Chapter 100

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Chapter 100: Toby's POV

Oh gosh, this was horrible. Spencer hated me and she knew I was up to something. I picked up my phone and dialed.

"Toby?" Emily asked from the other end. "Why the late call? Anything urgent? Is Spencer okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, Em. I just wanted to ask you something."

"Oh, okay, what about?" she asked.

"Would you be interested in coming to the Halloween Train party?" I asked. 

Please say yes. Please say yes.

"I don't know, Toby. I already made plans with Paige."

"She can come too!" I said.

"I'll talk to her and see if she's interested. Why do you even want me to come so badly?" she asked me.

Time for some serious bullshitting, Cavanaugh.

"Well, Spencer's birthday is soon and I thought that maybe we can have a little surprise party for her there?" I asked. "So I want you, Hanna, and Aria to come too."

"Oh, you could have just said that first, Toby!" Emily said. "Of course we'll come and tell us if you need any help. I'll call the others right now and let them know."

"Just don't mention anything to Spencer. Thanks so much, Em," I said and hung up the phone.

I called Mona this time. "Everything's ready," I said on the phone. "But we're going to need some balloons and a cake."

"Excuse me?" Mona asked. "This isn't some anniversary party for you and your girlfriend."

"Fine, I'll bring them myself," I said and hung up.

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