat. You were still nauseous so you tried to focus more on breads and plainer foods to eat. Nat reached over and rubbed your back absentmindedly and gave you a soft smile.
"You look like hell" she whispered to you with a knowing smirk.
"Thanks, I woke up like this" you joked.
"She looks perfect, as usual" Bucky grinned at you, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
"So are we expecting you in the gym this morning?" Scott grinned from his side of the table.
"You can relax Kung Foo. I'll be in this afternoon; I have some stuff I need to do in the lab" you grinned. "But don't worry, I'll still be kicking your ass later"
"Are you starting on the new project?" Bruce asked softly.
"Yes, bulletproof corsets for the ladies" you nodded. "Then I'll get to something like an undershirt for the guys. I haven't decided yet, but I want to make sure they wear them under their suits"
"It might slow us down" Peter warned you.
"I'll make sure it wont" you shook your head. "Last thing we need is that"
"Did you get to your wrapping yet?" Wanda asked gently, already knowing the answer.
"No, I was busy with other things" you flushed a bright red. You felt Frost climb up onto your lap and you put some of your eggs into the palm of your hand and he ate them quickly. You patted him on the head and he crawled up onto your shoulder.
"That cat seems very attached to you" Vision observed.
"He's a sweetheart. I love him already" you admitted. "When Bucky was gone he would sleep on top of my head and after nightmares the first night they just stopped. I think he has a calming effect" You put a piece of toast under the table for Leia who took it gently and munched quietly.
"So how does Chewy like his new place?" Bucky grinned at Tony who grimaced.
"I didn't think I was a dog person, but he fits in well. He takes up most of the bed" Pepper smiled happily.
"He snores" Tony added quickly.
"So does Harry" Steve admitted. "He's good company though. He keeps going with me for my runs"
"He's always loved going for runs, I'm glad you have a friend with you" you smiled happily. "Dogs naturally go to the person they relate to the most. I'm glad they are both happy here"
"We better get to the gym" Steve stood up. "We have to train for taking on that bigger base in the new year". You grimaced, already knowing they wouldn't let you join even if you asked.
"You should be in there getting ready too sexy legs" Sam quipped and you paused for a moment.
"I will be, I have equipment to make" you gave a wide smile. "I don't want to miss out on it" you added, and saw Steve look at you and shaking his head. Bucky leaned down and gave you a kiss, lingering at your lips for a few extra moments while he held one hand on the side of your face.
"I love you, doll" he whispered, looking at you meaningfully. You knew he was trying to tell you with more than words that you wouldn't be joining that mission. Much with the way Steve shook his head at you.
"I love you too, Sarge" you grabbed your plate and walked carefully to the kitchen to put your dishes in the sink. Frost still was on your shoulder watching everything you were doing.

"Does the cat really have to be in here? He's distracting" Tony asked after a while. Frost was sitting watching you at your computer, not moving, just watching as you typed away at formula's or worked on the design of the corset.
"He's just watching what I'm doing. He's curious" you gave Frost a scratch behind the ears.
"Its uncanny the way he watches the screen. Its like he understands what your writing or something" Bruce interjected.
"Maybe he does, cats are smart. I mean, you can teach a monkey or gorilla sign language. Who says a cat can't understand this stuff" you shrugged, and continued at what you were focusing on.
"We wanted to test your powers this morning, see if there's any changes" Tony came over and leaned on your desk.
"I'm already a little nauseous. It might help with that" you admitted.
"I'll let Doctor Joy know, she's been asking" Bruce quickly texted her. You got up and went into the testing room and Frost got up and stared at you through the window. Bruce came in and put monitors on you, however also put some on your lower abdomen to monitor as well. You flushed a bit, but understood why he was doing it. You saw Doctor Joy joining them at the window, and Tony pulled up multiple screens. Frost looked at the screens momentarily, however went back to watching you.
"What song do you want?" Tony asked through the speakers.
"Falling Like Stars by James Arthur" you thought about it for a second. "It's one of the songs Bucky sent me" you blushed a little.
As soon as the song started you turned off the inhibitor and felt the flames take over your body. Within moments the wings came out as you thought of Bucky and the two babies inside of you. You started swaying to the music and created a dragon that filled the room and started dancing around you. You smiled to yourself feeling proud of the fact it was so large in size, and moving so fluidly. It stopped beside you, and you pat it on the head feeling the flames lick at you easily. You started creating wolves made of ice to run along on the floor while the dragon took up most of the space in the upper part of the room.
"Are they doing okay?" you called out.
"They are doing perfect, no bad side effects" Bruce called out through the speaker. "Doctor Joy wants to take a look on the ultrasound to double check when we are done"
You were proud that the wolves were keeping their form, regardless of the flame dragon dancing above them. The song changed to another love song, and you smiled to yourself closing your eyes. Butterflies and birds burst into the room without you being aware and started flying around you easily. When you opened your eyes you were a little surprised, but pleased they were there reaching out a hand and one of the birds landed on it. You continued to sway to the music, slowly calling back your powers, leaving the butterflies and birds for last this time.
You didn't feel as nauseous as you did earlier, which made you feel a lot better. You walked back into the lab and they took the different monitors off of you while Frost watched you with interest. He jumped up onto your shoulder as you walked past him and Doctor Joy pointed to the chair that they had already leaned back a bit that the ultrasound machine was beside. You sat in the chair and pulled up your shirt while she prepped the jelly and started at your lower abdomen. You looked at the screen and saw your two little beans and saw Tony and Bruce smile in spite of themselves. Tony put his arm around Bruce's shoulder. Doctor Joy turned on the sound and you could hear the two little heartbeats going strongly. Frost stared at the screen from your chest curiously.
"The heartbeat is strong, which is good" she nodded to herself taking notes in her phone. "No negative effects from using your abilities"
"So I can still do undercover jobs" you surmised.
"No" Bruce shook his head. "They are too important. Anything can go wrong on those missions"
You didn't argue, you knew if it came down to it Bucky would lose his shit if you went on another mission. At this point, you might too if he went on another one so soon.
"I liked the part where I got to pretend I was the dainty housewife" you smirked. "I was a pretty good cover, you can at least admit that much"
"I'll give you that Kitten. You worked the target easily. Once maternity leave is over you can get back to it" he smirked as Doctor Joy wiped the jelly off of you and you pulled your shirt down again.
"I'm going to go update her file with our findings" Doctor Joy took the machine with her as she continued to work on her phone leaving the room.
"I'll get back to work" you went back to your computer.
"Why not go take a nap?" Bruce offered. "You'll be at this for a while anyways, and this afternoon you are going to do a very light workout"
"Its an hour before lunch" you argued.
"Perfect amount of time for a nap. I'll have Happy come get you" Tony shooed you out. You picked up Frost and held him tightly to you while you walked slowly back to your suite. You cleaned off the couch and put Frost on one of the softer cushions before going over and taking the swing. He mewed at you and came over jumping up and laying on your ribs. Lily jumped up and laid on your hip while Leia took the couch for herself. You knew Alpine was likely outside the gym watching Bucky workout.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now