chapter 22

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I didn't get much sleep because my body was confused by the jet lag. In addition, I had slept on the plane for a really long time. Lando was no different, so we left the hotel after ten o'clock. We went briefly to the Russo Hotel so that Lando could also put on fresh things.

"Where are we going now?" I wanted to know about Lando. He grin only wide on me and took my hand in his. I could really get used to it because it felt really great to walk around. Lando probably did this rather, so as not to lose me in the crowd.

The houses were huge, not that I had never seen skyscrapers, but it was overwhelming every time. Lando almost had to pull me along so that I didn't always stop and look into the sky. But the Briton seemed to be in a hurry, even though we still had time. Our two teams had scheduled the meeting at 3 a.m. in the respective hotel lobbies.

I was confused when I could see the racetrack: "You haven't had enough of the racetrack yet, and now you want to go there in your spare time." Since I hadn't said anything until now, the Briton looked at me surprised, but quickly shook his head.

"At the moment, the route is still freely accessible, at least for the most part. There is a coffee shop on the track, which is just heavenly, there I want and to the Ferris wheel," explained a lot. I really needed a coffee, my last one was in England. Through the other time zone, I had no idea how long ago this was, let's just say too long. I definitely had a coffee problem, but it kept my circulation going.

The light wind coming from the river from time to time was just perfect. It wasn't even so the heat was unbearable, the high humidity was worse. I was all the more pleased when we entered The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, inside the air conditioning was running up.

I had wanted to loosen my hand from Lando because I had noticed people's eyes. They all knew who the Briton was, which was probably due to the posters of the drivers. It was almost unpleasant to me, but my companion didn't seem to bother. I probably thought too much about it. I tried to relax next to Lando, which was really hard.

"Do you want another bun or something?" Lando wanted to know from me. I just shook my head and tried to ignore all these looks at us. Lando and I weren't even together, and everyone was already looking at me with big, sometimes nasty looks. I am aware that Lando is popular and that I have made enemies. It really wasn't pleasant for me, so I really broke away from Lando.

I really wasn't comfortable anymore: "I'm waiting outside." He seemed confused at first but nodded to me. Later he would certainly talk to me about it, only in the shop it was the wrong place for it. To get down, I put a cigarette in my mouth again. I leaned against a post and pulled on the thing in my mouth. I slowly let the smoke out of me, and I felt myself calm downing.

I kept my eyes closed and tried to imagine something beautiful, automatically memories of the night in London came to mind. A slight smile was placed on my lips, but it died when the cigarette disappeared from my hand. Frightened, I opened my eyes and saw Lando in front of me. He had taken the deadly stimulant out of my hand and threw it on the floor. The eyes of the surrounding people were back on us. At the post I tried to make myself a little smaller, which the Briton didn't really notice.

"Do you want to kill yourself? This thing is pure poison, do you care about your health?" he looked at me without understanding. He had come closer to me, so that he was now close to me and I pushed myself even more against the wall. I would have preferred to have run away now, because I felt slightly constricted by the whole situation.

Out of panic, my brain said goodbye and I pushed Lando away from me a bit: "You're neither my friend nor my father, what's it about you then. I can smoke and eat as much as I want, you have nothing to say to me!" Before he could say anything else, I ran off. Tears ran down my cheeks, it had just been too much for me.

Pretty quickly I arrived at a park, which was only a few streets away from the track. Feeling a little safer, I slowed down again. I quickly wiped away my tears and tried to tear myself together. Without a plan, I walked through the park and tried not to pay attention to the people. Only in a square in front of an old house did I stop and look down on the green area.

I didn't notice the vibration of my phone, I just wanted to have my rest. The thought of going back to the hotel was horrible to me, because I was already uncomfortable with how I had left Lando standing. I was supposed to and wanted to clarify it, but I was afraid of it. Probably I had stumbled upon the British, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't want to hear from me anymore. Likewise, I've always managed to get the people who meant me the most.

When my phone didn't want to stop ringing, I took it out: "Finally, all good with you, where are you?" Claire sounded stressed; she was probably really worried. What I could understand after looking at the clock, I was already more than a quarter of an hour late.

"I'm so sorry, I wanted to look around the city and I forgot the time. I'm close to the track, can we meet there?" I felt horrible. I could hear Claire telling the others that she had reached me. When she agreed with me, I was already on my way to the racetrack. I was almost scared, after all, I didn't know what to expect.

I passed the entrance for the teams and was already prepared for everything, but not that Lando would almost rip me to the ground. I hadn't even seen him coming, he had already taken me firmly in his arms and pressed it against his chest. I couldn't react so quickly, he looked at me in tears.

"Don't do that again, you know what a shock I had? George had called me because you were nowhere. I'm sorry I got involved in your life. You are old enough to decide for yourself whether you smoke or not. Only you are so important to me and smoking is really unhealthy. From now on I will keep myself out, only never run away again in a foreign city", this boy was only too sweet.

Without anything, I pressed back to his chest and nodded slightly. Because of him I also had tears in my eyes, what does this boy do to me. When he cried, I had to cry and when he laughs, I have to laugh. His smell was like an intoxicant and I couldn't get enough of it.

Our embrace was immediately interrupted: "Laura!" I broke out of Lando's arms and turned around, where the Williams team came up to me. That would probably make it even worse and rightly so.

"I'm so sorry, I'll never be too late. I don't know how this could have happened, I'm actually over-on-time, and I don't forget appointments," the team leader didn't let me talk. Because she, too, just took me in her arms.

Then she took two to three steps back: "Do you really know what we've been worried about? Nobody knew where you were, we thought we had to ask in the hospitals. I already had the worst pictures in my head." Ashamed I looked on the floor, something like this had never happened to me, and it will never happen to me again.

Claire probably thought my bad conscience was enough as punishment, because for her, it was now eaten. Next to George, I walked her into the Williams building. There we would go through the rules of the line. Apparently, there were special rules for each route, which made it even harder for me to look through.

I sat at the head of the table, Claire next to me and opposite Michael. We all had headsets on, so we could communicate without screaming. The opposing teams were also on the field, we don't want to betray our super tactics to everyone. We're probably one of the teams that could have done the meeting outside and nobody would have been interested. Sad, but true, we could have given leaflets to the other teams, and they would have needed them to heat. Well, maybe not to heat up, because it was already warm enough, but you know for sure what I mean by that.

Like some others, I wrote down the concerns so that I could write them off later on the computer and then neatly give them to the mechanics and give. As an assistant to Claire or, as you might call my position, it was my job to keep the record. Every now and then I threw something into the room, but mostly I preferred to stay still, because I didn't feel so safe with the matter.

The air conditioning had done a fantastic job in the building, because when I got out of the building, it almost killed me. For a moment I had also briefly turned a little black, but I quickly caught myself again. Outside it was already dark, but the humidity was very high. I was one of the last to go back to the hotel. George had tried to drag me along two hours ago, but I still had paperwork to do.

"I thought you weren't coming anymore," a scream emanated from my throat. My heart had probably thought about just stopping beating but had decided to keep going. So, I could now see the culprit.

When I realized who had scared me so much, my anger had faded. Feelings of guilt for my outburst this lunchtime came up again. I just looked at him and didn't know where to start. I wanted to explain so much to the British, but I was scared. Fear that he would leave me. Only Mirella knew about everything in my life, and only because she had always been there. She had grown up in the apartment below us and was two days younger than me, we had done everything together. From the first steps to the first day at the university.

Lando wanted to start speaking, but I came before him: "Not here, I promise to explain it to you, but not here. You don't have to feel anything more, it was my fault alone. Just because I'm afraid to be disappointed."

"Too often we apologize to the other person, we should probably just get to know each other better. How about date number two?" the Briton asked me. He had come closer to me. I could only shine wide in front of me.

"I thought you would go and never see me again because I overreacted so much and not for the first time," I had to remember the first evening. It had ended quite painfully for me. Lando probably had the same idea, because he tried to stop laughing.

He put one hand on my cheek: "Actually, you are very sweet when you freak out." It was so clichéd that I had to start laughing. This boy had probably seen too many movies. I haven't seen anyone who was cute when he freaked out. Such a thing existed only in the teenage romances.

"How many romantic films have you seen so far?" I still had to laugh. Embarrassed, the Briton scratched his head and then explained to me that he still had two younger sisters. That explained this to me with the movies.

To distract him, he immediately reached out to me: "Would the lady pay tribute to me and accompany me on a date?" He had also bowed slightly, just as it had been done a few decades ago.

"With great pleasure, Mr. Norris", played, I put my hand in his. With my plaster hand I tried to throw my hair back but didn't work so well. So, we walked along the racetrack laughing.

Pleas check my second Story, Do you belive in forever (Max Verstappen)

That was my last update in 2020, lets hope 21 will get better. Stay save and have a nice new years evening. 


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