Chapter 90

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With headphones in my ears, I sat on my train to Bern, as it was about the middle between Geneva and Lucerne, at least if you used public transport. I looked at the photos that my best friend had sent me of our apartment. Unlike me, she was there again today to get her room ready. On Wednesday we had only been able to start, after all, we had to go home at some point to sleep.

"Next stop, Bern Hauptbahnhof," a voice sounded through the loudspeaker. Which is why I took my things and got ready to get out. At the same time, I looked at my phone to read where Charlotte wanted to wait for me. Since her train was there a good 10 minutes earlier, she had specified the meeting point.

When I arrived, I got out and looked around, but I couldn't see the Monegassin anywhere. "Laura!" Frightened, I turned my head to the right, where the person I was looking for came running towards me. My grin widened when I embraced her.

"Do we want to go straight to the restaurant or stroll through the city a bit?" She wanted to know from me right away. Since it was already half past 12 we decided for the restaurant, which was already well filled. But we were lucky and got another table.

We immediately ordered wine: "And how is the long-distance relationship going?" Immediately I felt sick of what I was probably looking at.

"The first few weeks are the worst, at some point you get used to it a bit, but farewells don't get any easier. Every time I'm with Charles, I don't want to leave," she told me.

I returned her faint smile. "I would love to get on a plane and fly to him. Even if I don't live alone, it feels so empty when he's not with me. At night I wake up and feel to the right, but I don't find Lando, but the blank page."

"I know only too well, but you will fly back to him next Friday and you have enough to do until then. Focus on all the stuff, then you can enjoy the weekends with him without having to do anything else. How is your family doing? The lives in Monza?" She inquired.

There was already my next concern: "Good at the moment, my Nonna lives in isolation and doesn't go out anymore. Still, I'm afraid the virus seems to be spreading really fast." She nodded in agreement and took a sip of the wine.

"It will probably be here soon, after all, it is not far from the border. Charles and my family are already totally worried," my mother felt the same way. She had already instructed me not to visit my father anymore, which was no longer possible.

Since we wanted to raise the mood again, we started to talk about the positive things of the past weeks since New Year's Day. Above all, I told about the holidays, because otherwise not much positive had happened in my life.

Charlotte didn't seem to notice it much: "Charles and I were still in Dubai, it was so nice. We are with quads in the desert, it was very hot but also so beautiful. We absolutely have to do that sometimes. Maybe we can all go there together in the summer."

"Sounds like a lot of fun and the guys would certainly like it too," I replied. Since I have not yet thought about how I will do it now during the holidays, I wanted to say completely. Because I didn't want to neglect my biological parents just because I now had a boyfriend. Nevertheless, my parents knew as well as I did that at some point the time would come when I could no longer come to them during the holidays. Perhaps that time had come.

The Monegasque looked at me worriedly: "Something is depressing you, you haven't really been here all along, has something happened in the university?" It surprised me how well she already knew me that she noticed something like this.

I briefly thought about telling her everything about the guy and the threats and so on. I wanted to open my mouth and let the events out of me when I noticed someone in the corner of my eye. So I turned my head slightly to the side and looked past her, what I saw made my mouth close again. Because that's where the guy stood and looked at me insistently. Immediately I realized that I couldn't drag Charlotte in and had to protect her. Even though I liked to talk to someone about it.

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