Chapter 44

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Tired I lay half on my and George's suitcase, we already had ours, but had to wait for those of other team members. So, I had once laid myself across the two suitcases and closed my eyes slightly. Even though I had slept on the plane, I felt exhausted. There were also two suitcases already cosy enough to doze something. It was just stupid when a certain English driver took a photo of it, because he had to post it nicely on social media. But at that moment I hadn't heard of it, because I had actually fallen asleep a bit.

A slight jerking made me wake up again: "Morning princess, we would like to let you continue to sleep, but unfortunately we have to go to the hotel." Sleepily, I rubbed my eyes and just nodded to the Englishman. Before I let myself get up, because I probably wouldn't have come up on my own.

"No back pains?" Christina asked me. I had sat down next to her on the bus because I was hoping to get some rest with her. Unfortunately, I would probably only get this in my hotel room. Christina was in charge of the boys' press appointments and about Claire's age.

Weakly I nodded and leaned against the window, so badly tired I was never after a flight. It was six o'clock in the evening and I just felt bad. My limbs felt so heavy and my head blew slightly. Worried, the press secretary looked at me and put her hand on my forehead. She checked briefly if I had a fever, which probably wasn't the case. When my abdomen hardened slightly and began to pull, I realized a lot of things. Slight headaches came from time to time before when my period came, also fatigue I knew in this context. But I just felt uncomfortable right now. I didn't have a tie or tampon as a shelter inside, which makes me nervous.

Confused, Christina looked at me as I pointed at my abdomen as unnoticed as possible, but she realized a lot of things. The hot climate did not make things any better for me, unlike most women, the warmth increased my pain. In addition, the heat also put my circulation under pressure, so I felt really uncomfortable. Without saying a word, our press secretary had taken my hand and held it. As if she wanted to give me security, which she actually did.

Inside I prayed that the period had not yet started properly and would wait until we were in the hotel. So, I lay at the window with my eyes closed and held the Englishwoman's hand. The pain got worse and worse, unfortunately the painkillers in the suitcase were just unreachable. When a cramp took up again, I easily pressed Christina's hand, but kept my eyes closed.

"We're right there, then you can rest a little. You don't have to come to dinner," the Englishwoman tried to reassure me. I just nodded silently as another wave came. In such moments I just wanted to be alone, because no one should see how fragile the moment was. At least no one seemed to get any of it, as everyone was busy.

When I arrived at the hotel, I had my jacket tied around because I felt so safer. Christina always stayed behind me, so I could lean on her in the lobby. George and a few others had noticed, but they remained silent. I could well imagine how white I was, because my circulation wasn't there right now. All I wanted was to hide in my bed and wait for the painkiller to work.

Without saying goodbye to the others, I had gone to my room when I had the room key. In my room I grabbed fresh things and a tie, so I immediately disappeared into the bathroom. It hadn't pressed through yet, but my underpants were soaked in blood. After I had showered and brushed my teeth, I had put the bloody underpants in water and soap, hoping the blood would run out again.

With my phone, I locked myself in my bed and just waited for the pain to finally get better. To distract me, I had gone to Instagram. Where I saw the photo of George right away, of course Lando had seen this one, which he had commented on with a laughing emoji, writing: "Looks relaxing. From now on, I only sleep on suitcases." He had tagged me. I didn't find it quite so funny at that moment, but I pulled myself together. That's why I liked the picture and Lando answered with a heart. It wasn't typical of me to answer, but I wasn't able to do more.

'Schatz' (treasure) suddenly lights up a name on my display, so Lando had renamed himself with help of Google: "Where with do I get the honour of a call?" I tried to sound as normal as possible. The first few hours are sometimes awful during the period, so you feel half death.

"George didn't think you were doing well; you didn't even show up for dinner. I wanted to know if I could do something?" because Lando had already seen my period, I had no more shame before him. I also found it out of place in a relationship when she was ashamed of her boyfriend because of the period.

Shortly I had to curse about the English blabber mouth but caught myself fast: "If you can take away the pain and the period as a whole, then you can help me gladly." A laugh rang out from the other side, which made me turn a blind eye.

"Wait a short time," a noise let me look perplexed at my phone. My boyfriend had really put on a pitch after he knew I was in pain. A little i.e. I put my phone away and just stared at the ceiling. I was just waiting for my phone to make a sound, but nothing came. But it knocked on my door. I grumbled and freed myself from the ceiling and opened the door.

A broadly grinning Lando stood in front of me: "Help there's a zombie risen and sucked out my girlfriend." For this comment I would have almost slammed the door in front of his nose, but fortunately he was already in the door frame so that this was not possible.

Without paying any attention to him, I lay down on the bed rolled up, so that I was almost terrified when Land lay behind me. Carefully he had put his warm hand under my shirt and massaged my abdomen, which did really well.

"I read that a warm bath should help, should I get one ready?" I shook my head slightly. In my cycle, the warmth only made everything worse. As it was, it was perfect. Pressed tightly to my boyfriend, I was able to relax thanks to his massage. I didn't even notice that I was slowly dawning away.

I woke up with light kisses on my shoulder blade. Tired, I rubbed my eyes and then looked at the culprit who had awakened me. But I couldn't be angry with him, because he just looked so hot in the morning, only in the race suit he was even hotter.

"Are the pains still there?" two gray eyes looked at me anxiously. Slightly my corners of my mouth pulled up and shook my head slightly. I put my hand on his cheek and just kept looking him in the eye. I would have preferred to have stopped the time at that moment, because for that moment the world was fine.

Fascinated by the glow in his eyes, I stared at him: "What did I earn you with? None of my ex-boyfriends would have come, but you didn't even hesitate.' With a kiss, the Briton had silenced me, because he didn't want to hear anything more about one of my departed. We both didn't really want to know anything more about each other's ex-partners, because they were past.

"Never leave you alone, not when you need me, and you had that yesterday. If I could, I would have spared you this pain and all that will come, but unfortunately, I can't. But I can be there and hold your hand, and I'm promised that because you deserve it. Just because of your grandmother you deserved this and so much more", because it became too kitschy and sentimental for me, I kissed him again.

The Briton had easily got up and looked into my face from above: "As much as I would love to lie here with you all day, unfortunately it is not possible. We both have a team waiting for us." After a short kiss, Lando got up and went to the bathroom. For a short time, I was still lying down before I had grown up and started to move.

After I was still in the bathroom and Lando had put on his clothes, we went off together to the track. It was just half an hour away on foot. Half an hour that we could experience like a normal couple. Hand in hand, we strolled through the streets of Mexico City and talked about normal things. So, he also inquired about the health of Abuela, who had deteriorated rapidly. At least Luca had written this to me.

'It's your decision, I just don't want you to regret anything one day. You don't have to fly there, but at least you could try a call. I'm with you if you want," Lando tried to persuade me. But as before, I shook my head. If then Abuela should take the first step and let me call, after all she had to do things well with me and not me with her.

On the paddock, our paths separated, and I promised that we would spend the evening together. After a farewell kiss, I disappeared into the Williams building. Without a detour I went directly to my office, because I still had enough to do.

Immersed in my work, I had completely forgotten the time. So, I didn't go to lunch until after 2 a.m. Luckily, even George and Robert were in the canteen. With a tray full of food, I sat down with our drivers talking about something technical. I only listened to them with one ear while I stuffed my salad in my mouth.

"Have you worked so far?" Robert asked me. I nodded hastily as I just stuffed a spoon of my chilli into my mouth. Maybe I was working a bit, but for me, it wasn't really a bit of a stretch because I loved my job. I also felt responsible to them and the team that everything would be fine. At the moment, however, the financial perspective had not improved much for a long time if the results did not improve.

Even the ninth place in the ranking would help us, because we have or could not have 4 million US dollars already decisive, at least in the current situation. Our financial hopes were linked to the hope of improvement next year, with 2020 set to be the year Williams is expected to return to midfield, or at least close.

I swallowed my chilies: "Someone has to do the work in the background, so you can continue to do your laps on the track. I also like to do the work for Williams, so you forget the time."

"But it's not healthy, you really should take more breaks," my best friend rebuked me. I just rolled my eyes because I knew he was right but didn't want to admit it before.

Before Robert could teach me, Christina had come and picked up the two boys for the press appointments. I was just so grateful to her because I just wanted to eat my food in peace. I probably wouldn't have been able to do this with the boys anymore, so I enjoyed being alone at the table for a few seconds.

But whoever appeared before my nose: "May I sit down with you?" It had been Maison standing in front of me with a tray. They had probably also had a slightly longer meeting, because the other mechanics only now came to the canteen.

"Clearly," he dropped himself on a chair opposite me. At first, we both stayed still and just ate our food while I checked my messages on my phone. Normally I didn't do this, but it was better than just sitting there and eating. At least it looked like I was dealing with important emails or what Do I know.

Maison gently quipped: "I've heard this from your Abuela, or rather read it in the media." With a jerk I had lifted my head and looked into the compassionate face of my counterpart.

It should have been clear to me that the Spanish media would rush to it. My mother's company was well known and the family with her. My grandmother had been known to run this company unofficially at a time when women had nothing to say. That's why many women in Spain almost idolized them, which I couldn't understand at all.

"Everyone has to go, let them rest a little more suffering and best of all, in hell forever," So I let him sit alone at the table. I quickly supplied the tray with my dishes before I went back to my computer.

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