Mission accomplished

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Landing at the SHIELD headquarters, Fury met you both at the back hatch as it went down. He had a smirk on his face watching you both. It was almost midnight by now and you were both exhausted. He had his agents go get the Hydra agents to be put into official cells for processing and led you both in to his office.
"I need a report" he said as you both sat down.
"It was supposed to be an in and out recon mission, but it was crawling with Hydra agents. It looked like they were starting to set up again for using the base. You can have a copy of my body cam footage. Y/N successfully hacked their three databases, and took copies of their data" Nat offered.
"Do they still have their own data?" Fury looked at you.
"Only if its backed up somewhere. I put a virus in the computers. The data is gone" you admitted. "It was a last minute decision"
"That was a good decision" Nat nodded with pride.
"I thought so" you nodded tiredly.
"What about the paper data that you went for?" he asked quickly.
"In the jet, Tony will upload it once we are done going through it" Nat sat back in her chair.
"Fill out your official reports and take one of the agent accommodations for the night. I want the report on my desk in the next two hours" he handed you both the books to fill out. You followed Nat to a cafeteria and had a coffee with her as well as a quick bite to eat while filling out the forms. She was far quicker at it than you, since it was your first time. You read each part carefully before filling it out. As soon as you were done she grabbed it from you and you followed her back to Fury's office to leave it on his desk. She took your hand and led you back to one of the rooms and you looked at the single bed.
"Oh this might not be good" you shook your head.
"We'll be fine. Just lay down" she jumped on the bed and you laid down beside her. Neither one of you had the energy to change out of the cat suits.

You shrieked slightly as you woke up, but Nat tightened her hold on you and kept telling you that you were safe while she was still half asleep. By the time it was time to get up, you had spent most of the night awake watching the walls. You didn't want to go back to sleep after waking up the first time. It was too quiet, and your phone was dead. You had wanted to reach out to Bucky to let him know that you were safe.
"You look tired" Nat observed while you were sitting in the cafeteria having breakfast. A lot of agents were watching you both.
"I couldn't get back to sleep" you admitted. "It was too quiet. My phone died, so did my comm" you flushed.
"Why didn't you charge it in the jet?" she raised an eyebrow.
"Forgot the charger" you bit your bottom lip.
"No, there's a place to charge it. I'll show you when we get back on the jet" she smiled at you. "You should have said something"
"I thought we would be back by now" you spoke honestly.
"I told Tony we ran into something and would be back today. I texted him while you were working on your report" she warned you. "He probably already got the reports from Fury and knows you got a flesh wound. Hopefully he doesn't tell everyone"
"Tony doesn't seem to keep much to himself" you shook your head. She just shrugged and took a bite of her breakfast burrito.
"Hi" a tall man came over. He was well built, had sandy brown hair with big green eyes and a shy smile.
"Yes?" Nat raised an eyebrow at him.
"I'm Trevor" he held out a hand to you, and you looked at his hand.
"I'm Y/N" you gave a small smile, and hesitated to shake his hand but did so anyways.
"Are you new around here?" he sat down beside you.
"She's a new Avenger" Nat spoke up, not liking where this was going.
"That's so cool. A lot of us want to get on Bravo team just to get a chance to work with the team" he took a sip of his coffee. "How long are you here for?" Trevor asked.
"We are leaving shortly" Nat answered for you again.
"How about sticking around. I can show you around the place" he winked at you.
"No, thank you" Nat looked at you. "Drink your coffee, we need to get going"
"Your being rude" you whispered to her.
"I'll explain later" she whispered back. You drank down your coffee, still not feeling fulfilled enough of caffeine.
"So, is that a no?" Trevor asked you directly.
"Maybe next time, but I appreciate the offer" you gave a shy smile. "I do have to get back to the compound"
"I'm trying out for Bravo team next week. Maybe I'll see you there" he gave a big smile, and you felt yourself blushing not used to someone being so focused. Well, anyone besides Bucky.
"Good luck" you got up following Nat to leave.

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