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After hanging up, you flew down to the balcony and peeked into the living room to see everyone was still sitting there but Bucky was gone. You walked to the door and saw Steve look up as you walked in. You called on your powers to go back as you walked purposefully towards Tony.
"Y/N?" Steve asked as you ignored him.
"Tony, I need to talk to you" you steeled yourself for another fight.
"No, you're not quitting" Tony shook his head. "He's an idiot"
"Of course I'm not quitting; you guys have been babying me and want me to heal. I want to do it on my own terms. I'm going home for a few days" you ignored everyone's gaze on you.
"We are on lockdown, and you have a bounty on your head" he shook his head.
"I'm not asking" you hardened your voice, knowing there were still tear streaks on your face. You didn't care. "When I signed up, I said not to baby me, and I let you do that. Now me being effective as a team mate is being questioned, I need time to think"
"No, out of the question" he shook his head. "We are in lockdown for your protection"
"Then maybe your safer without me here" you growled.
"Y/N" Nat's voice came from behind you, and you felt her touch your back where your wings had been out. You winced in pain, knowing there was frost bite on your skin again. "Its just a fight"
"Bullets and words are about the same sometimes" you looked at her and felt tears turn to ice on your face as you started crying again. "I'm going home, can you take care of my fur babies for me?"
"Why don't you sleep on it, and decide in the morning?" Tony asked hopefully.
"I'm going to take the first flight out" you shook your head. "Morgan's going to come get me"
"I'll take care of them" Nat could tell your mind was made up.
"I'll fly you home" Bruce offered standing up. "With one condition" you looked at him expectantly. "You let me come get you in a few days"
"Done" you nodded and headed to your room.
"You can't let her leave" Steve looked worried.
"She's going to do it anyways; it might as well be on our terms" Tony bit his bottom lip. "This is why relationships in the team are a bad idea"
"She's been going stir crazy for a week, its not about the relationship. Its about us babying her when she's not used to it" Happy offered.

You didn't see Bucky when you went into your room to grab your suitcase, but you could hear his shower running. You filled up enough for a few days and texted Morgan that you were taking a jet instead and would come to town in the morning. Leia was following you everywhere anxiously, and you sighed heavily. You couldn't very well leave her behind, and you knew it. You pulled out a few books to read while you were gone and headed back to the living room. Bruce looked at you worriedly.
"You can change your mind, and stay you know" Pepper offered.
"Just think, everyone is out of lockdown if I'm gone" you shrugged.
"That's not the only reason we are in lockdown, just one of the reasons" Tony felt badly to see you hurting.
"You can't leave without telling him" Steve tried to plead with you.
"No no, he said I would be better off waitressing. I'm sure he'll understand" you looked at Steve and he saw the pain in your expression. "I need more training, isn't that what you all keep telling me?"
Tony looked like he wanted to punch someone, but Pepper rubbed him on the shoulder trying to calm his nerves.
"Lets go" Bruce sighed heavily while Nat gave you a kiss on the cheek.
"Leia's coming with me. Harry, Chewy, protect" you gave the command. You followed Bruce out and headed for the back door.
"This what you going to do every time the two of you fight?" Sam called to you.
"Fuck off Sam" you called back.

"Did she come back yet?" Bucky came out in his pajama's and Steve paled a little bit.
"Back and gone again" Tony stood up and looked at him worriedly. "She's gone for a few days"
"What do you mean gone?" Bucky crossed his arms. "We are in lockdown"
"Gone, as in she packed her bags for a few days and left" Happy glared in his general direction. "A waitress, really?"
"She can't just leave" Bucky shook his head.
"She just did" Nat looked at him. "What are you going to do about it?"
"Where did she go?" he started to panic a bit, he didn't mean to upset you this much. He just wanted you to be safe.
"Home" Steve answered when no one answered right away. "Back to her cabin. Bruce took her"
"This is her home. You let her go?" he looked at Tony.
"I didn't have much of a choice, she said she was leaving no matter what" Tony shrugged.
"What are you going to do about it?" Nat repeated.
"How long ago did they leave?" he looked panicked, and angry at the same time.
"About an hour" Steve gave in and told him.
"I'm taking one of the jets, and I ain't askin" Bucky stalked out of the room going to get some clothes for a few days and change.

Bruce flew most of the time on auto pilot while taking care of the frost bite on your back. You were thankful he was so attentive. He tried to talk some sense into you just turning around and going home, but you were determined that you were going to go see Morgan and the rest of the family. You were honestly hurt by Bucky's words, but you were also pissed off that everyone had been babying you for so long. You knew that if they would have let you practice your powers sooner, you would have been back in the gym by now. You weren't used to being cared for like this all the time. It was unnerving, because you also admittedly enjoyed it.
"You sure you want a few days alone, Hydra might be able to find you" Bruce finally broke the silence as he took the jet off autopilot and started the process to land.
"I'd love for them to try" you growled a little. "Just do me a favor, and try the handcuff's on soldier 23. I know it's a prototype, but I'm convinced it will work. It might revert him back to human so you can get fingerprints to find out who he really is. Unless he really was made in a lab, and designed to be in the werewolf like form" you softened your voice a bit. "Besides you guys will be safer, the further away I am"
"We are safer together as a team, Sunshine" Bruce shook his head.
"Yeah, well..." you shrugged tapping your inhibitor since you felt tears starting to come back again. "I just need a few days, I'm homesick"
"Have you thought about what Nat said, about us adopting you?" he asked hopefully.
"I'm still in shock anyone wants to adopt me" you gave a soft smile. "My own family sold me"
"We looked into it, we can do a four way adoption. I can't have kids, but if I were to ever have children, I would be lucky if they turned out as amazing as you" he gave you ashy smile.
"You really want to adopt a stubborn old woman like me?" you teased.
"We all do" he nodded. "I'm done arguing about it, I just want to know your thoughts"
"I'll think about it, it sounds too good to be true. Everything has an expiration date Bruce" you admitted.
"Not with us, and not with family. A real family, not what you had before Hydra" he started the descent. "Looks like someone beat us here" he looked out the window and saw one of the quinn jets already parked on the front lawn, while he aimed for the next spot over. "Its one of ours" he added.
"It better not be Barnes" you growled.
"Oh, I'm pretty sure it is" Bruce chuckled. "You want to go back home now?"
"Nope, I'll send him right on back" you shook your head.
"He's just as stubborn as you" he shook his head chuckling again, and finished landing.
"Thank you Bruce, for everything" you gave him a warm hug and grabbed your bag.
"I'llcome back in three days, unless you come home first" he waved to you as youwent out the back door with Leia on your heels.

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