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It took some convincing, but Nat agreed to let you start training as soon as breakfast was done. You beat everyone to the gym, feeling completely energized. When you started on your run, you turned up your music as loud as you could putting on some of the faster songs by Ed Sheeran. You were really getting into the song, and started singing at the top of your lungs while keeping your eyes closed dancing slightly while you were running. When 'Bad Habits' came on you put a lot more sway into your hips. You were enjoying yourself so much, you put yourself into a frontwards flip in the same spot and bouncing back into a run. You didn't realize the room was filling up while you did it again. Your music suddenly turned off in your ear's and you heard it on the speaker and you opened your eyes with surprise. Tony stood in front of you with a mischievous grin.
"Just thought I would make it easier for you" he went to go lift some weights. You continued to keep up your pace, trying not to sing with the music like you were before. You saw Nat and Wanda next to you jogging and looking over at you with grins.
"How long has everyone been here?" you finally turned down the pace to match theirs.
"We saw and heard a great performance" Nat grinned.
"Nice moves Kitten" Scott called over to you. You started blushing, and your eyes found Bucky who was at the punching bag facing you, and watching you with a smile. Steve was holding the bag for him, so it was hard to keep eye contact with him. He sent a wink and another flirty smile. Another one of your favorite songs came on, and you realized you didn't care. They knew you loved to dance, and if you were going to train in front of them, you would train your way. You started dancing while jogging again, trying not to sing as loudly as you were before.

Once you were done on the machine, you went to do your chin ups. The bar that was available was long enough to be treated like one of your branches. You did the chin up, then pulled your body all the way up so you were balanced on just your hands below you on the bar. You did a summersault with the bar and went back down before doing another chin up and doing the same move again. You giggled to yourself, thinking it was almost as good as being in the woods. After your tenth rep, you felt a pair of hands on your hips pulling you down and backwards and you looked over your shoulder curiously to see Bucky grinning at you.
"Having fun?" he pulled you fully against him.
"Yes, its almost as fun as the woods" you nodded, feeling a deep rumble of him chuckling through your back. You snuggled in a bit craning your neck to look up at him. He gave you one of his flirty smiles and leaned down capturing your lips briefly.
"I didn't think having you in here would be this distracting" he whispered in your ear.
"Is that a bad thing?" you whispered back.
"Just makes me think more about tonight" he winked and kissed you again before going to start on his run.
"Come on kitten" Nat called you over for lifting weights. You quickly joined her, your face still red at Bucky's comments. You couldn't help but love the man, everything he did made you fall in deeper with him.

By the time you were done with weight lifting Sam was waiting for you in the ring. Clint was standing to the side. You arched your eyebrow seeing Nat and Wanda take the next ring over.
"What's this?" you got into the ring looking at Sam with curiosity.
"You and me sexy legs. Lets do this" he took a fighting stance.
"What's the winner get?" you gave a small smirk.
"I win, you have to clean my bedroom. I haven't gotten to it in a while" he shrugged.
"Okay, if I win, I want a piggy back ride to lunch" you grinned, and saw Bucky stop running out of the corner of your eye.
"Three hits makes the winner, and I'm calling them" Clint grinned knowing Sam was in for a world of hurt.
"Show me what those legs can do" Sam teased and you saw Bucky start to make his way over. You blocked his surprise attack, and gave him a swift kick in the ribs. He hit the ropes and looked at you in shock.
"You can do better than that" you grinned. He came at you again, and while you were blocking his hits from his arms you missed his leg coming up and hitting you in the side.
"Guess I can" he smirked and you giggled coming at him again. You got him in the leg with a kick while he was blocking your double punch just like he had done to you, and he got you once more in the shoulder. You didn't feel like cleaning his room, so you swung yourself up on his shoulders and punched him in the shoulder still sitting up there.
"Y/N takes the win. Sorry man, you almost had her" Clint grinned while you continued to giggle.
"I ain't even going to complain with thighs like these wrapped around me" Sam teased and you started to blush before jumping down.
"Thanks for showing me that move, that was pretty good" you got out of the ring and quickly went to Bucky who had been watching and giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. He was glaring at Sam the entire time. "Time to pay up" you turned and looked at Sam. "I do believe I won a piggy back fair and square"
"Why couldn't you have just asked me to wash your laundry" he jumped down laughing.
"Because I have a lot of it that needs to be done, duh" you watched him squat down and Bucky was still glaring. "Baby?" you touched his shoulder and he gave you a small smile. "You okay?"
"I'm watching you Wilson" Bucky growled, then gave you a smile and a firm kiss on the lips. You went to Sam and climbed up on his back and he kept his promise to carry you to lunch.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now