Chapter 20

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A ringing woke me up like every morning, grumbling I wanted to turn on my back, but one hand prevented me from doing so. Since Lando also started to grumble, I knew that he too was already awake. In the end, it was the Briton who turned off my mobile phone alarm clock. We were both awake, but neither of us wanted to get up. Instead, Lando cuddled up to me again, which was really sweet. We were probably both not the early risers, but it didn't work, we had to get through it.

I tenderly stroked the Briton's hair halfway through his sleep. Since I don't get out of bed so quickly in the morning, I had also set the alarm clock early. Who wants to come late on the second day, but it wouldn't be so bad with my overtime yesterday? But since I had grown up in Switzerland, I had been injected into the blood by the principle of being punctual. A teacher had always told us: who exactly is coming is actually too late, since always five minutes earlier, and you are always on time. At that time, we had only twisted our eyes, today it was something of the most important for me. If I couldn't have something, it was punctuality. Just stupid that my parents were only from southerners, who came a quarter of an hour late.

"No, stay, it's nicely warm," I tried to crawl out of bed. The racer looked at me like a little kid, if I didn't have to, I would have crawled back immediately. Unfortunately, I really didn't have time, my train wouldn't wait for me.

Sleepily, I looked at the brown-haired boy: "I'd like to, but the work calls and the train wasn't waiting for me." Perplex, Lando looked at me, which irritated me a little. Had I said anything wrong or there was something in my face.

"Why Train? Can't you drive?" oh that's it. I quickly shook my head and went to the bathroom. But the Briton didn't let up, he actually followed me to the bathroom. With the toothbrush in my mouth, I looked at him questioningly.

In credulous, he looked at me: "You really can't drive?" Again, I shook my head, it wasn't that I had fallen through. To be honest, the very thought of theory appealed to me. In addition, we had a good railway network in Switzerland and my parents had enough money to hire drivers. So why should I learn it if I didn't need it?

Lando was still watching me brush my teeth, I would have been embarrassed by everyone else, but I didn't mind him. It was something quite normal, everyone had to brush their teeth. Well, you didn't want to have any spectators, but I probably couldn't get rid of the Brits.

"Do you want to watch me go to the restroom, or what?" I had just spit out the toothpaste. I looked at the Briton, who was going back to the bedroom with his hands. I closed the door and did my morning business, so only the little one that interests this.

As fast as I could, I put mascara on it and then left the bathroom. Lando had dressed during this time and now also disappeared in the bathroom. I quickly put on a pair of jeans and a Williams shirt, sneakers and a leather jacket. I took my phone off the charging cable and saw the news from my parents and Mirella. I really should take more time to write, but I preferred to communicate directly.

"Should I drive you?" Lando asked. Frightened, I looked to the bathroom where the Briton was standing. I didn't know where the McLaren factory was, so I looked at him a little bit insecure. He shouldn't be late himself or just make a big detour. Because of me he really shouldn't make such an effort, after all I could just take the train.

Inconclusively, I observed his movements: "If it's on the way, I don't want you to have to make a detour." Smiling, Lando looked at me and approached me. I had to swallow when he was standing in front of me, then he grabbed the chair behind me and took his jacket.

"When the cleared we can go, we can still quickly buy us a coffee and croissants", he would probably not let himself be taken and drive me whether it was on his way or not. I could only hope that he wouldn't come too late, he shouldn't have trouble because of me.

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