Chapter 213

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Chapter 213: Spencer's POV

There, I said it. I had to tell that son of a bitch how I felt about him.

"Woah there, Spence! I thought we were friends!" Toby said.

"What? Then why did you ask me out?"

"Because you did and then you took it back! I had to make up!"

I scoffed and the limo driver pulled over.

"Maybe you guys should talk outside," he said rather rudely and I got out of the limo without even arguing.

I started walking away to the nearest shop I could find and I heard Toby's footsteps running after me.

"Spencer, where are you running off to? It's so fucking dark here!" he screamed and turned me around. I pushed him away.

"Like you give a shit how I feel. You don't even want to be my boyfriend."

"Spencer, you're leaving in four days back to California! I'm not going to go through that heart break again. You're here for a visit and we're friends."

"Toby, I know you like me more than a friend!" I persisted and a tear rolled down from my left eye.

"I do, I do, but that doesn't mean I want to be with you."

WHAT? What was Toby even saying? "You said you loved me!"

"I do love you, Spence. There's not a day I can imagine where I will stop loving you."

"Then why don't you want to be with me?" I asked him sadly.

"You know what they say...When you love someone, sometimes you have to let them go."

"Then why did you go all the way to California?" I asked. We were standing outside a little cafe and people stared at us as the bustle of pedestrians walked in and out of it.

"Spencer, that, that was impulse. I loved you and I also hated you for leaving me. But going there and not seeing you made me realize how much I was holding you back. Spencer, you're the strongest girl I know. I don't want to be the one that holds you back on your dreams. You're meant to succeed in California and go to your dream school, Stanford."

I was crying from my right eye now too. "But I want to be with you. I love you."

"I love you too, but you're too blinded by love to understand me now."

"And fuck California. I'll go to college somewhere here in Pennsylvania. We can be together."

"Spencer, do you hear yourself? You're going to give up your dreams for ME? No, you're meant to achieve! I'm not going to stop you anymore," Toby replied and it was respectable his eyes were not filled with tears like mine were.

"How about a long distance relationship?" I offered.

"No, I'm not going to let you have me as a burden in your life. I love you, Spencer. I want the best for you so please, just listen to me. Go to California, meet someone great, start a new life there. I'll always be supporting you from this side of the country."

"I don't want to find someone else though. You're my once upon a time, Toby."

"I know," he said and softly smiled. He leaned in and I thought he was going to kiss me, but instead, he took his hands and rubbed my tears.

"Hastings don't cry, especially a beautiful girl like you."

I tried to smile, but I didn't really see why I should. "So this is the end of us? For good?"

Toby nodded slowly. "It's for the best."

"I love you," I said. "You're the only guy that's made me feel like it's worth to live in a world with A and so many problems. I love you and I always will, no matter who I try to build a new relationship with."

"And I love you too, which is why I'm setting you free..."

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