Chapter 16

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The next few days wasn't really going on, most of the time I was home alone. Mum and Luca were in the company and the boys were in school and daycare. So the week was quickly over and it was time for my internship to start.

Javier had locked himself in his room and cried like every time. So only Matteo and Mum stood in front of me at the door to say goodbye. Luca was already to the car, because he would drive me this time. He and Mum always alternated with it, but because Mum had to go back to the office today, it was Luca's turn this time.

"You have the plans with you? And everything else?" she was like any mother. For the most time, she asked me these things today and just got annoyed. As always, I answered her questions in the affirmative. She would probably not be reassured until Claire called her about the plans. Even then, I'm not sure if she left me alone. She would have preferred to have flown to England herself and given her to Claire, but she could not leave. To be honest, I was happy about that, she didn't have to embarrass me right away in front of everyone else. In it, my mum, like me, was a world champion, I had clearly inherited the talent from her.

I once pressed my little brother: "Tell your brother that I love him too. Watch out for everyone and stay nice." Matteo nodded eagerly and pressed himself on me again. I pressed another kiss on his head, then we broke up and I could go to Mum. I hugged her too, but this time it was she who gave me a kiss before Through the door I disappeared.

Quickly I climbed onto the passenger seat and waved to Mum and Matteo again. They had stopped in the doorway and were now shaking back at me until they disappeared from my field of vision.

"You know how to get to the hotel and the main building of Williams", Luca wanted to make sure again. Eye-rolling I took note of this, he had printed out three plans for both of them and already saved the routes in my mobile phone. None of this would have been necessary, but I did not want to ruin his joy. And if it reassured him, then he should print out a plan from me. I wouldn't need things anyway, because there were Google Maps, but for him this was probably not enough.

To reassure him, I nodded and pulled one of the plans out of my jacket. Shortly he had taken a look at it, but immediately returned to the road. We were almost at the airport, so he had to concentrate more, finally he had to catch the right turnoff.

Before the check I stopped with Luca, the flight crew of Luca and Mama had already taken my suitcase with me, so I just had to say goodbye. Without hesitation, Luca had pulled me over and pushed me quite tightly at one point.

"Write when you're in the hotel and otherwise. It's best to write a message every day," we both knew I wouldn't write every day. But I would like to do it with the hotel to him and Dad. So it had always been done, I always wrote to everyone when I had arrived safely. At the beginning I had also been five, which probably still made sense, now it was just habit.

After I went through the security lock I turned around again, Luca was still standing there and looking at me. I quickly waved to him before I followed the staff of my private jet. I was a little nervous as I flew into the uncertain.
At that time I didn't really know the name of the Williams staff. I had only seen the drivers for a short time and I had only had a short conversation with Claire. Otherwise, someone had always been with me, I had never been alone.
Even during her studies, Mirella was there, as she also studied economics.

With trembling hands, I sat down in one of the armchairs in the jet and immediately put the headphones in my ears. During the flight I wanted to relax a little bit, the last weeks were hard and the next few weeks would probably not be any less. But even today I would take another step, yesterday I had the number given by Victoria by Lando. I had immediately contacted the driver and arranged to meet him in London tonight. In the week alone in my mother's house, I had enough time to think. So I decided to talk to him again and face my fears.

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