Chapter 78

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While Lando had done a livestream, I had helped with the cooking. So that we were now ready for the church, which included the nativity play. That I did not think anything of the system of the Church, I did not say to Adriana or my Nanna. Both considered the Pope to be God personally, but I saw in the Church only corruption and abuse of power.

In the church I sat between Lando and Samuel, both of whom were not really interested in the events in front of the altar. Which was probably also due to the fact that Lando did not understand anything. He didn't miss much either, because the priest's babble didn't really make sense either. At least the nativity play was really sweet and the church didn't last long either.

"Great," was all that escaped me when we left the church. While we were in the church it had started to rain. We didn't live far away. But it was raining in torrents, which is why we would never come home dry and I had already made myself ready for dinner.

Lando took it more calmly than I did: "That's just rain, my Julia." As an Englishman, he was used to such weather, but I still hated rain, even though I had been in England for the last few weeks. In addition, I would have welcomed snow more at Christmas than rain, because you could not get a Christmas spirit. At least I didn't really have any, Christmas wasn't the same as as as a child anyway.

"I could have saved myself from making myself pretty," I muttered to myself. But my friend seemed to have heard it, because he just laughed and pressed a slight kiss on my lips. Even though his lips still triggered a warmth in me, I couldn't force a smile on my lips this time. I was too pissed off by the weather.

Samuel also just looked at me laughing: "It's just grandma who comes to dinner right away anyway." It was actually just her grandma, but for me she was more grandma than my mother's mother was. Grandma also saw me as her only granddaughter, which is why she liked to spoil me sometimes. It was sometimes really beneficial if you were the only girl.

"She would also compliment you in a potato sack, after all, you are her princess. Actually, you are always the princess for everyone," Adriana warnedly looked at her middle son. He only raised his hands defensively, yet this comment had hit me somewhere. Because actually Antonio was right, but I had never asked for it, so I couldn't help it. I didn't really like it either, but I couldn't do anything about it either.

"You're just jealous," Nico taunted his brother. He immediately rejected the accusation, but we all knew that Nico was right. Antonio had often been jealous of me, although it had gotten better in recent years. But in his eyes, I had always got everything I wanted.

In the rain we hurried along the road to our house, where we quickly rushed into the warm. While Adriana was preparing the last things, I enn't encing myself and re-doing my make-up again. Lando had made himself comfortable on the bed and watched me. When I now lay next to him in a new gray long-sleeved dress and cuddled up to him, he immediately put his arm around me and held me firmly to himself.

His heartbeat was even: "It's kind of weird not to be with my family, until now I've always celebrated Christmas with them." I could understand what Lando meant. I also found the idea of christmas not being with my family funny. After all, I had never celebrated Christmas any other way.

"You could have celebrated with your family, I would have understood. But I am also grateful to you for being here with me," I replied. I really would have understood, because Christmas was the festival of love and you wanted to be with your family.

My friend smiled gently at me: "I would never have wanted to celebrate Christmas without you, after all, you are now also my family, my love, mi vita. No matter where and how we celebrate, I just need you with me. It's funny, but in a few years it will be so normal that the thought of celebrating differently will be funny."

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