Chapter 153

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Chapter 153: Spencer's POV

I slammed my locker shut, taking out my rage on you-know-who on my poor locker.

"Hey Spence!" Hanna said as she and Emily walked up to me.

I hadn't told them about Toby or why I was arrested, nor had I mentioned Alison. Surprisingly, they hadn't asked me about any of these either.

"Oh, hi," I said dully, trying to avoid their gaze. "Where's Aria?"

"Doctor's appointment for her leg. Poor girl."

"Oh, well, I should be heading to class."

"Spence, relax, you have like ten whole minutes. Come on, let's take a walk in the fresh air."

"Fine," I said as we walked down the hallway.

"Oh, by the way, you wanted this, right?" Hanna asked as she pulled out a paper from her bag.

I stared at the paper and saw that it was a guest pass to the Winter Ball dance this Saturday.

"You just have to print Toby's name and get his signature and then he can come this Saturday!" Emily squealed. "It's going to be amazing!"

I tried not to cry and let out a small smile. "I'm actually not going to go, um, Toby's busy." I wasn't even lying. He did get a job in Bucks County and wouldn't be here this Saturday anyway.

Hanna and Emily both looked at each other with worried faces.

"What? I thought you said he was coming," Hanna said.

"Yeah, he was, but something came up."

"Well, can't you still come by yourself? Come on, we bought pretty dresses! And I can tell Caleb not to come so it can just be the four of us," Hanna said, trying to cheer me up.

"Yeah, and I'll cancel on Paige," Emily spoke up.

"No, guys, you can go with your dates. I don't want to stop the fun. And Em, ask Paige if she wants my dress. It'll look lovely on her," I said, trying to supress a smile.

"Okay, Spencer," Hanna said and stepped in front of me. "We're not supposed to tell you this, but you're nominated for Winter Ball Queen and well, you have a pretty good chance of winning, so you can't just ditch on the whole school."

"Who else is nominated?" I asked, surprised at the fact that I was suddenly popular.

"Alison," Emily whispered and I gasped in shock. "Yeah, a few kids found out she was back so they nominated her. Please, Spencer, you can't let that bitch win and if you don't show up, she will!"

"Fine," I gave in. "I'll come to beat her for the title."

"Perfect," Hanna said as we walked outside. The front of the school was relatively empty as some freshmen scurried to their classes. 

My eyes averted from the girls to see a car pull up to the front of the school. Not just any car, it was a convertible with a pretty girl driving it. And next to her sat a pretty boy I hated.

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