Chapter 96

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Together with George I was lying on the couch when I heard the door. Immediately I jumped up, hoping that it was Mirella. Even though we had never argued so fiercely, I hoped for reconciliation, but this was not in my hands. I would have to tell her everything, but I would rather die than put her in even more danger.

Slowly the door opened and not Mirella but Lando now stood in it: "I am looking forward to seeing you too." He said sarcastically when he could see the disappointment on my face.

"Sorry, I was just hoping you were Mirella," he looked at me confused. When George came out of the living room, he was really confused. Since he probably did not expect his buddy here and knew something must have happened that he was with me.

George went up to him and struck with him: "What did I miss? Why aren't you in England and what about Mirella?" Questioningly, he looked back and forth between his best friend and me.

"Had an argument with Mirella and since you were not available, I had called George. Before I could even explain what had happened, he had already boarded a plane," I told my friend about what he had missed.

Surprised, he looked at me: "Why have you argued so much that she obviously hasn't appeared yet?" He took off his jacket while expecting an answer from me.

"First about my mood, then her driving style and finally about the fact that I don't tell her everything," I kept it short. I wanted to forget the argument and especially Mirella's words. It still hurt that she put me on a par with my family, even though she didn't even know all the details. Yes, there may have been parallels, but they had opted for the mafia shit, I just had to bathe it out without having done anything.

Before anyone could say anything, the TV caught my attention: "First corona cases in Switzerland. This morning the FOPH confirmed that there were first cases in Graubünden, this is a family from Italy who are currently on ski holidays here."

I ignored the boys and quickly went to the living room where the news on the TV was coming. Spellbound, I stared at the thing and took nothing else. Not even that the two of them had followed me.

"Laura? What is going on? What is this report about?", since it was SRF, the two of course did not understand anything. But I wanted to take a quick look at this message before I would translate the messages to them.

Worried, I looked from the TV to the two Brits: "There are the first Corona cases in Switzerland. All these people were in Italy or China, but it won't be long before you can understand it." This realization frightened me, because it was all just a matter of time.

"Laura don't worry. Just because it broke out in Italy, it doesn't have to be the same here. In addition, it is not really dangerous for us boys, more like a flu," George tried to calm me down.

Slightly angry, I looked at him, "Like the flu? Have you ever seen the pictures of Italy? My family lives there from Dad's side, who knows if my Nonna will survive that! In addition, there have already been enough pictures of young people who have more than just a flu. The hospitals are more than just overcrowded and so many people are dying. I'm all right to worry, because my family is right there."

"Laura", Lando sat down next to me, "He didn't mean it that way. But worrying about it doesn't do anyone any good, we can't control the virus. All we can do is be careful and limit our personal contacts. Italy was surprised by the virus, but Switzerland had time to prepare.

Without further ado, George simply turned off the TV: "We should rather concentrate on the now and with positive things than such negative future prospects that may never come."

Somewhere he was right, because I couldn't change it before. In addition, there were enough things in my life that needed my attention more, as well as the two Brits before me.

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