Chapter 58

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Hearing voices from Matteo's room, I went straight there and had to stop laughing. Instead, I took out my phone and photographed it because it was just too funny.

Lando sat on a children's chair at the children's table, opposite my brothers holding a torch on him because they didn't have an office lamp. Seriously, my little brothers sat there and pretended to write things down and asked Lando very seriously. Javier was actually just watching his big brother and didn't quite understand what Matteo was doing, for the little one it was just a game.

"Do you have the intentions to give me nephews and nieces?" I thought I had interrogated myself. With big incredulous eyes I looked at the biggest of my brothers, Lando also looked at him a little beside the track. I don't think he expected that much as I did.

Javier, who had his teddy in his hand, saw between Lando and Matteo: "Laura said she wanted to have children before she left. So, if you never have children, she will never go." Since much also Lando a stone from the heart, but he immediately looked at me. He didn't want to say anything wrong to my brother and hoped I would explain everything to him.

I broke free from the door frame and walked to Matteo, carefully kneeling on the floor next to him: "I'm not going to die just because I have a child. I said beforehand that I still want to grow old. After all, I have to cross-interbody your first girlfriend and teach you both so much that only siblings can. Matteo you don't have to be afraid, promised." Hesitantly he nodded to me, Javier had looked at me too, but probably only station understood.

"Will I be a niece or nephew?" asked Matteo. I turned to Lando, who had been watching me closely. We both looked each other in the eye and just had to grin. Not because we wanted to have a child right away, but because it was just too sweet how much concern Matteo had been.

I slap softly my brother's cheek: "I promise you, one day you will have nieces or nephews, but that will last." I left the bigger one of my brothers and went to the other side of the children's table where my friend was.

"How long?" asked Matteo. Javier, on the other hand, had no idea what nieces and nephews were, so he looked at me a little bemused. Lando, on the other hand, made fun of it and looked at me just as questioningly as Matteo.

I looked briefly into my friend's eyes and then back to my brothers: "Before Javier comes to school, then to the right school." Since he was only three, and you only came to school at the age of seven, I thought it was a good time. I would then be 24, which I thought was a good age to become a mother. Moreover, I did not believe that my brothers could only remember the subject in three minutes.

"Javier, if you're struggling, you can go to school soon and then Laura gets a baby," I looked at my brother in horror. So, I certainly hadn't thought, Lando couldn't hold himself beside me with laughter any more, I probably wouldn't get any help from him.

My little brother's eyes were getting big and before I could say anything else, Javier had jumped up happily. I ran down the stairs behind the little monkey, but for his three years he was damn fast.

"Mom, Mom Baby!" Javier ran straight into the kitchen to Mom. Unfortunately, I didn't understand more, because he had told her everything in Spanish afterwards. But by their eyes I could only imagine what had happened. But I quickly shook my head, so that she understood that the little ones had misunderstood something.

Laughing, my mother looked at me and said something to Javier in Spanish. Quite disappointed, he then walked up the stairs past me, from there my friend came to meet me. He still seemed to be having fun with my brothers and what was happening.

My eyes were only on him, so I hadn't heard my mother come closer: "Don't just start to sabre, you almost pull him out with your gaze. Don't forget the condom and please don't get too loud." Frightened, I turned to my mother, who was standing behind me with a knife in her hand. She was about to make the final preparations for the meal.

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