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"Anything happen while I was gone?" you asked as he carried you into your room.
"I trained for two days, because I was waiting for you to get home. I wanted to take you out for supper one night" he lay you on the bed. You moved over waiting to see if he was going to lay with you.
"I need a shower first" he shook his head.
"But I missed you" you pouted.
"Let me see your leg" he sat on the edge of the bed, and you let him pull off the gauze to look at the stitches that Bruce had put in. He put the gauze back, wrapping it a bit more tightly and put a kiss on it. "Get a little bit of rest, I'll be back" he promised.
"I have treatment later" you pulled the blanket around yourself, while Leia jumped on the bed.
"I have to check the results" he gave a wink and ran out the door. Within minutes you could hear his shower running. You hugged Leia close to you and closed your eyes.
Try as you might, you couldn't sleep. You were listening for Bucky's shower to finish, which felt like forever. When it finally did, it wasn't long before he came back in and lay down behind you, wrapping you in his arms.
"I couldn't sleep either" he whispered to you. "But I had four room mates all the sudden, since I left the door open" he joked.
"All of them?" you giggled.
"They take up more room than I thought" he chuckled.
"I just need a small nap before treatments" you yawned feeling him pull you in closer to him.
"I'll be right here" he promised.

You woke to Natasha waltzing into your room, and Leia giving a warning bark. Bucky didn't even move, evidently he was awake as well.
"Hey Nat" you raised your head slightly.
"Bruce sent me to come get you" she smirked sitting on the edge of the bed. "Did you get any rest" she quirked an eyebrow looking towards Bucky.
"Of course. Bucky kept me warm" you smiled.
"Is that all he did?" she almost pouted. Your face turned red, and you threw a pillow at her making her start to laugh.
"He wouldn't" you started to sit up and felt Bucky's arm pull you back down.
"Never say never doll" he whispered in your ear and you flushed again turning to look at him in shock.
"You should be thanking me Barnes" Nat grinned.
"Thank you for crashing the jet" Bucky chuckled.
"Oh you didn't tell him?" Nat feigned surprise.
"We've been sleeping" you sighed.
"Tell me what?" Bucky seemed concerned.
"He saw my leg" you glared at her.
"Someone trying out for Bravo team has his eye on Kitten" Nat ignored you.
"He was being friendly. Everyone else was avoiding us" you groaned feeling his arm tighten against you again.
"Keep telling yourself that" she rolled her eyes. "I chased him off" she told Bucky.
"Thank you, Natalia," he nodded approvingly.
"Now you need to let my Kitten go, so we can go for treatments. Gives me time to get Bruce away from the lab for a bit" Nat grinned pulling on your arm and Bucky reluctantly let go.
"I'll see you at supper" you flushed before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek as you started to leave to go. He was up quickly and headed out the door with you both.
You were surprised when he followed you to the lab where Doctor Cho came to get you to bring you to the special room she had for you. He only left then, headed to Tony's lab instead.

Tony had been reviewing the data since you two had gotten back. He had different videos up on each experiment on several different screens. One screen that he couldn't stop staring at with wet eyes was one of you being chained to the ceiling and being whipped mercilessly. He didn't need to turn on the sound to hear your screams. He heard them when you slept at night. He would see the icicles start filling the room, and you would seem to pass out mid-torture. He reviewed a screen where Damien was being trained. He was lethal, changing form's from human to a werewolf and killing five agents that were trying to shoot him. It seemed that you weren't the only one that was tortured. He watched as the training exercised that you had spoken about where it was kill or be killed. Damien had killed other enhanced without batting an eye. Even the one that looked to be a super soldier that put up on hell of a fight ended up with his throat slashed from the beasts claws. He had to finally look away, and put the file under the name Beast, as Hydra had labelled him. The next video he saw a miniature version of you being carried in a cage, you had a gunshot wound that was bleeding and he could see the scientist was pissed about it. He saw you fight the guard and tried to fight the scientist while they stitched up your leg. He watched as you tried to get out of the straps holding you down and screaming while they injected you with several needles. Other children were brought into the room, getting the same treatment, some fighting just as much, and others seeming to have given up and were too scared.
"Y/N?" Steve was beside him looking at the video of you being tortured from the ceiling. It was playing on a loop. You looked to be still just a child in barely any clothes.
"Its videos on the experiment's. Trust me when I say this, you don't want to watch these" Tony looked away. "I've been watching them for hours"
"Tell me what we need to know" Steve sat down in a chair looking at the different video's playing.
"I'm still sorting them. The beast, or better known to kitten as Damien was ruthless. He was tortured differently, but you could tell he was enjoying it. The one called Firestarter, she's going to be a force to be reckoned with. From the footage of when she was younger she would basically blow up a room because she didn't get her favorite ice cream. That's just to start" Tony saw Bucky start walking into the room, and he went to turn off the screens. "You don't want to help me sort them out Bucky"
"What kind of data is it?" he asked looking between Tony and Steve.
"Its about the group of children that Y/N talked about, and her. So far its their younger years, but I'm only one drive in. You don't want to see this" Tony shook his head.
"I'm with Tony, you don't want to watch these. It will hit too close to home for what you already went through" Steve looked at Bucky pleadingly.
"I want to see it" Bucky seemed to think about it for a moment before answering. "It doesn't change who Y/N is, or how I feel". His gaze went to the one where you were hanging from the ceiling and he had to look away. You looked so young in the video, and he could see the pain and anger in your face. "She didn't deserve this"
"Its just her past Bucky" Steve put a comforting hand on his shoulder. Tony put the video into a file called Phoenix and opened the next one. It was of you being put in the chair, and repeating your name where they were demanding you say a different name. Tony only saw a moment of it, and looked away before putting it in the same file.
"What's on the other drives?" Steve broke a very heavy silence.
"I'm afraid to know" Tony admitted, putting in the next drive. There were the formulas for the serums, and the outcome of various experiments they had done on each individual. Tony zeroed in on the one with you and the fire starter. Fire stater's DNA rejected the ice abilities; however, your body was compatible, making you one of their favorite success'. It detailed what experiments they had put you through, and Tony's face filled with rage.
"Maybe we should all take a break from this" Steve looked at Tony.
"She's going to want to read these eventually, she's going to know..." Tony drifted off.
"What's that?" Bucky pointed to a family tree that had notes on it. It highlighted in yellow who was a hydra agent, and who was a threat according to the key at the bottom.
"Let's take a break" Tony started to steer him out of the room. He saw there was a lot of yellow on the sheet, and he had a bad feeling about this piece of information. He closed all the computer's down and put the drives away

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now