Chapter 76

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All together we sat at the table: "When are the presents coming?" The talks seemed to bore Cisca in particular. No one resented her for unpacking her presents rather than listening to her brothers. Not that the conversation was boring, but for a teenager there were probably more interesting things than the stories of the brothers.

"If you can't wait anymore, you're ready to go. After all, Lando and Laura still have to pack up today so that they can leave on time tomorrow," Adam gave his daughter permission. Whereby she was only allowed to make our gift today, since it was not really Christmas yet.

I took a sip of my wine and leaned against Lando, watching his sister unpack: "Oh my God, that she had the new headphones I wanted and the shoes of Versace with a matching bag!" The voice of Cisca had become 10 octaves higher. Maybe we had exaggerated a bit with the gift, but what else do you want to give to a teenager.

"I also want to open my gift", Flo had jumped up. She probably wanted to know now what rather expensive gift her brother and I gave her. She hurriedly picked up a really big package and opened it. Her eyes became big when she could see the new saddle under the paper. It was not just any saddle but a Hermes custom-made, to our luck it had probably met their taste, because exchanging was not possible.

Lando's mother looked at me and Lando in warning, she probably didn't like the fact that we had obviously made expensive gifts. Lando and I didn't care about the money, we wanted to give things that they enjoyed and could need. Without being overbearing, just by my inheritance, I had so much money that I could never use it up. Since you like to spend a little more for your loved ones.

Cisca, meanwhile, had taken an envelope that was for Savannah and Oliver: "Honest now? You give us a week in the Maldives?" We nodded, since they were probably not yet in the wellness age, we thought a week in the Maldives would be a better gift for the two.

When everyone had opened their presents from us and was really happy, the youngest of the Norris siblings pressed a pack into my hand: "That's from me, I hope you like it." I looked briefly at Lando nodding at me, so I took the paper down and an album came out. Carefully I opened the first pages, they were photos of Monza and other races. But there were always photos of Lando and me and mostly taken by paparazzi, but this was really a great gift.

"There are still a lot of pages empty, you can still fill them yourself," Cisca beamed at us. We thanked her as we really loved this gift. She had decorated the pages really nicely and always written a suitable saying under the pictures.

Next, Lando was allowed to open the gift of Flo, it was three books. One was 250 bucketlists for couples, 100 places for couples, and 365 sex positions for couples. Especially the latter made Lando disappear nicely under the table, for which I was grateful.

In order not to be rude, I smiled, although I was really uncomfortable with one book: "Thank you Flo, we'll have a look at the books." Mischievously, my friend's sister looked at me, who probably found it funny to make us sweat. Of course, I thought the books were a funny idea if it hadn't been for Lando's parents and grandparents in the room.

From Oliver and Savannah we have a coupon for a meal with them. It was only about the fact that the four of us could spend time and I was already looking forward to that. I liked them and it was nice to spend time with lando's family, they were so wonderfully normal. Unlike my family, everyone here liked each other and there was no drama.

From his parents there was a voucher for a week of vacation without the dogs and another voucher for a dinner with them. From the grandparents there was chocolate and an invitation to Belgium to them. I was really happy about the gifts as we could either spend time as a couple or with them.

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