Attack on the compound

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For the next five days, you knew that the team was super busy with the take down of the base. You had gotten a text message once a day from Bucky that was mainly a heart emoji, or something that said that he loved you. You knew that he was thinking of you. You were nervous with the size of the base they were undertaking, but also knew they were experienced and they were an amazing team when they worked together.
You were currently sitting in the living room in your suite with Frost and Alpine with Leia and Harry laying to the side together. You had spent the last five days hiding different pieces of the inhibitor equipment with the help of Frost all around the compound. You knew there was something coming, and it depended on if you had enough time to call on the protocol. You wanted to be ready no matter what.
You had also spent the last five days enjoying your meals with Pepper, Happy, and Doctor Joy. You all seemed anxious about the team, and Doctor Joy was spending a lot of time restocking her infirmary expecting the worst almost. She had even set up a protocol to call in numerous other doctors for when the team started to head back. Happy took to ordering foods that you liked, since no one felt like cooking. The problem was, you didn't know if you were going to have to abandon the compound at any point in time, or if it was going to remain a safe space. There were so many questions driving you crazy in worry.
It was shortly after lunch on the fifth day since they left that you heard some noise outside. You went to the window and looked out while Harry and Leia started pacing worriedly. You were holding Alpine and Frost close to your chest, and what you saw made you set them down quickly and start running to your bedroom for your Avengers suit.
A large tractor trailer busted through the front gates that protected the compound by the walls. You bit your bottom lip trying to go quickly, and went back to the window to look out to see if the security team had it handled. You turned off your inhibitor and watched anxiously as you saw hydra agents start jumping out of the back of the trailer, shield operatives were taking them on easily. You saw plenty going down until you saw a few enhanced coming out with fire abilities and frost abilities. Your eyes went to the driver of the truck and saw Jeanette get out ready with one of her fire bombs.
"Friday! Protection Protocol, NOW!" you screamed and started running towards where the equipment was, putting it on your tool belt beside your holsters. You ran to the front door and saw your suit coming at you. "Christmas" you said gently and saw the suit fly back to the lab. You took out your phone and wrote to Bucky.
"I love you, until the end of time" you wanted to make sure he understood how much you truly loved him.
You looked at Frost and gave a soft smile as you heard three separate windows shattering as suits left the compound. You watched as a suit started putting Leia, Alpine, and Harry in a crate.
"Its time Frost" you whispered to him. "You either go where its safe, or you come out of hiding"
You watched as Frost shimmered with green magic and suddenly Loki stood in front of you. You smiled and went to him and gave him a warm hug.
"This isn't the best of times to not follow protocol" he reminded you. "You should be leaving"
"If they get to the data in the compound, we will all be in danger" you looked down sadly.
"I thought that's why I stayed behind" Loki grinned.
"Oh, so it wasn't for the cuddles?" you giggled.
"So, how shall we do this?" he asked you as you both got to the front door. He grabbed some of the inhibitor equipment and put it in his pockets. He magically produced a pair of dangerous looking knives.
"What do you think of freezing them first?" you let your frost form take over and he watched with a smile as your wings came out.
"As the lady wishes" Loki smiled and opened the door as you both stepped out. You saw gunfire start coming your way, but Loki shielded it while you started summoning the largest dragon of frost you had done yet. You saw the shield agents falling backwards as the dragon started going down and freezing several of the hydra agents as well as some of the enhanced.
"Found you traitor!" Jeanette called out to you as she started throwing her flame bombs at you and Loki. Loki continued to block them, but you could tell that it was starting to take a toll on him.
"I wasn't hiding Jeanette" you took a few steps past Loki and threw a large boulder of ice at her. She tried to dodge it but you saw it hit her and knock her back a bit. "I only wanted freedom, and I have it"
"Not for long" she glared throwing another bomb towards you and you threw up a frost wall and saw that Loki made his way past you and started attacking some of the hydra agents still standing, and putting cuffs on the ones that were enhanced and frozen in place. He moved quickly and with grace. You saw someone try to shoot him, but he used his shield to protect himself easily.
Jeanette started taking more steps towards you and you called on the dragon to come at her. His jaws opened up and breathed frost all over her. She seemed to be frozen in place. You ran at her and put the collar on her before jumping away as she took a swing at you. Another enhanced came up behind you and burnt you on the side making you yelp in pain. You turned quickly and started to fight with them hand to hand, letting your frost powers start to come out of you in the form of birds to start diving at them. You jumped on them and cuffed them and watched them start screaming in frustration. You looked down and winced at the pain in the side of your stomach. Jeanette came at you again screaming.
"Try to use your powers, I dare you" you gave a smile as she punched you in the face. You tasted blood. You went at fighting her as though in a dance, and heard Loki call out a warning before you felt a bullet hit you in the shoulder. You fell forward and screamed. You called on your flames, and all of your love that you felt since you had come to join the team. The love you had for your unborn children... the love for your Bucky. The flames shot out and engulfed everyone who wasn't Shield or Loki. The flames soon changed to frost freezing them in their place. You were getting exhausted. You knew you had to let go of your powers soon. The dragon started to disappear as you watched Loki continue to put inhibitors on the rest of the enhanced. You fell back on your butt and saw an enhanced point one last bullet towards you. You threw up your frost wall too late, and felt it hit you in the leg. Loki didn't bother cuffing them, he killed them with a fierce yell. He ran to you and picked you up but you could only hear the blood in your ears as you were suddenly surrounded by what looked like a rainbow and you felt the world leave you. You passed out.

"Heimdall, I need to get her to mother" you heard Loki's worried voice as you started coming around.
"Prince Loki, this is not usual behavior" you heard a deep voice respond as you started to open your eyes and groaned in pain.
"She is my friend" Loki sounded worried. "She needs healing, and she is with children"
"I've called for the horses" you saw a man wearing all gold, with golden eyes studying you. "I have seen much of this woman. She has been destined for greatness"
You felt Loki carry you and put you on top of a horse before he got on behind you. You wanted to cry with the way you were being jostled.
"Hold on Lady Y/N" Loki whispered in your ear. "Stay awake" he encouraged you. You wanted to close your eyes again, wanting just a moment for the blood to stop rushing to your ears. The world around you looked so beautiful. You saw a woman running towards you as Loki stopped the horse and pulled you back into his arms.
"She's losing too much blood" the woman seemed worried. "We need to get her into the healing room"
"Mother, she's with children. They will be the first of their kind" Loki whispered.
"You've told me of this woman" you heard her voice starting to get further away. "So has your brother. I know you can hear me child, my name is Frigga"
"Y/N" you gasped out. "Y/N Barnes"
"Soon enough" Loki continued to carry you following his mother. You saw you were brought into a room and she put you onto the softest bed you had ever felt in your life and saw several people coming towards you.
"Rest now Lady Y/N, you and your children will be safe here" Frigga promised, and you felt your eyes closing.

Over the last five days the team had managed to take over the base, and were still sending back prisoners and finding more prisoners and people that were being experimented on to be enhanced. Not surprisingly, they did manage to find a few that wanted freedom and only used the collar to get them sent back separately from the rest to go to Shield to help them to find a better life. Nat had managed to download several drives of data, and today was the first day that Bruce was no longer in the hulk and was taking care of what minimal wounds the team had endured. The gear that had been created had been more than sufficient.
"We just cleared the bottom floors, there's no one else here" Steve came back with Bucky.
"I have some bad news" Tony waited until the team was all together. Bravo team's Eric stopped for a moment while he was bringing another set of prisoners. "The compound was attacked"
"Did everyone get out?" Bucky demanded.
"No" Tony shook his head.
"She didn't..." Bucky pulled out his phone and tried calling you but there was no answer.
"Y/N and Frost never made it to their destinations" Tony waited a moment before answering.
"The cat didn't either?" Bruce seemed confused. "He must still be with her"
"Shield has the compound on lockdown. Kitten and Loki took on Hydra with them, it seems Frost wasn't actually a cat" Tony looked upset. "Kitten got hurt, and Loki took her over through the bifrost and they disappeared"
"Will you fare well without me?" Thor demanded. "I will find out if she is okay and come back"
"Please, bring me with you" Bucky looked at him, he had tears in his eyes.
"Heimdall wouldn't let you past the gate. I assure you my friend, I'll return with news" Thor raised his hammer and was surrounded by light.
"Kitten had better be okay" Eric growled as he pushed the prisoner forward. Steve pulled Bucky into a hug, knowing Bucky was distraught.
"How badly was she hurt, do we know?" Nat demanded.
"I'm still going through the video footage, she gave them hell" Tony admitted. "So did Loki. They used the inhibitor equipment, so they thought this through. Come on Friday, fast forward" Tony growled a little. "She got burnt on the side, didn't slow her down. She almost killed some of them. Loki did kill a few. She took two gun shots, one in the shoulder, one in the leg"
"Is she alive?" Bucky demanded.
"Loki is taking care of her. To think that cat she's been carting around has been Loki the whole time" Tony looked at Bucky. "She's a fighter, she's going to be fine. Thor is on his way"
"I'm going to kick her ass" Nat growled.
"We told her not to go against protocol" Bruce shook his head looking a little green.
"She was probably protecting the data at the compound. They get to that, they have everything we have" Pietro pointed out. "She's smart, she probably knew this might happen" 

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