Chapter 97

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The week had passed far too fast and the boys had stayed until their departure for Barcelona. Since I still had university, I only flew after them today and didn't know what to feel. I was looking forward to seeing the others all again, but I was also afraid of the truth I wanted to get from Maison.

I had taken Campari to my adoptive parents last night because I still had to get my team clothes and I wouldn't have enough time for him on the weekend. The test drives were always more stressful than a race weekend, at least for us who were not driving. How it was for the drivers, I could not say directly, but at least Lando could pick me up from the airport.

The week had actually remained without events, as Mirella did not contact me either. I had tried to reach her several times, but she didn't call me back, nor did she reply to my messages. It hurt that our friendship had to break up because of such an unnecessary argument, but it was no longer in my hands. I had taken several steps towards her, but she didn't want to meet me and I couldn't force her. So I let it be good all the way to Barcelona.

'Have you already flown off?' the message came from my friend. Automatically I had to grin, because I could only imagine how impatient he was right now. But I had to disappoint him, because we had still got permission to start.

I looked briefly out of the window, where it was still raining heavily: 'Not yet, it's still raining too much. But it will certainly subside immediately and we will get the start permit.' Lando immediately came online and left the news, but didn't seem so excited. At first I only got a crying smiley face as an answer, but before a text comes.

'The rain should piss off, I need my Juliet with me. The interviews today were shitty and I could just need some comfort', immediately I felt sorry. I would have been only too happy to have been with him now and would have embraced him and given him courage. If it hadn't been for university, I would have flown with them, but I had a degree to pass.

Internally torn, I honestly didn't know what to write: 'I'll get as fast as I can and then I'll cheer you up. I got another gift for you, that will surely distract you and cheer you up again.'

In fact, I had bought new underwear that should have arrived two weeks ago. Due to delivery delay, it had only arrived yesterday, but now I could say that the timing was even better than two weeks ago. Lando could use encouragement, because the press could be really bad, and I knew he would more than like this distraction.

From Lando only a laughing smiley face with red cheeks came back, which probably meant that he was already looking forward to it: 'Fly now, I'll be with you in just over an hour.' We had just rolled onto the runway, which is why I quickly informed him about the departure, so that he will be at the airport on time. Although you could not always be sure with my friend, punctuality was not his strength, but with me he was always there on time.

During the flight I listened to music and tried to get my thoughts away from Barcelona and the weekend, but that was easier said than done. Everything I thought had something to do with the coming days. Like the first ride of our car tomorrow and how I was happy to see it on the track for the first time. I was confident, but I also knew that there were no miracles, we would still be racing at the back. But at least a little more points could jump out of it, at least I hoped.

"Something to drink?" the nice stewardess asked me. She had been employed by my mother for as long as I could remember and yet I did not know her name, which immediately made me feel guilty.

I nodded, "A Coke would be nice, but get something and sit down with me. Some company wouldn't hurt me." She got me the coke and a coffee before she sat down across from me.

"Nervous?" she asked cautiously. She seemed afraid to get too close to me with the question. But it was more than okay for me, so I just nodded and took a deep breath.

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