Chapter 84

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"I definitely have the most beautiful companion today!" my boyfriend said. He looked at me through the mirror while I was still putting on earrings. I couldn't resist a grin because he was beaming over both ears.

Fully dressed, I turned to him and crossed my hands in his neck: "Only for you, I have made so much effort so that you can also show off well with me." We couldn't resist a laugh, which he ended with a kiss.

"I hope you make yourself pretty just for me, because I don't share. Not you," now he was serious. He looked me firmly in the eye and I had to smile. I carefully loosened my right arm and placed it on his cheek. For no moment, however, did I let my gaze go off his eyes.

"You don't have to," I reassured him, "at least not with a human being until we put even small people into the world. But Campari and Soda also need me." When I mentioned our future children, his face brightened up again.

He lightly breathed a kiss on me: "I like to share you with our sweet babies. And Campari and soda don't count. As beautiful as the moment is and how much I like to be alone with you, the others are waiting. We don't want to miss the beginning of the new decade."

If we had known what the New Year would have brought, we probably wouldn't have celebrated the evening. But we didn't know it and wanted to celebrate a new year together with our friends. Which is why we went to the restaurant, where George, Alex, Max, Daniel, Charles were already sitting with their respective girlfriends. So we were probably the last ones, which I hated but could not change now.

Pleased, I greeted everyone and then sat down next to Charlotte opposite my boyfriend: "And how was Christmas in four countries?" George wanted to know from Lando, which also surprised me, because for me, it had been normal.

"Nice, we could celebrate with everyone and eat a lot," Lando laughed at the last part. We couldn't help but laugh, either, because we all knew how serious he was about it. Even if he didn't look like it, Lando loved to eat.

Charlotte next to me now looked at me: "And how was this Christmas for you?" I shrugged my shoulders, because for me, it had been totally normal, I didn't know it any other way. Flying and celebrating many had always been part of my life and Christmas.

For the sake of decency, I also asked about her Christmas, although I was only partially interested. Not because I was so self-centered, but I found the superficial conversation and small talk just terrible. Even though I had to master it to perfection by my parents as a child, I did not like it. It was just too dishonest and so forced for me.

George's girlfriend grinned at me across the table: "Did you like your gift from Lando?" They had probably deceived me at the time and had not asked for themselves, but spied on me for Lando, but I was not angry with them. Instead, I nodded eagerly and grabbed the chain on my neck. Happily, I let my gaze wander to my boyfriend, who looked at me just as happy. At that moment, my life seemed perfect, but unfortunately such moments pass only too quickly.

"What are you doing until the preparations begin?" I wanted to know from George. He was sitting on my right side, across from his girlfriend. I don't have to explain to anyone that he also wanted to go on holiday, because time for two was probably also a scarce commodity with them. But they gave me courage that you could be happy even with little time.

We all had dinner together and made ourselves comfortable, as it was far from midnight: "What are your New Year's resolutions?" Daniel looked at us with a grin, as he probably knew exactly like us that resolutions were for the ass. Who implemented them? By the second of January at the latest, these were always forgotten anyway.

"I don't have any," I confessed immediately. I preferred to save the time to look for one and then not to convert. In addition, I did not really understand the sense of why this was done on New Year's Day. You could do that on your birthday or any other day of the year. Just because a new year began, you didn't become a new person. Anyone who was otherwise not willing to let the resolutions become real would not do it in 2020.

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