Chapter 140

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Chapter 140: Toby's POV

I was the biggest douche ever. Bigger than biggest.

"Alison, I didn't mean it like that. No, that was honestly totally sick of me to say something like that," I apologized and I truly meant it.

"It's ok. Unlike you guys, I believe in second chances. If any of you had suffered as much as I did and came back and just needed a place to stay, I would have let you all in without even asking," Alison said and I frowned.

"I'll be leaving now. Thanks for everything," Ali said and she left out the door.

"Wow, that wasn't really cool, Toby," Emily said.

"I'm not the cool one? You guys just think the same stuff as me, but don't have the courage to say it to her face."

"Where is she even going?" Spencer asked, easing the tension.

"Hopefully her parents' house."

"Hey, can I get a ride home?" I asked Toby.

"Sure, but let's first eat breakfast because I am starving."


"I'm sorry if I've been really clingy these past few days," Spencer told me as I parked on our driveway.

"Spencer, I'm used to it," I teased and she frowned. "I like when you're protective."

"Thanks," Spencer said and leaned in and kissed me. "Wanna come in for a while? My mom's here, but I think she's got too much other work to really care what we're doing."

"Sure." We got out of my car and went into Spencer's house. When we entered, we could hear two voices.

"It's just so hard," I heard the first familiar voice say. "When there's no support. I mean, I would just blank out. Couldn't see anything."

"Well, Alison, I'm sure Spencer wouldn't mind if you stayed here for a while."

Spencer looked at me and we both groaned as we walked into the living room, where Mrs. Hastings and Alison were sitting.

"Mom?" Spencer asked and Alison smiled at us. Her normal smile: the evil one.

"Spencer. Toby," she greeted us. "Look who rang our doorbell a couple minutes ago."

"Hi, Spencer," Alison said in her normal fake voice. "It's been so long. I've missed you all these years."

"Hey," Spencer said.

"Spencer, why aren't you happier to see her?" Mrs. Hastings asked.

"Because I already," Spencer began, but then realized she couldn't tell her mom about the whole incident last night. "She already came to Hanna's house this morning."

"Speaking of that, why is Toby dropping you here?" her mom asked.

"I offered to give her a ride home since Mrs. Marin and Hanna weren't free," I chirped in.

"Alison, you didn't tell me you already saw Spencer. You said you came here from the bus station," Mrs. Hastings told Alison.

"Sorry, I have these memory lapses with all the trauma I've faced in the last few years," Alison said and Spencer and I both groaned at her bullshit.

"Well, if Spencer's okay, you can stay here for a while," Mrs. Hastings said and her phone rang. "I'm sorry, I have to take this call." She left for the kitchen.

Alison stood up and walked over to us.

"How did you even get here?" I asked.

"I walked here while you guys were talking shit about me with Emily," Alison replied.

"Well, why are you getting my mom into this?" Spencer asked.

"I told you I need a place to stay and if Toby's going to be a dick, then you're going to suffer."

"Well, my mom told me I get to decide if you're staying here or not," Spencer said and smiled.

"Okay, if you don't let me, I'll just tell her you were at Toby's last night. I even took pictures of you while you were sleeping. Then goodie two shoes Spencer Hastings will have some explaining to do," Alison threatened.

"You are not going to blackmail me," Spencer said and I nodded my head.

"Or I can just send her a long letter describing all the shit you've done while I was gone," Alison said and smiled that infamous evil smile of hers.

"You wouldn't," Spencer said even though we all knew she would. "She wouldn't believe it anyway since it was sent from you."

"Yeah, but I can address it from my best friend...A," Alison replied and Spencer and I both gasped.

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