Chapter 33

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After Mirella had flown home on Friday, I had spent my free weekend with Lando. So that I had to run on the train before six o'clock today. Not even coffee could have helped me beyond my Monday morning dilemma.

Tired, my head lay on my desk when the door to my office was opened: "What happened to you? Was Lando with you and didn't let you sleep?" Because I was so tired, I let George get away with his saying. Normally I would give contra, but I was too tired for that.

'I've been with him the weekend, but the train services from Guildford to Wantage aren't the best. Especially not if you should answer mails before the meeting, which is at 9 o'clock," I stood up in my chair and stretched myself. I hit the screen of the computer with my fingers. Shortly, such an unpleasant pain passed through me, so that I held my fingers with the other hand and only briefly covered my face. But the Briton, who was standing in the door frame, found it insanely funny. I would have liked to have punished him with nasty looks, unfortunately I couldn't stop myself laughing.

We both reassured each other: "Have you officially got your plaster away now?" To confirm the obvious, I nodded. On Friday morning I was with a doctor who had officially confirmed to me that I no longer needed plaster. Now a rail had stepped in place of my plaster bandage. I still had to wear them to protect against overload, but hopefully only two weeks and not always. In between I was allowed to pull them off, the muscles should slowly get used again. So, George's physiotherapist would take half an hour every other day and rebuild my hand with me.

I briefly squinted at the clock; I still had a good 30 minutes before the meeting. But since George was still in the room, I didn't want to just keep working. So, I looked at our driver, who has since fallen on the chair opposite me. Since he probably didn't want to say anything more, I tried to make it clear as politely as possible that I should continue working. Without saying a word, we had agreed. So, I could now read an email and the Brit was on his phone.

"Why did you come here?" I wanted to know from nowhere. Surprised, George looked up from his phone, he didn't expect me to ask him.

Shrugging his shoulders, he looked at me: "Seychelle had to leave this morning, I couldn't sleep. So, I went out and was here so early. Then I thought I could see if you were already here and that was you. So, I don't have to wait alone until we learn the news. Has Claire already told you what it's all about?" When he asked, my pulse went up. Of course, I knew what it was all about, after all I was part of the news. I was forbidden to say anything, but I didn't want to lie to George. That's why I tried to dodge his eye contact.

Begging, he immediately tried to get the secret out of me, which made me really nervous. I didn't know how he and the others would react. All weekend I had been shaking my head over and over how they were going to react, especially George. He was a good friend of Lando and I also liked the driver. I didn't want our friendship to be broken because of something like that. Because now I would also be a kind of boss of him, if you took it exactly.

"Now come on, it can't be that bad. I'll find out right away anyway, so come out with the language, please," the Briton tried to get out of me. I was really annoyed because he didn't want to let go. No matter how many times I shook my head, he just kept annoying me.

I tried hard to ignore him and do my job until my patience broke: "Okay. Clair has sold a 50% stake in DJLA. As soon as I have completed my studies, I get this, with the addition of 1%, which belongs to me immediately. Satisfied?" A broad laugh was on the British man's lips when the news broke out.

"Then I have to call your boss. One of the best mates is doing it with my boss, am I getting a friendship bonus?" he immediately cracked jokes about it. Annoyed, I grabbed my nose and hoped it would be nine o'clock. Which, fortunately, it was.

The chickpea ran after me into the entrance area, because it was to be communicated to everyone at the same time. There were already a lot of employee's downstairs, and George went to them. I, on the other hand, stopped at the top of Claire, who smiled at me cheerfully. It hadn't been an easy decision for her, but the best she could make at the moment. At least better than selling completely, she was able to stay in Formula One.

My gaze slid through the crowd of Williams employees and got stuck with a camera. This was probably part of the Netflix production; other cameras would probably not let Claire be there yet. I had pulled up the first season with Lando at the weekend and had to say that I liked the series. Although one or the other person might have come across a little differently than she was in real. I hadn't had so much to do with the Haas team, but it wasn't always as bad as it was portrayed in the series. Of course, they showed the moments when there was a crash between the driver and the team leader, as this caused more attention. That's why Netflix was also interested in catching the reaction from employees when they learned of the share sale.

Nervously, I kneaded my hands and let my gaze slide further to the driver. Robert looked pretty serene and George grinned broadly and had probably just taken a photo of me. I acknowledged this with my middle finger, which only made the British laugh even more.

"Good morning, I've all been nervous about her, that's what we are. It's big news that we have to announce to you, but I'd like to take some fear away. The changes won't cost anyone the job, maybe we can add even more," Claire began. My heartbeat immediately doubled and I almost got bad. I tried not to let anything be noticed on the outside. As my parents had taught me, I smiled broadly into the crowd and let my true feelings disappear behind it.

Trapped in my tunnel, I couldn't follow the words of the team leader. To calm down, I had fixed a point that I was just staring at. This point was slightly above the mass, but so it looked like I was looking into the crowd.

The applause from the staff pulled me out of my trance and I also started clapping, because Luca came out on behalf of DJLA motor behind the aisle. He was next to me and put a hand on my shoulder. Fatherly, he smiled at me before letting his gaze slide into the crowd. Since he had re-entered quietly, he too could address a few words to the employees. I didn't really notice this either, as I was trying to calm down again.

Dazed I took that still photos of me, Luca and Claire were taken. This would probably be made available to the press to announce the news. We would immediately sign the contracts in the conference room and so it was final. But before this would happen, staff congratulated us.

Somewhat surprised, I accepted the congratulations, even though I wasn't quite with me yet. It just seemed to me like a dream, so I was looking for a familiar face in the crowd. In George, I found it again, he stood leaning against a pillar and looked at me. Just as he was about to approach me, I was surprisingly dragged into a hug.

"I'm working for DJLA Motor again, congratulations," Maison's voice whispered in my ear. The driver had stopped briefly irritated, only when I looked at the search for help, he quickly approached us. So, Maison had to let me go, which I was happy about. This had been a bit too intimate for someone I didn't really know. Because he hadn't really hugged me as normal as the others. Normally, a hug went to congratulations on two or three seconds, depending on how well you knew each other. But Maison didn't want to let me go.

With a funny look at George, he then walked away from us: "Thank you and not a word about Lando. He's been pushing enough jealousy for the guy last week.' George looked at me with raised eyebrows because he would probably like to hear the story, but I didn't have time for it. So, I comforted in on later at lunch.

I made my way through the crowd to the stairs, which I quickly overcame as Claire and Luca were waiting for me. When they arrived, we immediately went to the conference room. There was also Claire's father and someone who took the photos for the press.

The first thing Claire signed was and then Luca: "It's your turn, princess." Nervousness reappeared in me, because I almost committed myself to Williams that I would finish my studies. At the moment I didn't even know if I could continue my studies. Claire was the only one in this room who knew about it, and she probably had no hesitation that I might not be able to make it.

The pen in my hand felt like a ton when I put it on the paper. A thousand thoughts raced through my head. Like a machine, I put my signature on the line and smiled into the camera. Inside, I didn't feel like it. It was like putting me in jail again. Not because I was part-owner of Williams, but because everyone would be waiting for me to finish my studies.

Outwardly I didn't look at anything and I smiled for the photos. When this was done, I almost left the room in a cursed way, because I needed fresh air. I had become bad and everything had contracted in me. Without thinking about it, I had hidden behind the factory and lit a cigarette. I just needed the nicotine so badly that I could calm down.

"What's going on, you don't look happy," I looked to the right in horror. Robert was standing there; he had probably seen me leaving the building and had followed me. I briefly thought about what to say to Poland, but I couldn't. He wouldn't understand me, no one would. It was one of those things that I had to identify with myself.

Not to be rude, I smiled at him briefly: "It was just a bit stuffy and a lot. Go again, shouldn't you be like George at training?" Now the Pole had to laugh as he had seen through my attempt to distract. But since I was right with the training, he quickly disappeared again and left me alone with my thoughts.

The time until lunch had passed quickly and also the food with George. So, I sat at my desk again when my phone started ringing. The news of DJLA Motor's involvement in Williams had probably just been published, as the first people congratulated me. Immediately I felt even worse, the surrounding people were happy for me, but I didn't really feel lucky. I felt guilty because I wasn't. That's why I turned off my phone because I didn't want to be confronted with it anymore.

It was already dark when I left the factory, but I hadn't looked at my phone once. So, I was more than surprised when I saw a McLaren in front of the site. I had stopped in dismay when my friend got out. A little beside the track, I approached the British.

When he got to him, I got a kiss: "George thought you could tolerate some distraction. In addition, you didn't go to your phone, all good?" I just nodded and cuddled up to his chest that we were on open road I wasn't interested. It was just my safe haven, where I sought refuge. But I didn't want to burden him with my problems, so I just stayed still.

At first the Briton had probably been a little overwhelmed, because he had not expected it. In fact, we were very careful to keep some distance in the public, as we were not looking for more press. Today, however, I did not care, which is why I renounced our principles. Lando didn't seem to mind, because he pushed me a little closer. He must have felt that I needed just that now.

"Come I'm going home," in my head the hotel was my home. But Lando, as I found out, had not meant this one at home, because he had gone to his home. I had to smile when I noticed it. Somewhere I thought it was sweet that he saw this as my home. I didn't have a real one, because I was constantly travelling.

While my friend ordered food, I had disappeared in the shower. I needed them after today. Relaxed I put on a hoodie and jogging pants by Lando, because my things were not as cozy as his. In addition, my clothes had to go directly into the washing machine and then into the dryer so that they were fresh again until the next day.

With a towel on my head to dry my hair, I walked down the stairs into the living area. Lando had sat down on the cake rack and was busy with his mobile phone. He was so immersed in the little thing that he didn't notice me. So, I couldn't resist hugging him jerky from behind. Frightened, he shrugged briefly, but then turned around in the hug. Laughing, I immediately leaned on him as he slaps through my hair.

"When is their food?" I asked. My question was answered by a ringing, so we both had to laugh. The timing of the pizza delivery man had just been perfect. While Lando was paying, I had already disappeared into the kitchen. Before Lando was back, I had shipped the pizzas to plates and taken a piece of mine.

Laughing, my friend stood in the doorway and probably took a photo of me: "Does it taste good? Good to know that I can satisfy you so easily." I looked at him, which he did well with a kiss.

We had finished the evening with a film and a glass of wine, which I had more than earned. Lando had not addressed me to today with any tone and for that I was grateful to him.Because the pressure in me was already great enough, but with Lando he was as if he had disappeared. So that I could fall asleep well with some masses until the nightmares began.

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