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For the next three days it was much of the same. Every night you and Bucky would make love, and every morning you would try to use your powers until you fainted, your body they hypothesized was still trying to get over the physical trauma that it had endured. You rested a majority of the day on the couch, since Happy was against you being alone to even nap anymore. The only time he let you get up was to go bake. You were running out of ingredients and had to put in an order with Friday to have more delivered.
On the second day, Tony gave you your credit card which you had forgotten about, and Happy spent the afternoon showing you how to order things for yourself online. He downloaded several apps for you to use, but you found yourself most intrigued by Amazon and bought yourself a membership for it while ordering several things that you wanted. You found a lot of pet supplies that the dogs would absolutely love, and even found a few things for Bucky while you were at it. It was mainly just a few shirts for the winter, but you were satisfied with it as long as they were as good as they looked. You decided to buy yourself a laptop once you saw how much money was in your bank account, and a few frames, and a lot of books. Happy showed you to download Kindle from Amazon and you immediately started paying for the subscription so you could start reading right away. You found some romance novels to curl up with while watching tv. You had to get Happy to show you how to add the credit card to your bills through your banking app so you could pay the credit card right away. He tried arguing for you to just wait for the bill, but you wouldn't hear of it.
By the morning of the fourth day, you got out of bed before Bucky giving him a quick kiss on the forehead and marched yourself into Doctor Joy's room. She gave a chuckle seeing the determination on your face coming through.
"Please, no more resting" you begged.
"If you can use your powers without fainting, I'll allow you to start using the pool with supervision for a few days to see how it goes. If it goes well, I'll approve training again. You should be taking it easy still" she hooked you up to the monitors.
"I've been taking it easy; I'm going stir crazy. I want to go for a run" you huffed a little. "I miss the woods"
"You can walk through the woods" she offered taking all your vitals.
"Its not the same" you shook your head.
"I'll be down after to watch you use your abilities" she sighed heavily. She knew this argument was coming over the last few days. You were getting stronger, but she was still worried because if she cleared you for the gym, that means you would have to be cleared for missions too. Just because the compound was on lockdown didn't mean that missions wouldn't come back soon. You pushed yourself off the bed and walked back to the bedroom to see Bucky coming out of closet and he smiled at you.
"You look like you're willing to start a fight this morning" he chuckled leaning down to give you a tender kiss on the lips.
"I'm still willing" you admitted sheepishly. "I want to be cleared for the gym"
"You keep fainting when you use your abilities" he pointed out, since he had taken to stay around for when you used your abilities since the first day had scared him so badly.
"Not today handsome, I won't today" you put your hands on his shoulders and stared at him. "I'm going to do it, and stay conscious" you were adamant.
"I'm coming to watch just in case" he nodded. "I have faith you'll be fine" he gave you a kiss on the temple. He knew this was coming, he could tell you were going stir crazy. Your mood was still always great with him, but he knew that Happy was having a hard time keeping you entertained while you were supposed to be resting.

"I have your latte and some packages" Happy announced as you both walked into the dining room. You squealed in delight when you saw your laptop and a few large boxes had arrived.
"I've never spent so much money in one go before" you did a little dance while you unashamedly started ripping the boxes open. The rest of the team watched you curiously as you pulled out a few dog toys out of the first box. You ripped off the tags quickly while the three dogs started barking excitedly. You gave them a toy each as they started playing with them immediately. Bucky came up behind you while you were still dancing in one spot and looked into the box curiously. You pulled out the rest of the dog toys, then let Natasha take the box while you went to open the next one excitedly.
"You seriously bought a laptop? I could have given you one" Tony seemed surprised as you took it out.
"Can you download stuff on it for me? I've always wanted a laptop" you admitted.
"Of course, gimme" he stood up and took it from you and you squealed a little. Happy, Steve and Sam chuckled while you put the box to the side and opened the next big one. On top was some of the frames you ordered, and underneath was the sweaters you ordered. You pulled them out quickly and turned to Bucky with a huge grin.
"Try it on" you were still in his arms.
"Doll, you shouldn't have" he grinned taking one and stepping back a little to pull it over his head. You clapped your hands happily when you saw it fit perfectly. "I love them, thank you" he leaned down and kissed you with a warm smile. "Almost as much as I love you" he surprised you saying it in front of everyone this time. You flushed a bright red and bit your bottom lip with a smile.
"I love you too Sarge, try the other ones on too" you handed him the rest. The first had been a knit black one, while the other ones were a knit white one with a little bit of a design on it, and a black hoodie. He did as you asked and beamed giving you another kiss. He looked damn good in them, and you were proud of your purchases. You opened the last box that was full of books and Bruce let out a chuckle.
"We are really going to have to just add in a library" Pepper looked at Tony meaningfully while she watched Natasha throw Harry his toy for him.
"Already in the works" Tony nodded. "I had a feeling when I saw her living room back at the cabin that we would start growing a collection"
"Where are we going to fit a library?" Steve seemed surprised.
"Adding it to the back with another suite of bedrooms" Tony shrugged.
"Are we getting more Avengers?" Sam perked up a little.
"No, but we have few couples in the building now, and I figured it was time to give them their own couple suites. Nat and Bruce are always arguing about not enough space in just their own bedrooms to share everything. Its only a matter of time before Tinman and Kitten here are going to take that step. Wanda and Vision already have the only other couple suite besides Pepper and I" Tony admitted.
"We aren't arguing" Bruce blushed.
"We were arguing. I need more space in the closet, and I hate having to go to my room to change every day or vice versa" Natasha shrugged like it was no big deal.
"But that would take Bucky away from Steve" you flushed.
"It's not like its happening immediately, and its only going to be there when you two are ready" Tony reminded you.
"I'd be okay with it" Bucky admitted. "I only go to my room to grab clothes, and to be honest I'd rather spend every spare moment with you. I train all day with that punk"
"What if we get in a fight and you want your own space?" you put the boxes on the floor while he pulled out your chair for you to sit down.
"I can't sleep without you doll, and we barely argue. I don't want a spend a night without you" he kissed your cheek. "Only when your ready" he reminded you.
"Okay" you leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.
"Back to business, can you just send this computer back? I'd rather give you one of the computers I built. They have better software, and this thing looks like its going to break easy" Tony looked at you pointedly.
"Okay, I'll send it back. But you have to let me pay for it" you took a bite of your eggs.
"Help me in the lab, and we will call it even" he put the computer to the side and you nodded after giving it some thought.
"I'll help you with sending it back" Happy smiled at you.

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