Chapter 42

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Slowly I realized how I woke up, even though I was trying to hold on to my dream. I didn't want to go back to reality because I liked the dream better. I liked this idea of Lando and a child on my arm and a round belly of me, even if I didn't want children. I wanted to do better than my parents and when the child comes ready for it.

But now that I was awake, I couldn't fall asleep. Lando's even breath in my neck, told me that he was still asleep. So, I was left in his arm a bit, because I was afraid that I might wake him up. Gently I stroked dreamily over my friend's arm, which he had wrapped around me. I kept asking myself what it would be like when I study again. We won't have these long weekends anymore, generally we won't see each other for weeks.

"Good morning my beautiful," he began kissing my neck. I hadn't even noticed that he had woken up, so I stayed silent for a short time. I shook my head slightly, in response, and to free myself from my thoughts. Lando did not go into it any further, but walked down to my midst with his hand. Immediately I couldn't resist a groan and reached for his hand. Immediately he paused because he thought I wanted to stop him. I just wanted the opposite, whimpering I asked him to continue. That's why he didn't ask twice.

Just as I was looking after my friend's genitals, a mobile phone rang: "Ignore it, it's Sunday morning." But that's why I couldn't ignore who would call if it wasn't important. While Lando didn't take his fingers from my middle, I had fished my phone from the dessert. When I showed my friend the display where you could read Mum, he stopped moaning. Slightly annoyed, he let himself fall into bed while I was answering the call. My mother, like me, wasn't a fan of phone calls, so it had to be something important.

"Mom what's going on?" I greeted her. Normally she would remind me that you could greet someone more politely, but this time nothing came. It remained silent on the other side, which scared me.

Lando looked at me wondering, but I just shrugged, "Mom, what happened? Are you okay? Mum?" You could probably hear my fear very well, because I wasn't used to anything like that from my mother. Then, when a sob sounded from the other side, my neck was laced up, what had happened.

"Mom, damn what's going on!" I started shaking. The fear had also brought tears to my eyes, which Lando could observe from the side. Calming, he wanted to swipe my upper arm, but I didn't want to. I asked him to leave me alone, which he did. He had quickly grabbed clothes and had already disappeared downstairs. While I was still sitting naked in bed, desperately waiting for my mother's response.

Again, a sob and a whimper rang out: "Abuela has terminal cancer, Laura she will die." I'd love to say how sad I was, but I wasn't. I just don't feel anything to this woman any more, even though she was my grandmother, so I had no pity or anything left for her. This woman has always shown me all my life that she hated me for living. So how could I have something like grief or compassion for them? I didn't even feel schadenfreude, there was just nothing. The only one I was sorry for was my mum and aunt. No matter how Abuela treated me, it was her mother and losing it was probably the worst thing.

"Laura?" it was a faint whimpering. The strongest woman I knew wept on the phone knowing she was going to lose her mother. This brought tears to my eyes and not the imminent death of my grandmother.

I paused briefly: "Should I come to Barcelona?" It remained silent on the other side, but then I could hear Luca taking the phone. In the background, I could still hear my mother crying, but it was much quieter than before.

"We know what your relationship was like, if you don't want to, you don't have to come. Should we call if they... you already show," he probably did not want to speak in front of my mother? I thought briefly, but then gave me a yes before I gave up. For a moment I let everything go through my head and looked for a spark of grief in me, but there was just nothing.

I quickly grabbed my underwear, put on a pair of jogging pants, a Lando hoodie and cuddly socks. I tied my hair together as I walked down to a dud so that they didn't hang down on me so ragged.

My friend stood at the stove and made scrambled eggs while singing along to perfect by Ed Sheeran. With a smile on my lips but eyes that were just empty, I sneaked up on him and put my arms around his belly. It was as if I was clinging to a rock in the surf and hoping it would save me from drowning.

He placed one hand in the place where mine had intertwined as he continued to work on cooking: "What did your mother want? Is she doing well?" The uncertainty could be heard well, so I pushed myself a little more to take it away from him. As my friend, he shouldn't have to think about asking me something, even if it might be a little unpleasant.

"Her mother is dying," I said without emotion. Lando, on the other hand, immediately pushed the scrambled eggs off the hot plate and switched off the stove. Then he turned in my embrace and looked down at me a little, because he was a good ten centimeters taller than me. His gaze was partly anxious, but also a little confused.

Shortly it seemed to rattle his head before catching himself again: "You mean your grandmother, right?" I just nodded, but I didn't show any emotion. Which probably only confused my friend even more. He pushed me a bit to look at me better.

"Are you flying to Spain now, I mean I should come with me? We can go right away if you want," he wanted to run up to pack the suitcases. When I shook his head, I stopped him from doing it. I didn't want to go there, what should I do there. I had never been interested in her, and now I was not interested in her either, because the devil should finally get her.

Perplexed my friend looked at me, he couldn't quite understand me: "She made my life hell for me when I was with them for Christmas. For her, I was the sin in person and that had always made me feel that since I can think. I don't even get angry with her any more, I never want to see her again, I don't care. Only at the funeral I will go to love my mother, but I will not waste a tear on this witch, because she has already received too many." My friend's warm arms immediately surrounded me. Even though I had told him a lot about my family, there were probably things I just forgot because they didn't seem to me to be important any more. Abuela hadn't been worth it to me for a long time, this woman had always been a death for me.

"Do we want to have breakfast and a film marathon?" my friend asked me. But I had a different idea, after all we had been interrupted before, and I would like to finish it. If the scrambled eggs are to get cold, I wasn't hungry anyway.

In the middle of the kiss, I broke away from my boyfriend and drove my hand into his jogging pants: "Or we'll continue where we left off." Lando didn't ask twice. Before I could even realize what, he had in front of him, I was already sitting on the worktop and was pressed on it. I wanted to get up, but my friend pushed me down again. Before he took off my pants and pushed my thong to the side. With his tongue he drove through my pussy and sucked at my tickler, so I clawed myself to the edge of the plate.

While his tongue was working on my tickler, two fingers in my vagina had disappeared. With lust, I began to squeal, as I was asking for redemption when it rang at the door. Immediately Lando held his free hand on my mouth, so that one could not hear my groan. Either Lando's hand did not dampen my orgasm enough or the person or persons in front of the house did not want to just leave, because it rang again.

Trembling, I sat down and wanted to jump off the countertop to help my friend with his little friend, when I was also knocked: "Lando, we know you're there!" Swearing, my friend stopped me, before he somehow tried to conceal his erection when he went to the door.

"This is my family, they really can never sign up beforehand", you could see how annoyed my friend was. This amused me a bit, but I tried to hide it from him. Behind him, I stepped out of the kitchen, but ran up to the bedroom. I certainly wouldn't face his family in my chilling look and unvarnished after having just had an orgasm. Luckily, Lando had a bathroom adjacent to his room, so I could retreat to his room.

The first thing I took a shower was my body, because Thanks to Lando's tongue I had sweated slightly. But I kept my hair dry, as they were only washed last night. I slipped fresh underwear and made up very discreetly before I straightened my hair. Afterwards I stood undecided in front of his wardrobe, where now also my things were.

It knocked, "Do you need a long time?" Lando stretched his head through the door and had to laugh slightly. Before he walked through the door and closed it behind him. Without taking my questioning look, he took out a pair of regular jeans and a red blouse. He pressed it into my hand.

"This will make you look beautiful, whatever you always do. It's just my siblings and parents," I've only really realized about it. In my hurry, I had almost forgotten this, so panic came up in me.

Laughing, Lando took my face into his hands: "They will all love you, as everyone does. You're just the best, trust me." A smile crept on my lips and I nodded as best I could because of Lando's grip.

He smiled cheerfully at me and gave me another kiss before he also took clothes out of the closet. Together we had moved and were now on our way down to the living area. I held on to Lando's arm with both hands, fearing that I might fall down the stairs in fear of nervousness. How could Lando just stay so calm while eating with my uncle, I just suffered a thousand deaths. I would rather have run away screaming and would have buried myself somewhere in a hole. At that moment I regretted not having flown to Spain. So, I could have walked out of that moment even longer, but now it was too late for everything. Because we had already stepped into the living room.

There sat two brown-haired girls, a blond boy slightly older than Lando, a middle-aged man and next to it a middle-aged blonde woman with red glasses. At that moment when everyone looked at us, I could have been joking so nervous I was. I tried hard not to let this happen and instead put on a shy but still nice smile.

"Laura these are my mum, my dad, Oliver, Flo and Cisca. People that's Laura my girlfriend," I raised my hand as a greeting. But the girls had come up to me immediately and hugged me. After that, his brother and mother had also hugged, and I had only given his father his hand. I was really grateful to him for that, because I still didn't like physical contact with strangers. But since it was Lando's family and I wanted to make a good impression, I hadn't said anything.

While his family were sitting on the couch, my friend had made himself comfortable on the armchair and pulled me on his lap. In short, there was this embarrassing silence, because no one dared to say anything. So, a lot to me that they had nothing to drink yet.

"Don't you want to drink something?" when the women answered in the affirmative, I had almost already fled into the kitchen. It was just stupid that the living/dining room and the kitchen were open, and I had no protection from the eyes of his family.

Lando had followed me into the kitchen to help with the carry: "Calm down, everything is good, they already love you." He had kissed it in my ear from behind, while I was giving Coke for his sisters. He pressed me another kiss on the temples and took the two glasses of Coke. Meanwhile, I filled a glass with water for his mother.

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