The failed experiment (Bucky...

By BlueEyedGirl83xo

431K 13.4K 1.4K

Y/N was abducted as a young girl to be forced under Hydra's experiments. Years later you escape, but not aft... More

A quiet morning
Extended Visit
More Visitors
Possible Friendships
Carnival Part 2
Tests and Bonfires
Girls day
First Dance
Dancing in the kitchen
First Date
Three fears
Second date
First exam
Second Exam
Third exam
His Doll
Mission ready
Mission accomplished
Back to Base
Another Girls Day
Official Avenger
First time**
The morning after
Girls night
Painful Truths
Home again
Only him
Trigger Words
Feeling Loved
Temporary goodbyes
Knock knock
Sparring in heels
The return
On Fire
A moment alone **
More Enhanced
Waking up
Unsaid declaration
Teasing **
Sarge **
The L word**
Bringing Frost back
First fight
The truth to Morgan
Avengers in love**
Back home
Good girl**
Full of love**
I'll follow her wherever she goes
Mario Kart**
Starting to come home
Reports out, missions received**
Back to Missions
Pregnancy & Frost
Bucky's finally home**
Decorating the tree
Light duties
Wrapping party
Another fever**
A date overdue
A Promise to go slow
Christmas Eve Eve**
Christmas Eve
Christmas Part 1**
Christmas part 2**
Sparring with Loki
Protection Protocol
Wedding plans**
New Suits**
Another enhanced?
Baby talk**
New Years Eve
New Years Eve Part 2
New Years Day **
New Years Day Part 2
Game night**
Cookies and secrets
The Night before Mission**
Tearful Goodbyes**
The Big Mission
Attack on the compound
The journey home
A moment alone**
Wedding plans in the works**
Dress and Suit shopping
Cravings and girl talk
Midnight cravings**
More Wedding Prep
A worn out Bucky**
Spa before the wedding
Forever isn't long enough
Final wedding prep
Bucky before the wedding
Wedding part 1
Wedding part 2

Shopping trip**

2K 73 5
By BlueEyedGirl83xo

That night when Bucky made love to you, he was sweet and slow. He took his time and was so gentle. It was like he was cherishing you, and when he was done, he laid his head on your stomach, peppering it with kisses. He pulled you close after, holding you from behind with one hand securely over your stomach. You relished in the moment, wondering how you could feel so full of love. It almost felt like it was going to overwhelm you, but it wasn't. It felt so right.
When you got up in the morning, you rushed to the bathroom and Bucky wasn't far behind you. He rubbed your back, and sat on the floor beside you while you were sick. He was trying to be attentive to everything you might need. You felt embarrassed that he was there while you were sick, but at the same time it felt nice to have your back rubbed. You sat there for a long time, with your head on the toilet seat wishing for a cooler temperature. You finally double tapped your inhibitor and called on the frost butterflies to cool yourself down and Bucky chuckled from behind you.
"I'll never get tired of seeing you do that, doll" he whispered softly. Once you felt cool enough you tapped the inhibitor again. You flushed the toilet and he helped you up while you went to go brush your teeth. You started to struggle putting a hairbrush through your hair and huffed. Bucky didn't miss a beat and took the hairbrush, starting to brush your hair for you. Once he was done, he put it away and you gave him a shy smile.
"You're spoiling me James" you blushed a little.
"Not enough, doll. You've been doing this a month without me and I have lots of time to make up for. Next time, I want to be with you every step of the way" he took your hand leading you out to go to the closet to put some clothes on. You picked out dark blue undergarments, with a pair of black jeans and a white low-cut shirt. Bucky automatically handed you one of his hoodies to wear on top and you flushed but put it on quickly. "While you're out, can you text me at least once an hour to let me know you're safe?" he finished putting on a mirroring outfit of black jeans and a white long-sleeved shirt.
"Yes, I'll text you. I'll try to remember to as often as possible" you nodded as he leaned in to give you a soft kiss on the lips. You went to put on a pair of winter boots once he pulled back, but he got down on his knee and helped you put on your boots. "Bucky, I can do things for myself. I'm not that far along" you giggled.
"Let me take care of you" he zipped up the side and went to work on the other boot.
"Can you make sure that if Frost doesn't eat his kibble that he gets some human food? He liked tuna yesterday, but I don't know how long we will be gone, and he's so thin as it is" you bit your bottom lip and Bucky stopped to look at you before breaking out in a smile.
"Anything for you doll. Did you spoil Lily this much?" he leaned up giving you another kiss.
"No, she always ate whatever I gave her" you were honest about it.
"Let's go see doc before we go for breakfast" he took your hand and kissed the back of it. You loved how affectionate he was being.

Doctor Joy checked your vitals again, and you saw that she was so excited to really be documenting the results of everything. You told her how you planned to go shopping that day, and she reminded you that when you got home you might be tired, so not to be afraid to take a nap. She cleared you to start working out in the gym again, however wanted you to take things slowly. You were also cleared for working in the lab as well. You had wanted to start working on the bullet proof under clothes for the team.
Breakfast was a flurry of excitement while the three dogs were enjoying their toasts that were being handed under the table and Bucky wordlessly got up and gave Frost and Alpine some scrambled eggs. Tony raised an eyebrow but he just shrugged in response. He kissed the back of your hand as he sat back down and you flushed when you saw there were a few curious glances in your direction.
"You are so whipped man" Scott finally said it to Bucky.
"Happily, whipped" Bucky responded easily and gave you a kiss on the cheek. "I'm the luckiest guy in the world"
"Hey Kung Foo, you're sparring me tomorrow. Try not to say anything that will make me make it harder for you" you giggled when he shook his head and rolled his eyes.
"You sure sparring is a good idea?" Bucky looked at you worriedly.
"Of course, it is, we will take it easy. I need to stay in shape" you leaned over and kissed his cheek, then went back to focusing on eating.
"So where to first?" Nat asked and you blushed a bit.
"Victoria's secret, it seems to be tradition" you saw Bucky grin from beside you. "I have a few things that need to be replaced" you admitted softly.
"Yes, I heard one of your corsets got a bullet hole" Nat looked at you skeptically. "Which one?"
"The black one, which is a shame. I really liked it. It fit perfectly under the dress, which is also ruined" you pouted a little.
"Please say you have a picture of it at least" Nat grinned.
"Right here" Bucky took out his phone and handed it to Nat. It was his background picture when he went to unlock his phone.
"Oh, you looked good" Nat grinned again. "Nice background there Barnes"
"She looks beautiful, as always" Bucky shrugged taking his phone back. "I'll never get tired of it" he took your hand kissing the back of it again.
"I'm so excited that we are going shopping. I have so many stores I want to visit" Wanda perked up.
"I did a lot of my shopping online" Pepper admitted. "But there's always ones I seem to forget"
"Yelena will be here for Christmas by the way. She will stay in our spare room" Nat announced.
"I'm adding her to my list" Pepper picked up her phone immediately.

Bucky kept giving you sweet lingering kisses while you were trying to get to the garage.
"I love you" he whispered, giving you another long hug and a kiss that made your toes almost curl. "Be safe, check in with me" he nuzzled his nose against yours.
"Every hour, I remember" you giggled kissing his chastely on the lips. "Save me some kisses for when I get back. Don't forget Frost likes human food for lunch"
"I'll make sure" he pulled you in for another kiss.
"I won't be gone that long" you giggled.
"I missed you for a month, five minutes is too long right now" he pouted.
"I love you James, I'll be home soon" you went on your tiptoes to give him another kiss, and he effortlessly dipped you back, holding your body close to his. He deepened the kiss, and you were starting to have second thoughts about going out.
"Come on Y/N" Pepper was walking by with Happy, Wanda and Nat. "We have a big day in front of us" Bucky let you back on your feet and pulled back smiling at you lovingly.
"I love you, don't forget to text me" he reminded you again. You nodded, biting your bottom lip and he groaned before you giggled and danced away heading out to the car. You jumped in the back seat beside Nat who was sitting in the middle beside Wanda. You automatically rolled down the window a bit feeling a little nauseous. You waved to Bucky as Happy pulled out of the driveway and started making his way to town.
"Its cold in here" Happy complained from the front as he got on the highway. You were resting your forehead against the glass trying to cool down a little, keeping your eyes closed. You were not good with mornings anymore.
"Please let me keep the window down, I find it so hot in here" you licked your lips feeling thirsty. "Can we stop to get something to drink first?"
"Starbucks, I'm buying" Pepper spoke up quickly. "What are you wanting Kitten?"
"Something cold today, do they have iced lemonade or something sweet?" you perked up a bit.
"Its so cold out, shouldn't you go with something warm?" Pepper shivered. Happy turned up the heat and that was it for you.
"Happy, pull over!" you cried out, unbuckling your seat belt. He barely had the time to pull the car over before you flung the door opened and vomited your breakfast on the side of the road.
"Holy shit, are you okay?" Nat jumped out rubbing your back.
"I'll let you know in seven months" you flushed. "Its too hot in there"
"What do you mean seven months?" she stared you down, and you bent over and vomited again. You finally stood up to your full height and turned around and looked at her. "Oh my God!" she clued in and pulled you into a hug. "Congratulations!" she yelled making Pepper get out of the car to come and see what the fuss was about.
"What are we congratulating?" Pepper looked at you curiously.
"You're going to be a grandma" you said from Nats strong hold around you. "Seven months or so" you flushed.
"Congratulations!" Pepper ran over and threw her arms around you and Nat. Both of them giving you kisses on the cheek.
"I knew something was up! Congratulations Kitten!" Happy called from the drivers seat, then came over to give you a hug as well.
"Thank you, I'm not really telling anyone yet" you bit your bottom lip. "Its why I've been so tired lately" you admitted.
"And sick every morning" Wanda added.
"You and Steve are the only ones that noticed that" you flushed a bit as you all piled back into the car.
"No, I thought you had the flu and it wasn't going away because you were hellbent on doing a mission every single day" Happy admitted. "Its hard to ignore when I came into your suite and you were being sick, so I just went to the dining room with your coffee instead"
"You went on missions knowing this? Nat punched you in the arm.
"You aren't going on any more missions" Pepper added.
"No, I'm benched since we don't know what happens with an enhanced being pregnant" you flushed. "I only knew on one mission for sure"
"She wouldn't let me talk her out of it" Wanda added for good measure. "Then she got shot, and the truth had to come out"
"How did Wanda know before me?" Nat demanded.
"Wanda likes to be in my head" you blushed again, and leaned against the window. "Its too warm in here" you tried to change the subject.
"The mall's going to make it worse" Pepper warned. "They have the heat jacked up everywhere"
"I'll be fine, I want to do this. Besides, I wanted a girls day" you smirked. Happy went through the drive thru and ordered everyone's drinks. He got you a lemonade, then a latte for after in case you felt like it. You blushed in response, knowing that's exactly what you had wanted to do.
"How did Bucky take the news?" Pepper asked suddenly.
"He's pretty excited" you admitted with a smile. "We only know so far that its twins" You felt Happy hit the breaks suddenly and look back at you. Nat threw her arms around you again. Pepper squealed.
"Twins?!" he demanded.
"Yeah, there's two little beans on the monitor. Wanda mentioned it first" you admitted softly. "Doctor Joy let us hear the heart beat a few times"
"Do we know anything else yet?" Nat asked curiously.
"No, just that I'm always running warm since I got pregnant" you admitted. "It seems to be getting worse some days, I use my frost butterflies and it helps with the nausea when I'm overheating. They want to monitor as much as possible going forward" you flushed.
"Let me guess, Tony knows?" Pepper demanded.
"Well, Bucky couldn't wait to tell Steve. I can't say no to him. But if Steve knew, then Tony is the other team lead, so I had to tell him. Doctor Joy wanted to start documenting the pregnancy since we don't know how things are going to go, so Bruce had to know. I told them yesterday" you said quickly. "They both said you two would want to know first, before Christmas, which is when I planned on spilling the beans instead. Which was meeting Bucky half way, because he wanted to tell everyone and I wanted to wait for the first trimester to be over with" you continued. "But I can't say no to Bucky, so we compromised. Then I thought a girls day would be the right time to tell you two. I just didn't plan on it being on the side of the road"
"Add talks more to the list of new things" Happy joked and Nat punched him in the shoulder. "Hey, I'm driving" he parked in front of Victoria's secret. You pulled out your phone and updated Bucky that you were at the first store. He sent you a photo of Alpine sitting with Frost staring out the window. You put in one of your earbuds as you walked in and the four of you started going through the store. You carefully picked out several pairs of panties to match the bras you already had. When you got to the corsets, you picked out another black one, then got a dark blue one with matching panties to go with it. You had dresses you could wear under it easily, especially with the new year coming. You already had a dark blue garter set that you couldn't wait to use. You were the first one to the cash and paid with your credit card. Happy came over with a sharpie and wrote your name on the bag taking it outside for you while you waited on the girls to finish up.

Nat and Wanda held your hand as you all went through the mall next. You stopped to pick up some more things for Bucky, then made sure you got something for everyone that you just learned was coming. You had already had gifts mailed for Ma, Pops, Morgan and the family weeks ago. Wanda somehow got you to go into a baby store and you felt overwhelmed already.
"You should get these" she picked up two onesies that said "Player one and Player two" on them.
"Bucky did say he wanted a baseball team" you giggled, putting them in the cart. You got a few little things, but were worried on buying too much. Once you finished there, you pulled Nat and Wanda into the pet store. You kept trying to remember to text Bucky as you went through out the day. You bought a few satin pillows for the cats, then filled the cart with dog toys, and cat toys. Happy and Pepper had a good laugh, but you saw Pepper secretly buying three dog beds for the living room.

By the time you got back to the compound, the entire back of the SUV was jam packed with deliveries being made for the next day or two since there wasn't enough room for it all. You weren't the only one to have gone a little overboard. Bucky came out the front door while Happy parked. Pepper and Nat went over and hugged him quickly before going to help you get everything out of the back. Happy kept grabbing your bags and boxes from you, then Bucky came over and took the rest of the things with your name on it.
"Come on you guys, this is overkill" you growled a bit.
"Let them take care of you" Pepper grinned.
"Can I help you with your things?" you asked hopefully while Nat and Wanda grabbed their stuff.
"Nope" she shook her head and you grumbled going in the front door.
When you got in the suite you saw Bucky was putting everything in the living room along with the wrapping paper that you had bought.
"Did you have a good day with the boys?" you went to him to hold him close. He pulled you in and put a kiss on top of your head.
"I did, Frost had some fish for lunch" he whispered to you. "Alpine is getting spoiled and eating the same thing as him"
"I got something you might like" you flushed and went over to the bags, pulling out the matching onesies. He grinned in spite of himself looking at them. "You did say baseball team, right?" you purred leaning up and giving him a lingering kiss on the lips.
"I already warned you there would be a next time" he chuckled, pulling you back for deeper kiss. You giggled and felt his hands start roaming your body. "Lets go take a nap" he suggested pulling up on your thighs. You threw the onesies on top of the couch and Frost mewed at you. You barely registered it while you wrapped your legs around Bucky and he strode into the bedroom, closing the door quickly behind him.

Bucky barely took the time to pay attention to closing the door when he started pulling up on your shirt, eager to have you naked with him again. You didn't want to break away from the hungry kiss that he was giving you, and moaned in protest when he was trying to coax you out of your shirt. When you finally broke apart for air he pulled if off the rest of the way and sat you on the side of the bed while taking his own shirt off and throwing it to the side.
"I waited all damn day for this doll" he growled, claiming your lips as his again. You couldn't help the moan of satisfaction that came out of your throat, running your hands up and down his chest before reaching for his pants.
"So have I" you purred to him, pulling at his pants a little more trying to undo the belt buckle as quickly as possible. He claimed your lips again, reaching down to undo your pants which was a little more difficult where you were sitting. Hem pulled back long enough to pull them off your legs effortlessly with your panties and socks and he gazed at you as you leaned back on your elbows with a satisfied smirk. "Pants, off" you demanded and he was quick to follow orders. You drank in his nude form, and licked your lips slowly.
"You're going to be the death of me" he pulled you up to him and hungrily took your lips again. You wrapped your arms around his neck and started kissing a trial down his neck, taking a moment to pay attention to his sweet spot. He groaned loudly, reaching down and pulling on your thighs. "I believe we have more art to make" he turned and pushed you against the wall.
"I was sad when they fixed it all" you giggled. "I liked it, it reminded me..." you drifted off as he started roughly kissing you. You moaned softly and felt him slowly start to enter you.
"I can't wait today" he whispered as he easily slid into you. You braced yourself on his shoulders and started moving with him, reveling with the feeling of having him completely connected to you again. He reached used one hand to guide you while the other held you from behind your back as he continued to kiss you like it was the last thing he would ever do. He moaned deep in his throat as you started to tighten around him getting close to your climax. You started to cry out as you came, and he drowned your cries with his mouth against yours again. He started to lose his pace, and you felt him release inside of you. He groaned out your name, then leaned against you for a moment before bringing you to the bed and sitting on the edge with you still on his lap.
"I love you" he whispered.
"I love you too" you whispered back softly. You sat there for a while, in your post coital bliss while both of you continued to give one another soft lingering kisses. He finally picked you up quite easily and placed you under the covers and slipped in behind you. He put his hand protectively over your stomach and you gave a small smile. You doubted you would get tired of how protective he was over the little lives that you two created. You were worried about getting through the first trimester, but everyone else seemed to be so sure it would be fine. You pulled Bucky's hand up and gave it a small kiss before putting it back and started to drift off.

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