Chapter 63

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In recent days, Lando had realized that his idea might not have been as thoughtful as he had thought. As I said, Campari and Soda were still puppies and thus playful. My friend kept running after one of them because they had stolen something he needed. Since the two were Newfoundlanders, they were also bigger than other puppies and came so also on our sofa or depending on the also on a chair and so on table.

Campari had chosen Lando's office chair as his favorite place in his streaming room, and this had become quite a problem for Lando. I had enjoyed the spectacle with great fun when my friend tried to get our dog off his chair. But he didn't think about going from his favorite place and so the two almost got into contention.

Soda, on the other hand, loved to cuddle with me on the couch and play in the garden. So slowly we had a rhythm out that worked with the food and pink rhythm of the two. Mishaps still happened, but this was probably part of the case with puppies.

We decided to fly to Abu Dhabi so that we took one each and of course I chose Soda. Both were really good dogs, but by cuddling on the couch, soda had definitely become my little girl, while the boys had their hate/love.

"Well, who are you?" asked George of Soda. She sat beside me and almost slept again. It had probably been too early for her, but our plane went at half past seven and so we got up shortly after five. While I had finished packing, Lando had gone with both of them a round of Gassi, so that we could at least get into the planes with an empty bubble.

I looked down at George and Soda: "This is soda, Campari is with Lando." So I had the attention of George and so many others around us. He looked at me in dismay, which I could understand in part.

"Seriously? You baptized your dogs Campari and Soda?" I said in the affirmative. I was still fully behind the idea and so often the names were said, so it became more normal. It almost felt like normal names, as often as Lando had called them. He was mostly upset, which in turn made me laugh.

Richard one of the mechanics shook his head in disbelief: "Hopefully they won't be bullied by other dogs because of their names." For this he got the laughs from the others who agreed with him. But I just twisted my eyes.

"We could have called them Alpha and Romeo or Toro and Rosso. Would it have been better?" I was slightly snapped. What also Robert noticed, who put a hand on my shoulder. That's why I looked at him now, he had something fatherly about him, but we still had a certain distance.

He looked at me cheerfully: "So I don't find Campari and Soda bad for dogs, and I also like the drink. But you could have called her Claire and Frank." I thought about his proposal briefly and then I was sure that it would be a bit weird if the dogs were called Claire and Frank.

"I think it would be a bit weird if the dogs were called Claire and Frank. Imagine I call for the little one and Claire would feel addressed every time. It's probably better if the names don't have anything to do with motorsport, and the names are already fixed," I explained. This discussion was also eaten and all but George turned to their conversations again.

Since McLaren would start in front of us, they were just at the security check and right at the boarding. That's why we had to wait, nor were we still full, because our meeting time was only in five minutes. So I could confidently sit down with George on this chair/bench and talk to us. Soda had made itself comfortable among us on the ground.

"Where is Seychelle?" I suddenly noticed. Since almost all the friends and women would be there in Abu Dhabi, I thought they would fly with us. At the big dinner/apero I just wanted to be alone, where Charles had already asked me to be there for his girlfriend, but what if I didn't like her. I also wanted to see the girls again, who knows when I could see them again when I studied.

George laughed: "Did you notice that she's not here? She flies after Friday night because she's still in college." I slapped my hand on my forehead, which I could have come to myself. At least George was amused by my stupidity.

"I was distracted because of the name-depatter, excuse me. Did you talk to her about Charlotte?" Alex and George had promised Charles. But I doubted the success of a conversation with the two of them, as they stopped completely to Giada.

George escaped a loud and heavy exhalation: "I have, but it really wasn't easy. But since I told her that you wanted to give Charlotte a chance, she eventually gave in. It was unconvincing, but better than nothing. I think Alex couldn't get out, the three of them weren't even so good friends."

"Not? I thought they were pretty fat, at least the way they talked about Giada and cursed about Charles," I was a little surprised. Just as Seychelle and Lily had talked about Giada, I really thought the three of them were good friends.

George shook his head: "They knew each other well and talked to each other at events, but they never met privately. Nor have I ever seen her on the phone as you do. Only when they were all three in a race did they do something, but otherwise they were more well known." I nodded and looked straight.

"Be that as it may, they are convinced that they do not like Charlotte out of solidarity with Giada. To be honest, I can understand her a little bit, Charles certainly didn't do himself any favours. The best friend is taboo or at least you wait longer than 4 weeks," I just nodded again. What should I say, because I saw it the same way, but I wanted to give Charlotte a chance. In addition, I had decided never to judge a person too quickly, especially if I didn't know them personally.

Our conversation was abruptly ended by Claire and our team because they were now going to the security check. Since we had a private plane, it was no problem that soda came forward. I would never have allowed her to enter the hold, animals didn't belong there and puppies certainly didn't belong.

During the start I had taken her on my lap, where she had also fallen asleep. I had carefully placed her on the empty seat opposite me afterwards, because it just gave me too warm. So I was able to devote myself to my studies and immediately took out a book my bag. To be able to concentrate better, I put the headphones in my ear.

Frightened, I drove up because something had hit me. Sleepy I looked to the right to George, who had woken me up. I had probably fallen asleep after half of the book, which my book told me on the lap. Asking, I looked at George and once pulled out my earplugs so I could hear him.

"We're right there, and I wanted to bring you soda back. Did you know that she is not yet stub-clean?, I took my to me and nodded to him. When I saw a stain on his pants, I also understood why, he said that and I couldn't help but laugh.

Luckily, he didn't take this badly from me and could laugh at the misfortune. Of course, I apologized for the mishap, but George just wavered. I was grateful to him for that, others would have made a big theatre about it.

As I took soda back on my lap, George sat next to me: "I wanted to ask you something else. Could you ask Seychelle what she wants for Christmas. I have ideas, but I want her to really like it."

"What were you thinking?" I immediately wanted to know about him. Inside, I hoped that the idea could also be used in a boy. The birthday present had been difficult enough, but now I needed a present for Christmas. At least I had 11 months of rest and time to come up with two gifts for Lando.

George stroked soda through the fur: "I thought of a chain that you can open at the trailer and there's a photo of her and me inside, on the back still the date I fell in love with her." I already knew that he was romantic, but this idea was so beautiful.

'I don't have to ask Seychelle which woman wouldn't be happy about it. It's so romantic George, no woman could resist," I enthused. This idea was really nice, but unfortunately useless for me. I couldn't give Lando a necklace with a photo because he didn't like chains and was generally not a guy for it.

George leaned back: "I just want the perfect gift, please ask her something. But don't make it too conspicuous." Outraged, I looked at my best friend as if I was doing something conspicuous, I'm not a beginner. How one got from other information without him noticing, I could too.

'If you haven't noticed it yet, I'm not blonde. I know how to stay inconspicuous," I immediately replied. George raised his eyebrows and pretended to doubt it, so I gave him a blow to the shoulder.

As best he could, he pulled me over: "You're the best, if I didn't have Seychelle and you Lando, I wouldn't consider sending you to data. Whereby, then I wouldn't have my best friend anymore and I would have my boss data, which would be really weird. Maybe I wouldn't give you, but hopefully you know what I meant."

"Already understood," I said with a laugh. George also smiled at me and pressed me again before we were allowed to buckle down. Slowly the plane arrived at one sleeve and we were able to leave the plane.

Soda I had taken on my arm because the aisles were just too narrow and she was still a puppy. Even though she was still a puppy, she was already damn heavy and big, so I got even more sweaty.

"Campari leave my backpack alone!" I had to start laughing. At the baggage claim Lando was just riding with our other puppy, who had grabbed his backpack. Unlike me, Lando hadn't turned his back on a leash, so he was able to follow Campari nicely. He probably felt the whole thing as a funny game and kept running away from him.

As nice as we were all, we just laughed and watched the action. Until Campari had seen me and soda and came to us, he had also dropped off the backpack. Our puppies greeted each other with joy and I also crawled behind the racker once behind the ear.

Lando had come to us easily out of breath: "This puppy is still getting me ready, he can't even sit quietly for five minutes, unless it's my gaming chair. Maybe I shouldn't have taken puppies." He gave me a short kiss to greet me, but I couldn't suppress a smile.

"I don't know what you have, soda was pretty good. Only she pinched George, but otherwise she was calm and good. In addition, there are still puppies Lando, clearly they can't stay calm yet, they just want to play", Lando looked at me horrified.

"On the return flight I get soda and you take Campari," he immediately clarified. Since I had nothing against it, I agreed. But I wouldn't fly straight back to England because I had to go to Switzerland first. On Saturday in a week were the exams I had to pass and therefore I would not fly to London until a week later.

If Campari accompanied me, the separation from Lando was hopefully only half as bad as I have someone to take care of. There was Also Mirella, but she had to go to university herself during the week and so she didn't really have time. With the abortion everything had gone smoothly, so she could continue as normal as if nothing had ever happened.

Since McLaren already had their luggage, Lando had to go again: "Do we see each other later?" I nodded and pressed Lando on another kiss, which he is only too happy to reciprocate. Before he disappeared with Campari, he quickly slammed into George and waved at us.

"I already love these dogs," George escaped. Because Campari had bitten himself in the jacket of Lando and wanted to play rope goals with my friend, but he tried to get on the bus with Campari. Even through the discs, I might swear I've heard Lando. Laughing, George and I then turned to the baggage claim.

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