Chapter 244

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Chapter 244: Toby's POV

September of the same year...approximately nine months since I last saw Spencer.

"Welcome to the first day of school, sixth graders and Mr. Cavanaugh," Ms. Bell introduced me to her class. "We're going to have a student teacher this semester so everyone say hi to Mr. Cavanaugh. He's working on getting his credentials so please treat him nicely and feel free to ask him any questions."

The class of sixth graders clapped as Ms. Bell went back to her desk. I walked awkwardly to the front of the room and faced the eyes of enthusiastic eleven-year-olds.

"Hi, I'm Toby, I mean, Mr. Cavanaugh," I began and some students laughed adorably. "And I went to this school too, like nine years ago, so feel free to ask me any questions."

The class clapped again and I walked to the back where I would be sitting and watching...the whole semester. I guess it was better than community college though.


"Lunch time!" Ms. Bell announced and I was so relieved. Hearing sixth graders talk and answer questions for four hours was tiring me out.

The students excitedly got out their lunch boxes and began eating. Ms. Bell walked over to me. She was young, probably in her late twenties, and damn, was she attractive as hell.

"They don't eat lunch in a cafeteria anymore?" I asked her.

"Well, the cafeteria is currently getting renovated so not for some time," she explained as a student walked towards us. She was wearing a plaid skirt and a shirt and she intimidated me with her looks even though she was only eleven. 

"Ms. Bell, I have a question for Mr. Cavanaugh," she said confidently.

"Go ahead," Ms. Bell said and walked away to check on other students.

"What's up?" I asked the girl and she frowned.

"How do I get into college?" she asked and I had to refrain from laughing.

"You're kidding, right?"

"I'm serious," she said bluntly. "My sister is going to college next year and she's so smart. Then there's me and I don't think I'm smart enough to go to college."

"Honey," I said and she gave me a stare, obviously not liking the fact that I was treating her like a child, which she was. "You're in sixth grade! There's a lot ahead of you and let me just say, have fun and enjoy school with your friends. Stop thinking so far into your future."

"It's not just that," the girl continued. "What if my classmates don't like me? I mean, my parents barely like me. It's all about my sister."

"Wow, where have I heard this before?" I muttered. "What's your name?"


"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, surprised.

"Sarah," she reiterated. Damn, that sounded nothing like Spencer! Focus, Toby!

"Well, Sarah, you sound just like a girl I know, well, I used to know, and let me just say, she turned out perfect."

"Really?" Sarah asked with a smile, which made me relieved. I couldn't believe this intimidating, no-nonsense girl could smile.

"Yes, and the best part was that she met a smoking sexy, I mean hot, I mean cute guy," I joked, forgetting I was talking to an eleven-year-old. "And they had a lot of fun together. A lot of fun, like a lot. More than you can know."

"Who's the sexy guy?" Sarah asked and giggled when she said the s-word.


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