Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Spencer’s POV

Emily and I arrive at school. It’s a little before the bell, so as usual, I check out the volunteering fliers on one of the school’s walls. I see the usual – volunteering at the hospital, working at the Brew…but one flier catches my eye: “French Tutor Needed for Home School Student.” Who could that be? Only one name comes to my mind and I double check the address on the flier. Yup, I’m correct. I see Hanna walking towards me, so I look at other fliers.

“Hey, Spence, what are you looking at?”

“Nothing much, just looking at volunteering opportunities.”

“Shut up, Spencer, I saw you looking at the French tutoring flier,” Hanna retorts. “I know you think this is stupid, but it might actually be a good idea. You know, find out what really happened between Toby and Ali?”

“I don’t know, Hanna, he’s a creeper.”

“Just try, Spencer! Does Spencer Hastings give up? No, she doesn’t! When she wants answers, she gets them! So take the damn flier before someone else does and get on this as soon as possible!”

Whoa, Hanna might be act clueless sometimes, but she was making total sense now. Spencer Jill Hastings does not give up! She fights! I yank the flier off the wall, fold it, and put it in my pocket, ready to find some answers after school.

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