Chapter 10

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The curtain opened in front of me and Vic came out with a new dress. In front of me, she once turned around her axis so that I could see the dress from all sides. It was a summer dress, not too short, but not long. White decorated with flowers and thin straps, it was simple but not too little. Especially on the blonde the dress looked fantastic.

"And what do you find? Too simple? » the blonde looked at herself in the mirror critically. She keeps spinning, so she could admire herself from all sides. With a smile on her lips, I watched her. It was the fifth dress she was wearing in this store alone. I had already made myself comfortable on an armchair, but I left it now. I stepped behind her in the mirror and looked at her again.

But the dress was wonderful for her: "It looks sharp, who do you want to twist your head with it?" Of course, I had said the last part out of fun, so we both started laughing. Strolling with Vic really helps to forget the night, with exhaustion in our bones. But we didn't want to think about sleeping, the fear of nightmares was too great.

Before she disappeared back into the locker room, we quickly took a few mirror selfies. Actually, I didn't think much of such photos, but today everything was different. Normally I would have been crazy for a long time, because I'm not so on shopping. I had a bad habit of ordering my clothes online. Of course, I knew it wasn't good for the business, but it was so much easier. But I just preferred everything to gamble in the hotel. I also accepted the eternal wait for Vic. Even if it took hours like just that and finally didn't buy. As it was now again.

"It just doesn't knock me over," we left the store without having bought anything. Like a dog, I quickly ran after her when she went outside to the next store. Sighing, I was already looking for a seat there. Vic, on the other hand, grabbed clothes again and disappeared into the dressing room. Bored, I pulled out my phone when I got a message from Instagram. I quickly clicked and saw a picture of me and Vic. I quickly slammed her picture and followed her. Immediately I got the request from all F1 drivers. Among them was also one of Lando, with a broad grin I stared at the little thing when I accepted it.

"Let's go to the racetrack, otherwise you'll start to sabre your phone," I looked up to Vic. I hadn't even been close to snubbing my phone. Even if I have to admit that Lando made it difficult for me in part. Most of the photos he had on his Instagram were rather funny. That's why I probably had a grin on my lips, which Vic probably misinterpreted. Just because I admitted that I liked Lando, it wasn't said anything. I also like puppies, so I don't marry anybody. In addition, the Briton had to feel the same as me.

At the hotel I took my father's car key, I hoped he wouldn't notice if one of his cars was missing. But I didn't want to ask him for permission, because he wouldn't allow me. His cars were sacred to him, he would probably prefer each of his cars to me. He also called them his babies.

Vic sat a little uncertainly on the driver's seat: "And you're sure your father doesn't mind?" I just nodded to her. She didn't have to know that he was going to kill us if there was only a scratch on the car. Actually, I wanted to drive, but there was something else with my hand. So, I sat on the passenger seat and watched the Dutchwoman drive the car out of the parking space. I had never seen anyone park like that. I probably would have been faster if I had pushed the car out. But I just stayed still because I didn't want to distract her.

After less than two minutes she had put down the fear and I had opened the roof. The wind blows into our hair and gave me the feeling of freedom. We sang loudly to the latest hits on the radio. We ignored the glances of the people we passed. If they thought we were wrong, I could live with it. Every laugh just felt like medicine for my psyche.

The ride was far too fast, just like it was with everything, if you had fun. Radiantly, we got out of the now closed car. Even though the sun was still shining, thunderstorms were announced. I didn't want to risk it and leave the roof open. You don't always have to challenge happiness; we've done that enough in the last few hours.

As cool as possible we walked side by side with the sunglasses on our noses across the grounds. In a movie we would certainly have gone in slow motion, but since it wasn't a movie, we went quite normal. Guys didn't look after us either, life wasn't quite as great as it was always portrayed in the movies. I was also glad that no one was so stupid lysed behind us. I didn't like such looks, they always made me nervous.

Without hesitation, I walked next to Vic towards the Red Bull Box: "Well go to your lover. He should probably have a lunch break." The blonde winked at me. Should I really go as she said to Lando, what if he didn't fancy me. I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of anyone again.

"He's not going to put you in, now go," she had seen my doubts. I still wasn't convinced; I didn't want to impose myself on him. But since the Dutchwoman left me no rest, I fasted all my courage and went to the McLaren Box.

My shuddered on the way there and I went through a possible conversation in my head. After all, I didn't want to stand in front of Lando like the greatest Depp and not get a word out. Just because of this thought I would have liked to be the other way around and hide in my room. Never in my life had I asked a boy if he would go out to eat with me, until now I was always asked.

Just as I was about to turn around, Carlos had seen me: "What gives us the honor?" So, the eyes of all those present were on me. Ground opens the request and let me disappear.

"I wanted to spy on you for Williams", fortunately everyone understood the sarcasm, "What am I supposed to want here? I was bored and Vic is busy with her brother." Well, it was a bit of a lie, but I didn't want to ask a complete team Lando if he was going to eat with me.

Lando leaned from the side on my shoulder. I actually hated it, but I let the British go through it. The Spaniard's eyebrow should be conspiratorial, emphasis should be on. Lando immediately started laughing loudly, so he broke away from me. Which was probably better, because I too threw myself away with laughter. Eyebrows wobble was probably not a strength of Carlos.

Andreas Siedl only looked at his drivers and me shaking his head. He had probably not seen the wild twitching in Carlos' face like the others, because it had been anything but conspiratorial. Some mechanics laughed slightly and watched us amused, but they said nothing about it.

Carlos Cousin patted him on the shoulders and engaged the Spaniard in a conversation. So now Lando and I were the only ones who just stood in the box and didn't know what to do. It would have been the perfect moment to ask him, but I lacked the courage. Whenever I just wanted to open my mouth, I decided against it again. His proximity had taken my confidence and my brain shut down. My hands were already quite sweaty because I was so nervous. My heart almost jumped out of my chest and my knees had become soft.

At the same time, we started: "You first, Ladies first." My cheeks turned red, at least Lando was embarrassed. At that moment, I would have preferred him not to be such a gentleman. Eventually, I was infinitely nervous. I didn't even know how to ask for it.

"Do you want to eat? Because I'm hungry," I quickly pushed back on the last part. This made Lando laugh. Embarrassed, I tried to get him to stop. Shortly, the others had seen us occasionally, but did not react further. It seemed normal that the Briton had to laugh so much.

He quickly broke down in tears: "I would also go out to eat with you if you weren't hungry. But I'm not allowed to eat heavy food, you can of course eat whatever you want." He was still struggling to suppress his laughter, which was just really uncomfortable for me. Never again would I ask anyone if they went to eat with me. Why had I listened to Vic? As much as I knew, she didn't have a boyfriend, so I don't think she was an expert in it.

Shortly Lando went unsubscribed from Andreas, who looked at me with a mischievous laugh. Lando gave permission, at least I assumed, because the Briton pulled me behind him. Actually, I thought he would let go of my hand, as I was now following him on my own. On the contrary, he intertwined our fingers and made sure that I always stay close to him. He probably did, because a lot of people were on the way. But in me a warmth spread and at the same time a nervousness spread. On the one hand, I felt more comfortable with him than any other, and yet I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of him.

"What do you fancy?" Lando asked. We had now come out of the great masses. In front of us was a building on which McLaren stood. Lando also headed for this and pulled me in. I assumed that this was probably something of a quarter. There was probably a canteen here and the meetings would also take place here. So, I just assumed it, it looked relatively big from the outside.

Before the buffet, Lando looked at me inquiringly, as I had napped him: "Spaghetti Bolognese would be great." The British man ordered for me and took noodles and a place with vegetables. It was only at that moment that I realized how risky my choice of food had been. Immediately I calmed down again, realizing that Lando had seen me eating enough.

Apparently Lando didn't have to pay anything as a driver, because he just grabbed water for himself and a Coke for me and then went to a table. I just went after him insecurely, because it was new to me.

"Don't you have to pay anything for food," he shook his head wildly. He had already put a fork with vegetables in his mouth when I had to find a technique to eat. Spaghetti had been a really stupid choice if you only had one hand. In addition, I didn't want to look like a pig, so I stared thoughtfully at my food.

Laughing, Lando looked at me: "Should I cut the spaghetti for you?" Shocked, I took the air in. How could this Brit dare to even talk about cutting spaghetti? It was an absolute taboo, just like pineapple on the pizza. I quickly told him this, and he then held up his arms defensively.

"I just wanted to help, but I'm sure you'll find another solution," a grin had settled on his lips. He knew as well as I did that, I wouldn't find another solution. Every time I had something on my fork, and it led to my mouth it fell down before it touched my lips.

I was a little embarrassed to see the Briton: "Maybe cutting isn't that bad. But just because I have one hand less. God and Dad will forgive me in such circumstances." Laughing, Lando took a knife and fork and cut the spaghetti small for me. I was grateful to him for it, not everyone would have taken care of me that way. Others probably wouldn't have been.

Grinning I took the first fork in my mouth, this time a lot of me but nothing of the fork before it was his mouth. Like a little kid who had got a lollipop, I grinned contentedly in front of me. Lando watched me amused as he was almost finished. I shoved the spaghetti in my mouth, which was probably not so Lady like.

"Thank you again for tonight. Hope you could get enough sleep," I had put down the cutlery and watched Lando closely. His eyes had stopped shining immediately when I spoke last night, but you could now see concern in his eyes.

Carefully he had taken my hands into his: "And if I hadn't turned an eye all night, it would have been worth it to me. I could never have forgiven myself if I had slept while you were drunk. » At the last part he had to swallow, the shock probably stuck in his bones. But he tried not to let it be noted, so he had put on a laugh again. Even if it was fake, it distracted me a bit, and I was able to finish with the topic for the time being.

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