Chapter 73

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Adam came back with a slightly older couple and I couldn't get to know you because of nervousness: "You have to be Laura, I'm Elizabeth and that's my husband Paul, nice to get to know you. We've heard a lot from you, you're studying economics in Switzerland right?»

"Ah", I was subtly overwhelmed, "Yes, in Zurich. I'm happy to get to know her." I tried not to make myself a monkey, but I probably already had that. Because Paul seemed to be slightly amused, which made me discreetly red.

«Bethi you completely catch the poor girl by surprise, excuse Laura Bethi is sometimes a bit too communicative», I stagger away. Actually, I found it quite sweet from grandma, she had only caught me in a moment where I had not expected such a question.

Since this had been clarified, the two were able to welcome their daughter-in-law and both grandchildren: "I'll get the presents quickly." Lando had whispered this to me quickly when he had already disappeared and got funny looks for it. But since he had disappeared from the room, everyone looked at me and I turned red again.

"He just goes quickly to get something out of the car," I commented on the disappearance of my friend. Everyone was satisfied with this and the mother asked for coffee. You couldn't say no to that.

Before Lando came back and after his mother had gone into the kitchen, there was a brief silence: "Lando said you were going over the holidays to your parents, where do they live?" If Elizabeth wanted to know, she probably had no idea about my family constellation and probably thought my parents would live together, this made me discreetly uncomfortable answering.

"My foster parents live in Switzerland, my father in Monza and my mother in Barcelona. That's why I always need every Christmas day so that I can spend a day with everyone", the face of Lando's grandmother changed in amazement. The grandfather, on the other hand, seemed to have noticed how reluctantly I was to talk about this fact.

"As a child, it was certainly great," Cisca said, "I mean three Christmases, three gifts." Her father looked at her sternly, which the young lady did not understand and looked uncomprehendingly at her father.

"But you have three times as much drama and Italians and Latinos make more drama than anyone else," I tried to deal with the topic as loosely as possible. But it was not so easy, because I knew that my family constellation was not considered normal. In addition, the memories of many Christmas days were not really nice. Nonna had once thrown the whole Christmas tree out of the window in anger and that only because the chicken was slightly burned on her.

Paul looked at me in an understandable way: "I can imagine that must be exhausting. But as long as you reconcile in the end, all is well." I could agree, because my family could not only argue well, but also reconcile. Only the tree and the jewelry could not be saved at that time. But no one had bothered it, which is why the tree was simply in the garden of my Nonna until January 6th.

«So here I am again», Lando came back with his hands behind his back. This not only made us curious at the table, but also Campari. He jumped up to Lando at the back and probably wanted to grab the statue of the Oscar. So my friend had to take his hands out and you could see what he was holding in his hand.

"Great," Lando looked to us disappointed, "Now the surprise is gone, thank you campari too." Innocently, he looked up at him and then lay down on the floor to hopefully feel sorry for him. But my friend did not give him this, because he once went around the table so that he could hand over the gifts.

He handed them the Oscar and the envelope: "A little Christmas present from Laura and me for the best grandparents on my father's side." That's really how it was at the Oscars, which only made me shake my head. Best grandpa and grandma would have done it too, that was pretty specific.

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