A quiet morning

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The brilliant sun was shining down on the valley below, with the forest in all of its glory throwing off the autumn colors it was the perfect day. A slight chill to the air was perfect while you walked down your normal pathway from your little cabin to the river with your three German shepherd dogs Leia, Chewy, and Harry. Each dog had their own personalities, and however were protective to a fault. There was a good reason for that, but it wasn't something that you liked to talk about under any circumstance. You were far enough living in the mountains in your home in Canada, that cell service was hard to find, but close enough to go to the nearest town to make your calls or texts if necessary while getting your normal grocery order. Life was simple, and after everything that you had been through, simple is exactly what you needed.
As you reached the waters edge, you sat down on your favorite rock, and closed your eyes while listening to music. Today was a little bit of AC/DC and collective soul. Leia sat beside you while Chewy and Harry darted off to play in the water, barking happily and splashing around. You couldn't have asked for a better day, until the sound of something crashing through the forest above and a low flying plane caught you off guard. Leia, Chewy, and Harry flanked you immediately while you stood up.
Not thinking you ran towards where the crash happened. Someone could be hurt, and the landing plane could mean trouble. Your heart in your throat as you ran as fast as your legs would carry you, your legs scraping on the foliage as you leapt over different branches, shrubs, and fallen trees you came upon a site that made you feel like your heart stopped.
In front of you was a man you had only read about in the scientific papers, trying to get out of a Quinn jet, looking much worse for wear, calling to his partner inside. Leia growled, however you looked at her with an unspoken command and the three dogs sat waiting for you to give the order.
"Are you okay?" your voice came out unsurely, not wanting to upset the man standing close by with a nasty gash on his head. His salt and pepper hair had blood caked into it already.
"You need to hide, there's someone after us" the avenger spoke softly, although you could tell his head was probably pounding.
"I wouldn't worry about them I'm worried about you and your partner. Anyone else in the jet?" you asked softly, knowing that it was inevitable, but you'd have to use your powers in front of someone today. It had been years since you escaped Hydra, and luckily stayed off their radar. Leia gave a small bark, when you heard feet starting to crash through the thicket, similarly to when you came through. You raised your hands, and a blue light started to shimmer between your fingertips and along the palms of your hands. Chewy stood up, along with Harry waiting on your command.
"You need to run" the man spoke from behind you.
"I think that's where your wrong" you turned around looking at the one and only Bruce Banner who was looking a little green. "Just remain calm, and help your partner" you kept your voice even, taking a breath and concentrating. Walls of ice surrounded the jet, protecting you and your three best friends while you assessed the situation and counted the targets. You tuned out the noise of the gunshots, or the groaning of the people behind you while they tried to get out of the confines of the jet.
"Leia, protect" you commanded, and she went behind you to stand beside Bruce, and whoever his partner was climbing out of the jet. He seemed to freeze for a moment before the dog licked his hand to comfort him. He looked at the ice walls, and you heard a murmur of fascination come out of his mouth.
You counted 5 agents outside of the ice structure. Nothing you couldn't handle. You raised your hands again, and with the blue shimmering lights spears of ice formed in front of you, and went barreling towards the walls. Just as they were about to touch, the walls disintegrated and the 5 agents were speared through the chest.
"Chewy, Harry... hunt" you instructed as you started shaking from the cold. This was the problem with using your powers. It always left you feeling freezing cold and it was hard to find warmth sometimes for days. The two dogs separated and went to check to make sure the agents were dead. Once satisfied, they came back to you. "Check the cabin boys" you instructed before turning around and seeing Bruce staring at you in awe, and a Natasha Romanoff holding onto him for dear life. She looked worse for wear as well. Leia still stood at his side.
"How.... How did you.." Bruce started.
"Hydra experiment as a child. I escaped years ago. I know who you are, my name is Y/N. Your safe here for now" you started walking towards the pathway you had been on earlier. "You should follow me Mr. Banner, and Ms. Romanoff. I have a first aid kit in my cabin. I'll take you to town to make a call to your superiors to come get you. I'd appreciate if you kept my location and abilities to yourself however" you said over your shoulder.
"I like your dogs" Natasha finally spoke as they followed you silently up the path. Chewy and Harry came running back to you tails wagging. Meaning they finished the search. No more threats right now. That was a relief. You were already freezing cold, and needed a rest.
"Thank you, they are my family" you whispered more to yourself. You weren't used to talking this much unless you were at work. You had been doing the same job for years at a small diner in town, you knew the owner and his family well. They knew you had "health issues" and sometimes wouldn't make it off the mountain for work, especially when the winter was bad. They always kept your schedule, and never made a comment if you didn't come in the previous day, only told you to stop apologizing when you would come in early the following day to make up the hours.
They followed you in relative silence while you took the easiest pathway possible to get to the cabin. Once reaching the wrap around porch, you whistled and the three dogs lined up to go inside, while you opened the door. A lone cat came out of the kitchen emitting a loud purr, and jumping into your arms. You were honestly looking forward to the body warmth with the four of them tonight to get back into sorts.
"I'll get the first aid kit" you gave the small cat a scratch behind the ears and placed her back on the old well worn, wooden table. Bruce helped Natasha to your ripped up couch in the living room that had no television, only shelves upon shelves of books, an old worn out chair and the couch in the center. You returned from the bathroom with a large first aid kit, and looked at the two of them, deciding to start with Natasha. "This will sting" you warned, keeping your voice even and soft. You worked silently while Bruce supervised however he didn't say a word, seeming impressed with your capabilities. Once finished you turned to him, and started working on him silently not wanting to possibly risk that there would be questions. The entire time, you were careful not to touch their skin, afraid of them feeling how cold you were.
"Thank you, for helping us" Natasha finally spoke up.
"Its no trouble" you gave a small smile, while placing gauze over the large scratch on Bruce's head. "You would do the same for anyone else"
"It's the job description" Bruce gave a small smile, and looking around. The three dogs were laying around the small cabin, and your cat had braved coming over looking for attention from Natasha.
"It will never cease to amaze me, how many sacrifices the avengers make for others, and never think of themselves" you sighed to yourself getting up to put everything away.
"So I gotta ask, were you born with your powers or were they given to you?" Bruce asked after a few minutes of silence. You turned to him stunned. "Its just, its clear your hiding... and with your abilities, you would be pretty useful to ..."
"Anyone" Natasha cut him off.
"I'm a failed experiment" you spoke softly, with regret filling your eyes. "And nobody wants a chubby... whatever I am. Hydra thinks I'm dead, I prefer to let them believe that. Which is why, I need you to have both of those jets removed when you leave, and the bodies"
"So Hydra did this to you" Bruce confirmed.
"What's your weight have to do with your capabilities?" Natasha said at the same time. "With the right training, you would be a really good addition to the team"
"Team... we literally just stumbled on her property we know nothing about .." Bruce started.
"I've already said nobody wants this. I really am a failed experiment" you respond, going to the fridge to grab a few bottles of water, handing them to Natasha and Bruce, then opening one for yourself.
"How so?" Natasha asked, cocking her head to the side.
"My abilities hurt me. I used ice, and now I'm freezing cold. It will take days to feel normal again" you put on your gloves wishing they would stop asking.
"What else can you use?" she parried quickly.
"Fire.... But it burns, and damages so much around here I dare not use it often" you sat down.
"Why don't you use fire to cancel it out?" Bruce asked quickly, you weren't expecting that.
"It scares me" you admitted as if it was obvious. "Scares the dogs too. And they are my best friends. If its all the same to you, I'd rather not talk about this right now. I'm worried about you two getting back home. I'm sure there are a lot of people worried about you. Why not take a rest here, I'm going to go get changed for my shift at work. You let me know if you need anything from town, or you can come with me if you need cell service. I work tomorrow too. The dogs will guard you while I'm out." You turned around making it clear the conversation was over, and went back into your bedroom to put on your pink uniform with white apron. You put on minimal makeup, and tied your hair back in a high pony tail hoping that tonight would be a busy night. That way you could focus on something besides how cold you were.
"If it's the same to you, we will stay here for tonight" Natasha half asked, half told you as you came out into the kitchen. You nodded, as you weren't used to talking that much anyways.
"Fridge is full of food. Dogs are Leia, Chewy and Harry. The cat's name is Lily" you picked up the white furball and gave her an affectionate kiss. "Med kit is in the bathroom. You can sleep in my bed if your tired. I wont be home until 2 or 3 and I normally sleep out on the porch swing if the weather is holding" you looked at her shyly and went to the old pickup thinking today has been a very taxing day.

"She would make a good addition to the team" Bruce looked at Natasha shortly after you left.
"I agree, that's why we are going to take a few days to see if we can fix the quinn jet before we ask to go to town. Pretty sure she's used to being alone, might be good for her to have some company. Also gives us time to talk to her about it more. I don't buy the failed experiment. She took out five men who had sniper rifles aimed at us without a second thought" Natasha gave a small smirk. "Besides, I like her"


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