Fanfic: Summoned to the paral...

By Lerpa2k2

159K 5.7K 2.9K

Another world reincarnation? Transported to another world? Summoned? I don't know all of those at all. The on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Addition to the author's note
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Author's queries to the readers
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chaoter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Author's note
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Extra Chapter: A time for two
Chapter 83
Bio Chapter 1.1 : Characters and their description (Jack's party)
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
I will not be posting for a while
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
This is not a joke, I am dropping this story now
A reboot
Author's Note: Schedule for the Reboot's Release
Good News? Chap 0 is now out for reading

Chapter 38

1.6K 58 13
By Lerpa2k2

Shea here woi! (๑・̑◡・̑๑)

My latest companion is a spiteful and foul mouthed man, he's bad, but he's good at the same time. Eh? Areh? Then what is he really like?

Anyway I flee from my place in search for him...the atmosphere around him is quite serene as what my magical eyes can see...amazin' I can also sense that he is generous


So i wish he can give me at least one. Neh...I'll just force him to.
Ugh...somehow I slept throughout the day after she arrived. Damn...even the said fairy was happily and shamelessly snoring at the bed beside mine. Staring at her face made me irritated for a bit.

[What am I gonna do next?] My plan for yesterday was to explore the Dungeon of Veriton once again just to level up real good. Yet she arrived, hence I postponed it.

[Hmmm...couldn't i just ditch her and head over there by myself?]

[Uwahhh!!! How cruel! You plan to leave this fine lady here?!] (Shea) She shot out of her bed and darted towards my face grabbing me.

[Hohohoho, am I just blind or is it just I can't see any fine lady around?]

[Mmmppphhhh!!!!!] (Shea) She woke up after my cruel thoughts and hit me rapidly with her tiny fists.

[Anyway, clam down for a bit gluttonous fairy. What I planned to do for yesterday was to explore the Veriton Dungeon]

[Eh? Then I shall go to!] (Shea) Huh? What is she saying?

[No no no, you don't even look like someone that can hurt something]

[?!!! What?! Shea is strong you know!~] (Shea) She did a shadow boxing of some sort and tumbled in the air as she did so.

[Ora ora ora ora ora ora....*huff*...] (Shea)....ah, she seems to be out of breath.

[What's with this paper thin stamina?]

[Shea is a fairy you know! So I have no stamina like you, I am good at magic though] (Shea) She lit up the room using the light magic spell <<ILLUMINATE>> without invoking the spell name.

[ being talented in magic comes at a price eh] In being an idiot that is

[Fufuhn, I am proud of my magic] (Shea)

[Fine, let's go] for some reason she looked at me stupidly.


[What about breakfast?] (Shea)

Haaa—h, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Yet this partner of mine just ate 5 people worth of food this morning before we departed.

[Nnnnnn~ Nnnnn~] (Shea) Happily humming while levitating beside me was a pink headed familiar of mine, an annoying and gluttonous fairy. I wonder why she decides to stick up to me.

Just looking at her happy face while she eats is so depressing knowing that my money plummets down as she eat the food served in Vantage Inn's dining hall.


Currently we are on the way to Veriton Dungeon. But before that I went to the adventurers guild and registered her as my familiar for safety purposes. It seems that the guild is backing those who have familiars such as fairies and such, also the guild is protecting fairies since some of their resident receptionist are fairies themselves. By the way that was new to me.

And I also heard a new rumor.

[A demon lord huh] A chuunibyo like term I commonly heard back then at earth every time high school students would pass by me while playing on their portable gaming consoles, PSP...

I guess I've heard of it before but I don't truly understand what it is. Are they heroes summoned by demons hence called as Demon lords, or were they even evil to begin with. I just don't know the truth about them.

[Nnn~ Na na~ Mmmmnnnn] (Shea) Yet a person who've heard the story was just calmly humming while were on the way to our destination.

Currently we are just walking the main path as to make our travel quick. Occasionally we would take a detour when it comes to crossing the river of some sort.

Buzzers are not heard here anymore, so the season should be approaching autumn by now. Cicadas in earth after all are active during spring and summer, and less active during autumn to winter. Hence they should be the same as for the buzzers here.

[Jack-san, look] (Shea) What she pointed out was a glowing mushroom having a blue out glow...I appraised it and it was called...

[A healing mushroom? Is it rare?]

[Yes, a healing mushroom only appears near dungeons and to places that have great ether in the air hence they are a greater find. Rawly eating it would heal wounds as it is also an additional ingredient for the supreme healing potion called elixir] (Shea)

[Oh, how knowledgeable! Then i shall ask of your assistance regarding such matters same as this]

[Fhufun, you can rely me for that!] (Shea) Oh, so she's happy when someone relies on her. What a good person...fairy I suppose.

We have collected the bunch that appeared around the area where we're at. In the end we collected over 30 of it and stored it at my INVENTORY. According to her, we can make healing potions with this and we can store them for personal usage...I think she's practical sometimes, I guess this is one of her strong points...minus the fact that she eats 10 people worth of food. Overall i can say that she is a good companion, if you disregard the demerits that is.

During the walk she is the only one talking and making noise and all were about things she finds peculiar about...hmm...not bad though since it is quite boring if the trip is silent.

[Let us rest for now, you look too awful]

[Huff....haaaa—h....Maybe I should have not tried walking] (Shea) Slumping at the roadside was her figure on all fours. She was exhausted since she was challenged to just walk on the way after the mushroom collection. She was pumped up but in the end she got what she deserved.

[Just as I're quite an idiot]

[Nuwah! Shea is not an idiot!] (Shea) it just me or that I am slowly becoming some sort of sadistic person? Hmmm.....this is a bit alarming especially when I'm with her.

[Fine, I guess someone who's a bit...childish]

[Nuwah! That's even worse!] (Shea)

Well, at least I've got someone to talk other than my Titans at this time. I can't help it that a grin would arc at my mouth.

[Eh? Why're you grinning at? Ehehehe is that perhaps because you're attracted to Shea?] (Shea) Lushea, a small fairy had a nasty smug on her face in opposition of her cute and small figure, seems like she looked skeptical at this very moment.

[Yes, I am attracted at your idiocracy ]

Well, at least I've got the best companion I can find...with demerits that is.

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