Chapter 69

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The whole flight I was looking forward to the reunion with Lando, now I was standing at the airport and my friend was missing every trace. He had been in a traffic jam and was therefore far too late. So I stood as ordered and not picked up in the middle of the small airport.

I briefly thought about what I could do to make me look less miserable. Everyone was looking at me and i wondered why I was standing around so stupidly. To look busy, I took my phone and walked outside the entrance so I could smoke while waiting. Again a stupid habit, but I just didn't want to change it.

So I smoked a cigarette and watched Netflix while I waited for my friend. Basically, I was still standing there stupid, but at least it looked like I had something to do. So I had the feeling that people were staring at me less, so I could relax.

"If I had known that you were smoking one in time, I wouldn't have hurried," I looked on from my phone. Lando stood in front of me and didn't look very pleased because of the cigarette. Out of reflex I quickly expressed it at the ashtray next to me and looked at him apologetically

I still wasn't comfortable thinking about smoking in his presence: "Excuse me, I thought you'd take even longer. Finally, you thought you were in the middle of a traffic jam."

'I didn't want to let my girlfriend wait longer than necessary, so I just pushed the gas a little bit more. Of course, it wasn't until I had a free ride that I didn't put myself or anyone else at risk," he assured me. He knew full well that I didn't like it when he raced. For something he has the race track, where he can board at more than 300 km/h, because he doesn't have to do this on the highway.

Since I didn't want to discuss it with him, finally there was still work waiting for me at home, I went to his car after a short kiss. With the Orange his car could not be overlooked, so I didn't really have to look for the McLaren.

Lando had followed me so that he could open the door to me like a gentleman. Since this car did not have a trunk, we put the suitcase in the footwell from my side and I made myself comfortable in the tailor's seat on the seat. As my friend ran to the driver's side, I strapped on and got my phone ready to connect to the car.

When Lando started the engine and parked out, I was able to connect my phone to the car and Mariah Carey immediately sounded with her big Christmas hit. So the car journey passed really quickly, because we were singing along all the time.

"Welcome home, you missed us," Lando bent over to me over the center console. He had just turned off the engine as we arrived in the garage of our home. With a happy smile on his lips, I bent over to him so that our lips could touch briefly.

But since it wasn't really comfortable, we both got out of the car: "Wait, I'll help you with the suitcase and get out." But I was faster than him, so he looked at me a little disappointed when he was on my side and I had already stepped out.

"I said I would help you," he looked at me like a little child. I almost got a bad conscience, but only almost. So I once stroked him over the cheek and gave a kiss on the lips.

"That's lovely of you," I began to explain, "but I don't always need help. I'm already big and can climb out of the car myself." Lando put his hands on my hip and kissed me again

Between the brief kisses, he tried to reply something: "You want to be polite, then the lady is not right again. But I carry the suitcase up." I finally broke away from him and nodded, because he wouldn't let it take him.

Downstairs I put my shoes down and walked up the stairs to the kitchen and living room. There I couldn't look so fast, there were already two fur balls jumping up and down on me. They seemed to have really missed me, which made me laugh.

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