Chapter 152

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Chapter 152: Toby's POV

Shit! Jade had hung up. I kept trying to reach for the phone, but she kept kicking me away and shoving me away. 

"Glad that's over," she said and tossed me the phone.

"You whore!" I screamed and dialed the phone again.

"I thought you said you wanted to get over here. That's why you were in the bar, right?"

"That doesn't mean I don't still love her!" 

"Well, I've been with a lot of guys and from what I know, if you keep going back, you're never going to get over them. I just helped you there."

"Fuck off," I said and Spencer picked up.

"Oh my gosh, Spencer. I'm so sorry. I just wanted to explain," I began, but she cut me off.

"Go to hell, Toby. I hope you had fun with that rebound prostitute," Spencer said coldly.

"I love you," I tried to say, but Spencer hung up.

"Shittttttt!" I yelled and collapsed on the bed. Jade was dressing up and staring at me. "This is all your fault!"

"So how old are you?" she asked, changing the topic.

"21," I lied.

"Oh, wow," she said. "You're too young for me, but if you throw in some money, I'll be willing-"

"I'm not into prostitutes," I groaned and got up. "Look, goodbye, thanks for screwing up my love life."

I headed towards the door when Jade said, "You know, your car is still at the bar, right? I drove you back in my car."

"You've got to be kidding me," I said. "Can you drop me there?"

"Nah," Jade said. "You were a jerk to me. Call one of your friends or that ex of yours."

"They'll all be in school now. It's like 8," I said.

"Well, you've got to know someone who doesn't go to school."

"I do, but she's being questioned now in the police station," I replied and Jade gave me a weird look.

"Fine, I'll drop you on my way to work," Jade said.


"Where do you live?" Jade asked as we drove down the streets of Rosewood.

"Um," I said, not sure if I should give her my real address. "You can drop me off somewhere near Rosewood High and I can take a bus home."

"Good, Rosewood High's on the way to work so it'll be easy for me."

"Speaking of work, what do you do? You have a freaking convertible!" I admired. She had pulled the hood down and I could feel the breeze on my face. I turned on the music loud and waved my hands in the air. Gosh, it felt amazing.

"I'm actually a nurse."

"WHAT!" I yelled out in surprise.

"What's that supposed to mean? You think I'm not smart enough?"

"No, I meant, um..."

"Relax, I get that a lot," she said as we pulled up to Rosewood High.

"Okay, thanks for everything," I replied as I looked at the school and then gasped in despair.

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