Chapter 93

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Undecided, I stood in front of the mirror and didn't know what to do with my hair: "You look breathtaking." Lando had stepped behind me and hugged me from behind. Through the mirror I smiled at him and just enjoyed his warmth.

"I could stand here with you for hours," I confessed to my friend. But we both knew we couldn't do that because they were waiting for us in Wantage. Actually, they would just wait for me, but since everything was agreed with Claire, they were somehow also waiting for Lando.

Lando gave me a kiss on the right cheek before it came loose: "In twenty minutes we have to go at the latest, can you make it to then?" With a telling look, I turned to the door and looked my friend in the eye. Defensively, he raised his hands and walked out of the room laughing.

Immediately I started to tie my upper half of the hair together and then squeeze into my high heels. I really hated the things, but what do you want to do as a woman, you just had to go through it. In front of the mirror I plucked the pink part of the dress, which started at my waist and then to the floor. It was open at the front from a little above my knees.

With a pink handbag I went down the stairs, where Lando looked at me grinning and probably waited: "I think today I could stay at home, because probably no one will pay attention to me. You're just breathtaking." With a kiss I thanked for the compliment.

"Can we?" he wanted to know from me. I just nodded and followed him down into the garage, while he also closed this door to the apartment, I had already sat down in the car. As soon as I sat down, I took off my shoes again, because I wanted to spare my feet a bit, the evening would be long enough.

When Lando was behind the wheel, we could finally go to Wantage, which was not too far away with just over an hour. At least I thought it was okay, although McLaren would of course be closer, which is logical since it had only been Lando's house at first.

The closer the Williams factory came, the more uncomfortable and nervous Lando seemed to become: "All right with you?" I had probably gotten him out of his thoughts, because he probably hadn't heard my question. So I repeated them again.

"Yes, all the best. But I've never been the accompaniment, otherwise I'm always the center of attention, which is why I don't know exactly what I have to do," he confessed to me. I couldn't resist a grin, because it was kind of sweet how much the new role unsettled him.

"Just stay with me and smile nicely into the cameras, talk to sponsors from time to time. That's all you have to do, you'll probably be able to do that," I gave him instructions. He nodded but still seemed nervous. It was probably important that he made a good impression as my companion, although everyone could already do him. Maybe not in person, but everyone had seen him on TV.

Arriving at the gate, Lando had to stop briefly, so I leaned forward a bit and because man greeted, we were allowed to drive to the site: "Where should I park?" I guided him to my parking lot, which I didn't really need and still had.

"I've never been to another factory," he now curiously escaped. So that I wouldn't lose him, as he looked around closely, even though we weren't even in the building yet.

As soon as the doors had opened and we had entered, I found myself in The arms of Claire: "You have really missed here in the last few weeks, without you it is only half as beautiful." My boss started raving.

"And welcome, Lando. How does it compare to McLaren, can we stand up to it?" Claire teased my friend. He smiled at her kindly, but didn't seem to feel quite as comfortable as usual. Probably because he couldn't really assess my boss because he didn't really know her. They had already talked, but it had always remained superficial.

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