Chapter 27

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After a short night I woke up again and had pain in my back. My position wasn't the best either, with my upper body I was half on the Dutch woman. She had wrapped her arm around my belly and abused me as Teddy. Just stupid that my lower body had remained instead, which explained my back pain.

Lily turned and much of the bed. Which made my bad mood good. Through my laughter, the Dutchwoman also woke up. A head appeared behind the edge of the bed and looked at me a little annoyed. For a long time, however, the golfer couldn't stop laughing, Vic also joined in.

"Does anyone also have back pain?" the others denied. Well, I was also the only one who was abused as a teddy bear. Nevertheless, I would have felt a little better if anyone else had any pain. I know something sadistic, but as people say, shared suffering is half suffering.

Lily was the first to go to the bathroom, Vic and I were still in bed. But I was allowed to lie on the mattress and no longer on the Dutchwoman. She had closed her eyes again and I wanted to check my phone. Eventually, it rang continuously in the evening.

My parents had tried to reach me several times, like Lando and of course Vic and Mirella had called me. I wouldn't be able to call back at the moment because they were early in the morning. The six-hour time difference was really exhausting, but I was just really grateful about it. I wanted to delay the conversation with my parents for as long as possible, but I could use my best friend.

I was still trying to get myself to make a decision, but I couldn't do it. I wanted to support the Paddock and Lando, but I was scared. We were probably the absolute favourite subject of all journalists. Gossip newspapers were full of articles and pictures of me. On some of the recordings of me and George were designed so that he would cheat his girlfriend with me and that same with me and Lando. So that I would cheat Lando with George. All I could do was shake my head.

"Don't let that happen, that's just complete crap," I had nothing left in my hands. I looked at the blonde who had grabbed my phone. Since the article was on German, she could understand what stood. So she knew what rubbish the newspaper had written.

Lily came out of the bathroom made up, she had taken my mascara and eyeshadow, which I had allowed both of them: "What are you doing there?" She dropped on the bed and looked at us waiting. I had just tried to get my phone back, which unfortunately I had failed. For the Asian woman it must have looked quite funny as I lay on the Dutchwoman and tried to get my phone out of her outstretched arm.

"She has already read the crap from the newspapers. Here she doesn't should read anything and should give a fuck on it, Claire said", Vic threw the phone at her accomplice. Smouldering, I sat down on my bed and crossed my arms. I had hoped that Lily would give me my phone, but she would rather watch the article.

She briefly typed something around on my phone: "Lando posted a photo of you and officially confirmed the relationship. He also called for you to be left alone and to stop the insults." Now I was slightly angry, he couldn't just get something so important and not inform me before. On the other hand, it was also sweet that he tried to stop the hate. I will probably have to learn how to deal with it.

"Are you coming along or are you staying here?" Vic wanted to know about me. She had just finished coming out of the bathroom. I just nodded and got up. In the bathroom I tried everything so that my eye rings were not seen too tightly. When I slept really well and well the last time, I didn't even know. My body seemed to have gotten used to the little sleep, because I felt the fatigue still coming.

Before I opened the door to the room, I paused: "Do you think it isn't a good idea to take me to the paddock... The press will rush on me, you can't protect me from it, not forever. I need to learn to deal with it." It was clearly Lily who was worried. Understandably, after the whole Williams team had been adapted yesterday, just to get photos of me. This was also my great fear and today there were even more photographers and journalists at the paddock than yesterday

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