Chapter 23

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We had picked up something to eat in a fast-food store. It was a well-known chain with an M, well everyone knows what chain it was. Lando had opted for the healthiest variant that the chain probably had. I, on the other hand, had taken a hamburger and fries, a miracle that I could not yet roll, in my eating behavior. But apart from bars, I hadn't gotten anything in my stomach today. He couldn't wait and growled quite nicely.

"How far, the fries are certainly already cold," I whined like a small child. Lando desperately wanted to eat by the river because it was more romantic than in the store. To my stomach, this argument was something of a matter of no matter, he just wanted to get the food. Just the idea of the burger made me run the water in my mouth.

Lando had to laugh: "Why so impatient, the lady. But I can reassure you we are right there." For this sentence, I could have snubbed the British. In fact, we had arrived at the river and this piece did not even border on the racetrack. The streetlights illuminated the path and the wall only sparsely, but it would be enough.

"Wait, I'll help you with the citizen," I wave. With Vic, I had already had one in Monza, so I had the spin already out. It was perhaps a little more cumbersome than usual, but it worked. It was nice that Lando had thought of me, but I didn't always want to rely on his help.

With a fork full of lettuce in his hand, the Briton looked at me briefly: "Do you have siblings, so biological? I mean I saw the photo, but somehow your family constellation confuses me. Not that it's bad, just a little confusing as an outsider." He quickly shoved his fork into his mouth and looked down at his feet. The wall was high enough that they would not touch the water.

"Can I understand if you don't see through. So Really biologicaI don't have any, only my two half-brothers. My dad never really wanted children, so it was over for him after me. Mum, on the other hand, actually wanted more children, but after Javier it didn't want to work anymore. So, I remained the only girl, even if Mum had wished for one more. Even with my adoptive parents, I am the only girl, they have three sons themselves. Probably they welcomed me because of that with open arms," I had put the burger in the box when I answered Lando's question.

The Briton had listened to me attentively: "Would you have wanted another sister? I have two of them, I could give you one otherwise." We both had to laugh about it, because of course it was meant only as fun. Our eyes met and we both paused briefly until a cool wind brought me back to reality.

"When I was little, I really wanted this normal family with real siblings. That wish had then settled and somehow, I am glad to have only brothers. They can be exhausting, but I don't have to get make-up or dress up," I still said with a grin.

For a short time, we were both probably busy with our food, so that we were just silent. It wasn't unpleasant, because we both just enjoyed it. I thought about the last few weeks and I realized again how quickly that went with Lando. Two weeks ago, I met him, and now we were already on the second date. Vic had thought it took us a long time, but It seemed rather different to me. It didn't take weeks to develop feelings for someone, but this driver has already gone into my heart.

I brushed my hands off a napkin: "What would you have done if it hadn't worked?" Lando was also just finished eating and looked at me briefly thoughtfully. He had probably never had another plan. He confirmed this to me.

"You wanted to explain something to me," the Englishman reminded me. I had looked at the reflection in the water, so I was a little bit beside me. But I nodded and began to put the words to myself. Stupid only if you don't know where to start.

I turned to the water again: "To be honest, I don't know where to start. I'm afraid I'm getting disappointed and hurt. You know my parents moved me regularly because the work was more important. Every time I went to Italy with my father, there was a new woman by his side. It was his right, after all, he was 20, but I couldn't understand it at the time. When I was four years old, I always thought they didn't like me and had gone for it."

Lando put a hand on mine, which I had supported on the wall. I turned my head briefly to him and smiled at him, as it was surprisingly hard for me. Actually, I didn't tell anyone like that. None of my ex-boyfriends had learned that I was not descended from my adoptive parents. It never felt right, and with the British it does. He should be able to understand me, because I had hoped that he would stay.

"Maria is the first woman to be by his side for more than two weeks. Every time I ask myself if she's still there when I come back. That's what I sometimes ask myself about every person in my life. I've probably built a wall so that people don't get too close to me. If someone had come too close to them, I made a retreat, as in Monza," hopefully Lando had understood my thoughts. My parents had never talked to me about such things, which probably meant to convey my incompetence in the area of my feelings.

A broad grin lay on his lips: "So I had already come too close to you, after a few hours?" Denial wouldn't do anything, so I just nodded.

"I don't know if it helps you, but I don't have any time to go again. If you allow it, I will stay forever," he said. My brain had said goodbye, so I just nodded like hypnotized. My breath was just flat when I felt Lando's. My mouth had become a desert, and my heart was beating up my neck.

I closed my eyes and finally I felt the lips of the perfect guy on mine. Until now, I had always found the descriptions of the inner fireworks exaggerated, as I had never felt it. But the moment Lando brushed my lips with his, the rockets went up in me. I couldn't hear the cars and the water of the river.

As if automatically, I put my hands in his neck, my healthy hand reaching into his soft curls. He held my head in his hands and almost pulled me on.

Out of breath, we broke loose and just grinned. Before I couldn't stop it and pulled him back on to me. I couldn't get enough of this drug, which only made Lando grin more.

Once again we had to loosen up and he immediately put his forehead to mine: "That I take as yes. In the movies, they are always a couple. But if you're too quick, we can just keep meeting." Nervously he looked at me, which was really sweet. Even though it was really fast, I wanted him by my side, and everyone should see that. Let's say almost all of them, my father, for example, doesn't.

"We can also approach it slowly in the relationship. Nobody wants us to get married right away. Only what will our teams say, after all, are the competitors", I just felt like Julliette. Lando had probably thought the same thing. He climbed off the wall and got down on his knees on the tarmac. He stretched his arms theatrically.

I quickly understood his idea and was now standing on the wall: "Oh Juliette, my Juliette. No race car is too slow and no track too long for anyone to keep me away from you. My engine beats only for you." I tried to stay serious, but his words were just too funny.

"Oh Romeo, why only Romeo. Your team is my enemy. You would still be you if you didn't drive for McLaren. What is McLaren? It's not a rear, not front wings, cockpit or tires, it's not part of a race car. Be in a different team. They're going to try to push a rear between us, why do you have to be a McLaren driver," I stretched out my arms to the Briton. We had completely forgotten our surroundings.

Lando stood up: "I'd rather drive into a pile of tires than take a lap without you." The Brit looked at me while I really struggled not to laugh. My Shakespeare knew was unfortunately to end, which made me in need. Because my Romeo was waiting for an answer.

Luckily, I didn't need to give an answer: "You don't need to drive into a pile of tires. It's enough if you stop playing bad theatre." Andreas and Zak Brown were less than five meters away from us, there were three other men with them.

Frightened I had jumped into Lando's arms, luckily, he caught me and was able to keep his balance. With big eyes we both saw to the team of Lando, my legs were wrapped around his hip. 

"How long have you been there," my boyfriend looked at his bosses with an embarrassment. I buried my face in his neck because I didn't want to see them any further. Their faces had already told me that they had probably known everything since the kiss.

Zak Brown also confirmed this: "We couldn't miss your ideas, even if it was a little too dramatic. You don't need to drive into a stack or anywhere else. You're just not allowed to talk secrets."

"Even if I wanted to spy, my ignorance would fail. I haven't even understood all the rules, how am I supposed to understand what information is useful for Williams. Moreover, cheating is not my way, I want to win honestly", I had carefully detached myself from my cover.

The men could only laugh: "Well then you are always welcome with us, except at the team meetings." Now I had to grin but was distracted by a kiss on the cheek.

When I noticed that the driver couldn't hold me for long, I left him. We had a short chat with the others and went to the hotel. Inside, I hoped Lando would stay again. I don't want to be separated from him for a second, other than when he was sitting in the race car. I liked adrenaline in my blood but driving such a thing with 300 hp was too much for myself.

"Do you have time tomorrow?" the Briton wanted to know about me. We had arrived in front of my team hotel and were about to say goodbye. So, it was clear that I would have to sleep alone again that night.

I went through the schedule for a short time: "Only in the morning, after noon I have to be on the track." His face brightened; he probably had an idea. I just hoped I didn't have to get up early.

"I'll pick you up around 10 o'clock. But sleep first nice and dream of me," the Briton pressed me a kiss. Somewhat surprised, I replied and had to grin immediately. This firework just felt great.

It wasn't until I couldn't stand watching that the Englishman left for his hotel. I was in my room and had taken a shower. Then I wrote To Mirella, who of course called immediately.

"You have to tell me everything," she said. With the phone on my ear I fell asleep and actually I dreamed of my racer, but unfortunately it was not a nice dream.

Oh, stood on the track again and Lando drove towards me. I felt him hit me and the next moment I was in the water. Panicked, I tried to get to the surface, but it didn't work. I was pulled deeper and deeper into the water and my lungs filled with water.

Happy new year everyone

A little Romeo and Juliette Story :) I tried to get as close as I can to Shakespeare balcony Scene, just with a little F1 touch. Hope you enjoy that as much as I do. Hope it was not too much, but when I have written this, I felt it is like a Romeo and Juliette Story.

Xxx Fabi

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