Bucky kept giving you sweet lingering kisses while you were trying to get to the garage.
"I love you" he whispered, giving you another long hug and a kiss that made your toes almost curl. "Be safe, check in with me" he nuzzled his nose against yours.
"Every hour, I remember" you giggled kissing his chastely on the lips. "Save me some kisses for when I get back. Don't forget Frost likes human food for lunch"
"I'll make sure" he pulled you in for another kiss.
"I won't be gone that long" you giggled.
"I missed you for a month, five minutes is too long right now" he pouted.
"I love you James, I'll be home soon" you went on your tiptoes to give him another kiss, and he effortlessly dipped you back, holding your body close to his. He deepened the kiss, and you were starting to have second thoughts about going out.
"Come on Y/N" Pepper was walking by with Happy, Wanda and Nat. "We have a big day in front of us" Bucky let you back on your feet and pulled back smiling at you lovingly.
"I love you, don't forget to text me" he reminded you again. You nodded, biting your bottom lip and he groaned before you giggled and danced away heading out to the car. You jumped in the back seat beside Nat who was sitting in the middle beside Wanda. You automatically rolled down the window a bit feeling a little nauseous. You waved to Bucky as Happy pulled out of the driveway and started making his way to town.
"Its cold in here" Happy complained from the front as he got on the highway. You were resting your forehead against the glass trying to cool down a little, keeping your eyes closed. You were not good with mornings anymore.
"Please let me keep the window down, I find it so hot in here" you licked your lips feeling thirsty. "Can we stop to get something to drink first?"
"Starbucks, I'm buying" Pepper spoke up quickly. "What are you wanting Kitten?"
"Something cold today, do they have iced lemonade or something sweet?" you perked up a bit.
"Its so cold out, shouldn't you go with something warm?" Pepper shivered. Happy turned up the heat and that was it for you.
"Happy, pull over!" you cried out, unbuckling your seat belt. He barely had the time to pull the car over before you flung the door opened and vomited your breakfast on the side of the road.
"Holy shit, are you okay?" Nat jumped out rubbing your back.
"I'll let you know in seven months" you flushed. "Its too hot in there"
"What do you mean seven months?" she stared you down, and you bent over and vomited again. You finally stood up to your full height and turned around and looked at her. "Oh my God!" she clued in and pulled you into a hug. "Congratulations!" she yelled making Pepper get out of the car to come and see what the fuss was about.
"What are we congratulating?" Pepper looked at you curiously.
"You're going to be a grandma" you said from Nats strong hold around you. "Seven months or so" you flushed.
"Congratulations!" Pepper ran over and threw her arms around you and Nat. Both of them giving you kisses on the cheek.
"I knew something was up! Congratulations Kitten!" Happy called from the drivers seat, then came over to give you a hug as well.
"Thank you, I'm not really telling anyone yet" you bit your bottom lip. "Its why I've been so tired lately" you admitted.
"And sick every morning" Wanda added.
"You and Steve are the only ones that noticed that" you flushed a bit as you all piled back into the car.
"No, I thought you had the flu and it wasn't going away because you were hellbent on doing a mission every single day" Happy admitted. "Its hard to ignore when I came into your suite and you were being sick, so I just went to the dining room with your coffee instead"
"You went on missions knowing this? Nat punched you in the arm.
"You aren't going on any more missions" Pepper added.
"No, I'm benched since we don't know what happens with an enhanced being pregnant" you flushed. "I only knew on one mission for sure"
"She wouldn't let me talk her out of it" Wanda added for good measure. "Then she got shot, and the truth had to come out"
"How did Wanda know before me?" Nat demanded.
"Wanda likes to be in my head" you blushed again, and leaned against the window. "Its too warm in here" you tried to change the subject.
"The mall's going to make it worse" Pepper warned. "They have the heat jacked up everywhere"
"I'll be fine, I want to do this. Besides, I wanted a girls day" you smirked. Happy went through the drive thru and ordered everyone's drinks. He got you a lemonade, then a latte for after in case you felt like it. You blushed in response, knowing that's exactly what you had wanted to do.
"How did Bucky take the news?" Pepper asked suddenly.
"He's pretty excited" you admitted with a smile. "We only know so far that its twins" You felt Happy hit the breaks suddenly and look back at you. Nat threw her arms around you again. Pepper squealed.
"Twins?!" he demanded.
"Yeah, there's two little beans on the monitor. Wanda mentioned it first" you admitted softly. "Doctor Joy let us hear the heart beat a few times"
"Do we know anything else yet?" Nat asked curiously.
"No, just that I'm always running warm since I got pregnant" you admitted. "It seems to be getting worse some days, I use my frost butterflies and it helps with the nausea when I'm overheating. They want to monitor as much as possible going forward" you flushed.
"Let me guess, Tony knows?" Pepper demanded.
"Well, Bucky couldn't wait to tell Steve. I can't say no to him. But if Steve knew, then Tony is the other team lead, so I had to tell him. Doctor Joy wanted to start documenting the pregnancy since we don't know how things are going to go, so Bruce had to know. I told them yesterday" you said quickly. "They both said you two would want to know first, before Christmas, which is when I planned on spilling the beans instead. Which was meeting Bucky half way, because he wanted to tell everyone and I wanted to wait for the first trimester to be over with" you continued. "But I can't say no to Bucky, so we compromised. Then I thought a girls day would be the right time to tell you two. I just didn't plan on it being on the side of the road"
"Add talks more to the list of new things" Happy joked and Nat punched him in the shoulder. "Hey, I'm driving" he parked in front of Victoria's secret. You pulled out your phone and updated Bucky that you were at the first store. He sent you a photo of Alpine sitting with Frost staring out the window. You put in one of your earbuds as you walked in and the four of you started going through the store. You carefully picked out several pairs of panties to match the bras you already had. When you got to the corsets, you picked out another black one, then got a dark blue one with matching panties to go with it. You had dresses you could wear under it easily, especially with the new year coming. You already had a dark blue garter set that you couldn't wait to use. You were the first one to the cash and paid with your credit card. Happy came over with a sharpie and wrote your name on the bag taking it outside for you while you waited on the girls to finish up.

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