Chapter 45

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Reading an important e-mail from my mother, I hadn't even heard George coming in the room and sitting on the chair opposite me. It wasn't until I actually wanted to grab my water bottle that I had looked off the screen and had suffered a heart attack.

"My goodness George, do you want to kill me?! Have you never heard of knocks?" my heart beats fast in my chest? My hands were shaking so much that I couldn't have kept anything in them at the moment.

My opposite looked at me only slightly amused: "If you hadn't been so immersed in the screen, you would have heard me too, so you were not to blame yourself. I also more or less knocked."

"How long have you been sitting here and shouldn't you be with the press?" I quickly looked at my watch on the PC. Frightened, I realized that it was just before five o'clock in the evening. Time seemed to pass too quickly today.

George had watched my facial expression amused as I looked at the clock: "Oh, I haven't been here that long. Only so five minutes, was enough for two rounds of Candy Crush. Actually, I came because your lover misses you, but you were so immersed in your work, I didn't want to disturb you."

"Thank you for your consideration and for your efforts to get me to the grave," I said dryly. Because my hands were still shaking, George had definitely given me the shock of my life.

With a typical George grin, he looked at me: "Always happy, but I think your Prince Charming is eagerly waiting for you. So, you'd better hurry up before he sends a search squad for you because he hasn't seen you all day. He was screaming at all of us before the press conference how much he misses you." I had to laugh slightly, because I could only imagine Lando too well.

"Well then you should probably redeem the prince from his suffering," I quickly saved everything. Later, I would be able to quickly write an answer to my mother. In addition, there was nothing urgent in her mail, so I could afford to go to work.

As I made my way to McLaren's motorhome, George had gone somewhere else. Alone I walked over the paddock to the orange building, directly into the Driver Room of Lando. There my boyfriend was also lying on the massage couch, above him Jon, my boyfriend was just got massaging on his shoulders.

The physiotherapist's head turned to me when he heard the door: "Hi Laura, I thought you hadn't travelled to Mexico, because I didn't see you today. It's nice that you're coming by." Slightly smiling, I looked at the Englishman, who was still kneading Lando.

"Hey Jon, had enough office work to do, but now I'm there. Since a driver had told me how much he was being moaned because a certain McLaren driver was missing his girlfriend," Jon began to laugh. You could hear something like protest from Lando, but it wasn't really understandable.

The physiotherapist stopped kneading and wiped his hands on a cloth: "I can understand the driver very well, because I too had to endure the whining. You really should take better care of your poor boyfriend and not leave him alone for a whole 9 hours without signs of life." In the end you could clearly hear the joke and sarcasm, so I just nodded with a laugh.

"Hopefully we'll see us this weekend again," Jon said goodbye from the room. Since my boyfriend had already put up himself and had just put his shirt on again, I approached him and kissed him once for the welcome.

Slightly offended, my friend looked at me when I broke away from him: "After nine hours without you, do I only get such a short kiss? Do you know how bad those nine hours were, I had to give interviews and that wasn't too little."? Played rent-suffering I looked at Lando.

"Poor Lando, I had to answer and forward nine hours of emails. Check bookings and other things, but you're right. You deserve a bigger compensation," I bite my lips. My fingers glided like ilk on the hem of his shirt, which he had just put on again.

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