Chapter 83

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With Campari's leash in one hand and my suitcase in the other, I tried to open the hotel room door. At that moment, I hated myself for refusing the help of a pageboy because I didn't want to be seen as spoiled.

Lando had already cursed me in the elevator and probably just enjoyed the fact that I was also cursing: "Is the pride still worth so much to you that you refuse help?" Sometimes I wish I really had a little less pride, and this was such a moment.

"You won. Next time we'll accept the help," I said quietly. But both he and I knew I probably wouldn't do it. Too many times in the past I had been labeled a spoiled child, and as a result I had developed the instinct to prove to everyone that I was not. Just because my two families were wealthy, I knew what normal life was like. Adriana had always raised me grounded, and I was grateful for that.

A nice double room came out from behind the door, but I couldn't really look at it because I had to concentrate on Campari: "Wait, we'll go out right away where you can do what ever you want or need to do." The little rogue had tried to get to the bed, although he knew that every bed was taboo for him.

"But first I want to get some sleep!" determined Lando. Since we had gone to bed late yesterday and left early this morning, my friend was still tired. Admittedly, I did, but I didn't want to oversleep the little time I had with him. So I would lie awake next to him while he really needed sleep.

Soda seemed to see it the same way as Lando because she immediately made herself comfortable on the small armchair and closed her eyes. But Campari could not stand still, with his teddy in his mouth he ran back and forth.

Since the little one would not give rest, I sighed: "I'm going out with Campari before, we can meet in the city if you have rested enough." Since Lando was so tired, he didn't mind and just lay down in bed.

I, on the other hand, reconnected Campari and left the room with my mobile phone. I checked my messages briefly, saw one of Claire's, but I just didn't feel like bad news. So I just ignored her, even though she was my boss. During the holidays, you could not be reachable and spend the time without thinking about the job.

Since there was nothing going on on the beach, I dared to let the little one off the leash and settle down in the sand. "Well, princess, do you enjoy the days off?" A well-known voice sounded next to me. Slowly I was no longer frightened by Maison when he suddenly reappeared next to me.

"How do you know where I always fly?" I just wanted to know. The fact that he persecuted me almost didn't bother me, but I still wondered where he got the information from. Often I had thought about his words and resigned myself to the thought of belonging to a mafia family. Not that I thought it was great, but they were always so nice to me. Just because I knew everything now didn't change who they were or how they were to me. Maybe I tried again to heal myself from the pain they had caused in me.

He lit a cigarette: "From good sources that you don't know better. We don't want anything to happen to you. What was your mother's food like?" How I hated it when he made you normal and behaved like a good friend. At the same time, however, how my family patronized me.

"Good," I got up with it. I wanted to get away from him because I was tired of people who always kept things quiet from me. Each of them treated me like a small child who was not old enough to handle the truth. But I was no longer a child and wanted to know the whole truth, no matter how painful it was, because I deserved to know it. To know what I had gotten into.

Maison blew the smoke out of his lungs: "You can't run away, Laura. I'm not the only one looking at you. Every step you take is observed, there are many people who want revenge. Parents who have lost their children to your uncle. In our world, it's an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. That's why I'm always close to you. As a deterrent as well as for protection."

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