Chapter 85

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Chapter 85: Spencer's POV

Toby and Wren left. Oh great, it was just Dad and me.

"Where are Melissa and Mom?" I asked Dad.

"Shopping. I'll call them soon so they can go to the hospital and check on Wren," he told me. "Sit down." 

I obeyed him and prepped myself to be shouted at.

"What's gotten into you, Spencer? What happened to that sweet little innocent girl?"

"Well, Dad, she grew up."

"Spencer, Spencer, Spencer..." he said without even looking at me. "It's Toby, isn't it?"

"Um, what?" I asked.

"Ever since you started going out with him, you've gotten more violent, more sarcastic, and just overall a worse person. He's a bad influence."

"No, Dad!" I argued. "Toby's the best thing that's ever happened to me. He's a great guy and he makes me feel like the most amazing girl in the world."

"Well, any guy can make you feel that way, not Toby. I don't want you seeing him ever again," Dad told me.

"Dad, you met him once and he didn't even do or say anything wrong. You're so judgemental," I argued, remembering Hanna's words. Ya, I get my judgemental side from Dad.

"Well, I've seen what I was looking for. I knew that I never should've trusted him in my house or with you."

"Please, Dad, give him another chance or let Mom say something too," I said, tears flowing down my face.

"Go upstairs. Don't try to defend him. If you ever see Toby again, you'll be kicked out of here."

"Fine," I said. "I love him and I'm going to see him no matter what you say or do. So I'll just pack my bags and leave right now since you're going to kick me out anyway."

I ran upstairs to my room with tears down my face. Toby was right. I wasn't the kind of girl to run away from trouble. I stood up to people that were being unfair to me. I needed to move out, but where to?

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