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The first email was a photo of you and Bucky taken from far away when you had gone on your date. The title of the email said "Found you". You started to open each email and saw there were several more still taken from a distance of you walking around with the team, or kissing Bucky, or dancing in the snow. It was purposely taunting you. Each email seemed like a threat; all titled the same with "Found you". You went to take a seat while Bucky and Steve looked at you worriedly. You felt like your legs were going to give out. Someone was clearly watching you at the compound just as closely when you left it.
"Doll?" Bucky whispered to you.
"Its nothing" you put your phone down, trying to reign in your panic attack that was coming. It was your work email, so it wouldn't be hard to track that down if someone really wanted it.
"That wasn't a nothing" Steve came over and took your phone and looked at it. You saw him go through the emails when you felt Frost suddenly jump on your lap and mew softly to you. You pulled him in your arms and held him closely for a moment. "Bucky" he handed him the phone. "I'm going to talk to Tony" he walked out the door quickly. Bucky looked through your phone and seemed to be getting more and more upset with each one. You heard the shatter of metal and glass as his vibranium hand crushed your phone.
"Are you okay?" he finally found the words, but he seemed dangerously quiet. You could tell he was upset.
"Who would be watching me this closely?" you looked at him worriedly. "What do they mean they found me? Do you think its Hydra? Could they really be coming for me?"
"No one is going to touch you" he spoke with such passion and you could tell he was beyond upset. "We are going ta talk ta Tony" he came over and picked you and Frost up with ease. You barely registered that you hadn't let go of your cat yet.

"Someone's after her Tony, can't you crack the email trail faster?" Steve demanded, and you could hear him as you were getting closer to the lab.
"Sunshine, are you okay?" Bruce asked as you walked in. You saw your laptop was open and they had looked at the emails already.
"My phone is broken; I need a new one" you spoke softly.
"Just a sec" Tony turned away from your computer to grab another phone. Bucky took the destroyed one out of his pocket and Tony grimaced handing it to Bruce to deal with. He turned back to the computer and you saw him continue with the emails. "Whoever did this is smart. They pinged their location off several places all over the world. Not quite good enough" he shook his head. He stopped for a moment as a new email came up and he opened it. It was a long distance one of you in your sweater that said "Bun in the Oven" with Bucky holding you from behind when you were standing at the window in your living room. Frost let out a relaxing purr while you felt your frost power wanting to take over. This email had a new phrase. "I'm coming for you". Tony said it out loud while reading it, and looked at you as you took deep intakes of breath and Bucky continued to sway you back and forth in his arms.
"They can't get in here, obviously. Security is too tight. That's why the photos are all far away" Tony surmised.
"Who sent them Tony? You're the smartest guy in the room" Steve demanded.
"Hydra base, the one we are targeting, but I don't know who specifically" Tony finally answered after a long silence.
"They wont touch her" Bucky's voice sounded dangerous.
"No, as long as she's here in the compound they won't get to her" Tony shook his head. "I think our mission plans just got moved up"
"No... no. No more missions until the New Year, you promised me" you leaned into Bucky and felt Frost lick your face. You hadn't even registered there were tears coming out of your eyes.
"It will be early New Year then. We need to take the offensive Y/N" Tony seemed worried.
"You need to get Pepper and Happy away from me. You need to get everyone away from me" you started hyperventilating.
"No, that's not the solution. The more people around you the better. We know they want to come and get you, but we don't know what they want. Not for sure" Steve shook his head.
"I'm with him" Bruce agreed. "I'm coming on the mission" he added for good measure.
"How did they get your email" Tony sat down and started going through the emails again while Bruce finally pried your sim card from your crushed phone with tweezers and it was still intact. He carefully put it in the new phone, and turned it on.
"I've only sent emails to people on the team" you shrugged your shoulders and felt Bucky holding you impossibly closer.
"Did you send any to Fury?" Tony looked over.
"Of course, he had asked me for some data on the inhibitors I created for enhanced" you nodded.
"He would have sent it to his science department, and there may be a data leak there" Tony surmised.
"We got all the hydra agents" Bruce pointed out.
"Yes, but Shield has small bases just like Hydra does that they do their work out of. What's to say one of those bases hasn't been compromised?" Tony asked him.
"If they found one of the dead bases, the intel might still be in them. Just like what we target" Bruce added.
"Exactly" Tony nodded.
"How could we not know about it" Steve shook his head.
"These emails started last night, meaning they might not know about it yet to start. No one wants to work on Christmas, but apparently someone was. That someone has been watching for a while, from a distance, clearly. But went back to base to send the emails. The important question is why" Tony looked to you expectantly.
"Because I took something from them" you put it together. "I created the inhibitors that we use as a defense"
"You took their power, so now they want power over you" Tony nodded. "They think we won't think about it and just react" he looked pointedly at Steve. "We move in the New Year, but with the whole team. They will expect Kitten to be with us, but she will be here safe in the compound"
"That base is above capacity according to the satellite data" Bruce pulled it up. "Looks like they are beefing up security"
"Bucky" you looked at him worriedly.
"I'll wear the Kevlar, but I'm going after who's after you" he shook his head.
"No, you can't" you shook your head. "What if any of you get hurt. I should be there" you added.
"We've talked about this" Steve reminded you softly.
"Bring him back to me Stevie" you looked at him sadly. "I can't ask anyone to stay, but I can ask you to make sure you bring him back to me"
"I promise, I'll come running home to you doll" Bucky kissed the top of your head. "I need you and our children safe" he added, kissing your temple.
"Just in case, Tony, can you send Pepper and Happy away after the New Year" you looked at him worriedly. "If anyone storms the compound, I can get myself away easily. I have places I can run to and stay hidden. The less people here the better. Doctor Joy as well, she needs to leave"
"No, we beefed up security. I have only the best. Bravo team will be with us, but Fury will send agents to guard the compound. I have a few things to tinker on until we go for that base. Steve, I want you to go over the scans and blueprints. We need to start planning now, and have several plans for extraction if it comes down to it" Tony looked at Steve.
"I'll get you the print outs of what we have" Bruce offered.
"Its not like you to volunteer to go on a mission" Steve looked at him seriously.
"As far as I'm concerned, that's my family they are threatening" Bruce shook his head. "I'll talk to Nat, but I know she will be okay with it"
"Come on doll" Bucky was still holding you as Bruce handed you your updated phone. You looked at it and realized you would need to log into all of your apps again, including your email. Bucky brought you back to your suite.

Bucky gently laid you on the sofa, and gazed at you taking in all of your features, as though he was committing it to memory. He then walked over and closed all of the curtains in the living room, spare room and the bedroom. You held Frost close to you while you logged into everything again while he was moving around the room.
"No one is going to get you, or our babies doll" Bucky came and sat next to you, quickly picking you up and putting you in his lap. He held you close while you looked at the emails again. He grimaced while you went through them. "You shouldn't look at those again"
"The photos are all taken at a long distance" you glanced at him as Frost climbed up on his shoulders and looked down and watched what you were doing. "They could have taken me out with a sniper rifle, it means they want me alive" you went back to your phone.
"Maybe we can go to the cabin, they don't seem to know about there" he offered gently. "We could bring Leia, Alpine and Frost with us. Just stay at the cabin. I'm sure Morgan wouldn't mind doing a grocery run for us"
"It puts them in danger if they are truly following my every movement. They could follow the jet if we take that. I'd rather not risk it" you shook your head. "But, its not a bad idea. Know any good safe houses? Somewhere far from here, not close to our friends or family?"
"I know plenty, I'll talk to Tony" he kissed your forehead.
"What if we don't tell Tony, what if you just drop me off in a location and make a run back here until the mission is over. I'll keep a burner phone for when you want to call me" you thought about it more. "It keeps you safe too, and the likelihood of them following the jet or tracking it is almost null and void. The only one that would know where I am, would be you"
"I'm not letting you go somewhere alone" he shook his head and Frost purred in appreciation.
"But if I run, its hard to track the movements. At the compound I'm stagnant, and easily found. The people here would be in danger if they really are coming for me" you sighed.
"The compound is easily the safest place for you though. Everyone here is going to protect you" he spoke thoughtfully. "I think of all of the options, staying here is the best one" he surmised. "Its not just you we are protecting. You can hold your own in a fight, we know that"
"Would you feel better if I stayed here then?" you whispered, and he nodded, biting his bottom lip. "Then I guess I'm here to stay" you kissed him on the cheek. "If nothing else, than to make sure my fiancée is rest assured that I'm fine"
"Are you going to check the text messages?" Bucky ask softly. You waited a moment, and steeled yourself opening up the texts. They were all from an unknown number, and it was the same number every time. It was like every time an email was sent, a single text message was sent that said "traitor". At the end of the lists of texts, the last one said "soon".
"I'm going to take your phone back to Tony and have him see if he can track the phone number. Maybe get a name" Bucky gave you a soft kiss.
"I should be doing that" you shook your head.
"Just stay here and rest with Frost. He's been on and off missing the last few days. I wont be long" he promised, setting you back on the couch. "We can turn on some music when I get back, dance a little bit. Maybe go snuggle in bed for a while..." he drifted off and you giggled.
"You and I both know that snowballs quickly" your face went flush.
"That's my favorite part" he winked and walked out with your phone.

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